
An Obscure Fantasy World

An Obscure Fantasy World. —————————————————— [Dragons + Magic + Leveling System + Overpowered MC + Mysteries of This World] Venturing through dungeons trying to level up, Fixia accidentally entered a boss room. That room had the strongest creature in the world, A Void Dragon. A being unbeatable by the humans. Fixia accepts her fate of death. There's no way she can escape this. But unexpectedly instead of killing Fixia the Void Dragon advises her how to level up and be more efficient. It tells her to use only her raw strength no armour or weapons. Fixia having no choice either dying by the dragon or from fighting without gear. She attacked a monster didn't hoping to win, maybe doing some damage. But the monster died from one punch evaporated without having a chance to fight back. Fixia couldn't believe her strength, her level increasing rapidly the Dragon's method was too effective. But there was one problem with this method, which is you need to constantly level up or your body will lose control and go berserk. —————————————————— This story is a journey of Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy who are trying to find more about this obscure fantasy world. How much is hidden and how much is known, the world is not the same as you know it. ——————————————————

Scriptel · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Chaos!

Fixia, Sylphia, and Georyy stood in awe at the breathtaking scenery before them. The world they had known, the Kingdom of Gawsyphrus, was now above them, seemingly upside down. It was a surreal sight, as if they had stepped into a different dimension altogether.

The land below them was unlike anything they had ever seen. It was a realm of vibrant colors and strange landscapes, with floating islands, cascading waterfalls, and forests that seemed to stretch on forever. The air was filled with an otherworldly energy, and the ground beneath their feet felt different, almost alive with an ancient power.

"This is incredible."

Sylphia whispered, her eyes wide with wonder.

"I can't believe we're really here, beneath the platform."

Fixia nodded, her heart pounding with excitement and trepidation.

"It's like a whole new world has opened up to us."

Georyy, usually composed, seemed just as awestruck.

"I never imagined the Quirat Move would lead us to such a place."

"But well, my dream has come true."

"Now, I don't know what to do..."

"Return to our platform or, investigate the bottom."

"As it seems like a completely different world.


As Fixia, Sylphia, and Georyy delved deeper into the world beneath the platform, the Kingdom of Gawsyphrus above experienced an unprecedented event—the Quirat Move. The people don't know, appearance of another platform aligning with theirs. It had never happened before, and the people were thrown into confusion and chaos.

The citizens of Gawsyphrus, not aware of the existence of Quirat Move, were baffled by the strange phenomenon. The sudden alignment of the platforms created a surreal sight in the sky, with the world above turning upside down, and covering their world with darkness. Fear and uncertainty spread like wildfire, as no one understood the implications of this cosmic event.


In a luxurious mansion, a man burst into a room, slamming the door open with urgency.

"Do you see what's happening outside?"

He exclaimed, turning to face the woman standing near the window.

The woman, Fixia's mother, turned her gaze from the window to her husband, her expression mirroring his concern.

"Yes, I do,"

She replied with a tremor in her voice.

"I can't help but worry about Fixia."

The man paced back and forth, his worry etched across his face.

"What is going on today, how did another platform move above us?"

He muttered.

"And Fixia, she had, the tournament today too didn't she."

"I hope she's not out there somewhere amidst all this chaos."

"But I have a hunch she might be..."

Fixia's mother placed a comforting hand on her husband's shoulder.

"Our daughter is strong and capable,"

She said, trying to sound reassuring.

"She's been through tough battles before."

"I believe she'll be all right."

"But this is different."

The man insisted, stopping in his tracks.

"None of us have experienced anything like this before."

"It's unsettling."

As the couple continued to fret over the uncertain fate of their daughter, a sudden knock on the door interrupted their anxious thoughts. The butler entered the room, his expression grave.

"I've just heard some distressing news..."

He announced.

"What is it?"

Fixia's mother asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"There have been reports of students from the academy going missing after the tournament ended"

The butler informed them.

"No one seems to know where they've gone."

The parents exchanged alarmed glances.

"Could Fixia be one of them?"

The mother asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's possible..."

The butler replied solemnly.

"The academy is in chaos, and everyone is searching for answers."

Fixia's father clenched his fists in frustration.

"We can't just wait here,"

He declared.

"If Fixia has gone missing..."

"We have to find her, no matter what it takes."

His wife nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with determination.

"Let's confirm if she's missing or not..."

She suggested.

"We'll go to the academy and look for Fixia ourselves."


Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy had decided to advance further and see what lied beneath this platform. But before they could do that the platform started shaking, it was moving again.

The platform trembled and quaked, Fixia, Sylphia, and Georyy exchanged worried glances. They knew they had to act quickly to survive this sudden change. The gravity shifted once more, and now they found themselves falling upwards, towards the surface of the platform that was now above them. They falling from the bottom of the platform.

Fixia tried to muster her berserker skill once again, but her magical energy felt drained from the previous usage. Panic started to creep into her mind as she struggled to find a solution.

"Think, think!"

Sylphia urged, her voice tinged with urgency.

They falling, fast if they don't act they might meet their demise. Georyy tried to think of a solution and...

Georyy sprang into action, using his powerful wind magic to create a cushion of air beneath them. The three of them landed on the surface with a soft thud, grateful for Georyy's quick reflexes.

"Thanks, Georyy..."

Fixia gasped, trying to catch her breath.

"Your magic saved us."

Georyy seeming not worthy of praise replied.

"It's alright..."

"We got into this situation because of me in the first place."

"And you both were just accompanying me..."

"I'm sorry I didn't react before when we were falling."

"I was too absorbed at the sight..."