
An Obscure Fantasy World

An Obscure Fantasy World. —————————————————— [Dragons + Magic + Leveling System + Overpowered MC + Mysteries of This World] Venturing through dungeons trying to level up, Fixia accidentally entered a boss room. That room had the strongest creature in the world, A Void Dragon. A being unbeatable by the humans. Fixia accepts her fate of death. There's no way she can escape this. But unexpectedly instead of killing Fixia the Void Dragon advises her how to level up and be more efficient. It tells her to use only her raw strength no armour or weapons. Fixia having no choice either dying by the dragon or from fighting without gear. She attacked a monster didn't hoping to win, maybe doing some damage. But the monster died from one punch evaporated without having a chance to fight back. Fixia couldn't believe her strength, her level increasing rapidly the Dragon's method was too effective. But there was one problem with this method, which is you need to constantly level up or your body will lose control and go berserk. —————————————————— This story is a journey of Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy who are trying to find more about this obscure fantasy world. How much is hidden and how much is known, the world is not the same as you know it. ——————————————————

Scriptel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

The Dragon's Entertainment!

As Fixia drifted deeper into her slumber, her dreams transported her back to that fateful day when she encountered the Void Dragon. The memories of their conversation resurfaced, etching vivid images in her mind.

In the dream-like flashback, Fixia stood before the awe-inspiring presence of the dragon, its immense form dominating the chamber. The dragon's voice resonated with ancient wisdom as it spoke, imparting knowledge that would forever shape Fixia's path.

"But everything comes at a cost, and this is not an exemption,"

The dragon warned, its voice carrying a weight of caution.

Fixia's eyes widened, captivated by the dragon's words. The dragon revealed the peril that came with the method of leveling up it had taught her. It was a double-edged sword, offering tremendous power, but at the risk of losing control and causing widespread destruction.

"The path you have chosen is potent, perhaps too potent,"

The dragon continued.

"With this method you level up too fast."

"Your body may not be able to handle the immense power, and you may succumb to a state of berserk."

"In that state, you will lose control, wreaking havoc on anything in your path."

The weight of the revelation settled upon Fixia's shoulders, filling her with a mix of apprehension and determination. The dragon explained that to overcome this potential danger, she would need to continue leveling up in this manner. She will have to defeat stronger opponents, gain levels, and continue on this path until she reached level 100, at which point her body would be able to harness and control the immense power within.

Fixia's mind whirled with conflicting thoughts. The dragon's words had struck her with a sense of urgency and purpose. She couldn't ignore the warning, nor could she dismiss the responsibility that came with it. A sense of isolation washed over her, as she realized the burden she now carried. It was a secret she couldn't share with Sylphia, for fear of putting her in danger or causing her unnecessary worry.

Unbeknownst to Fixia, the Void Dragon had set a trap in motion. It had planned this from the beginning, waiting for the right moment to ensnare her in its scheme. Fixia had unwittingly walked into the dragon's snare, unaware of the challenges and obstacles that lay in her path.

Now, as she woke from her slumber, Fixia's mind raced with a newfound understanding of her relentless pursuit of leveling up. It wasn't merely a desire for strength or recognition. It was a matter of survival. If she didn't continue to level up, to conquer increasingly formidable foes, the risk of losing control and turning into a destructive force loomed over her.

She glanced at her reflection in the mirror, meeting her own determined gaze. The weight of her destiny settled upon her shoulders, a mantle she had accepted willingly but with trepidation. There was no turning back now. She had to push forward, leveling up as quickly as possible, reaching level 100 before the darkness within her took hold.

In the depths of her thoughts, Fixia wondered if she should have confided in Sylphia, shared the burden she carried. But deep down, she knew that Sylphia's unwavering support and caring nature would compel her to find a way out, to protect Fixia from harm. And in this situation, there might be no escape, no solution that would alleviate the risks they faced.


(This is in the part before meeting the dragon. The void Dragon was watching as Fixia ventured through the dungeon.)

As Fixia ventured deeper into the treacherous depths of the dungeon, unbeknownst to her, the Void Dragon watched her every move with keen interest. The dragon observed her skills, recognizing her potential but deeming her in need of a little push to fully unlock her capabilities.

With a flick of its ethereal tail, the dragon used its ancient magic to subtly alter the layout of the dungeon, guiding Fixia towards its very chamber. It wanted to meet her, to test her determination and witness firsthand whether she possessed the fortitude to handle the leveling method it had to offer.

Fixia's encounter with the Void Dragon was no accident. The dragon had orchestrated this meeting, manipulating the dungeon to draw her towards its presence. It saw something in her, a spark that intrigued and captivated its ancient soul. And now, it was time to put her to the test.

Meanwhile, in present times, the Void Dragon, utilizing its immense magical powers, observed Fixia's journey from the depths of its lair. Its eyes glowed with a mixture of amusement and admiration as it witnessed her battle with Georyy. The dragon had taken a keen interest in Fixia's progress, even going so far as to put a spell on those boys to challenge her. It wanted to gauge her strength, her determination, and witness the depths of her potential.

As Fixia fought valiantly against the boys, the dragon marveled at her prowess. It was impressed by how effortlessly she dispatched them, demonstrating not only her raw power but also her strategic thinking. The dragon's amusement grew, finding a sense of entertainment in Fixia's journey and the battles she faced.

To the Void Dragon, Fixia was more than just a student on a quest for power. She was a source of intrigue and fascination, a vessel through which it could witness the unfolding of a remarkable story. The dragon reveled in the challenges it had set before her, observing her growth and evolution with rapt attention.

As the dragon watched, a smile crossed its draconic features. It relished the role it played in Fixia's journey, using her as a means of entertainment and enlightenment. For the Void Dragon, Fixia's progress was a source of amusement, a captivating tale of determination and inner strength.

But little did Fixia know the true extent of the dragon's involvement in her journey. She remained unaware of the dragon's manipulations and the hidden tests it had set before her. As she continued to strive for power, unaware of the dragon's watchful gaze, she would unknowingly move closer to her ultimate destiny—a destiny that would test her resolve, her character, and her ability to overcome the challenges that lay ahead.

With a final glance at Fixia, the Void Dragon allowed a deep chuckle to reverberate through the chamber. Its amusement knew no bounds as it continued to guide and challenge Fixia, forever intertwined in a dance of fate and destiny.

The dragon is enjoying its time, using Fixia as a mean of entertainment, and it's having a lot of Fun.