
An Obscure Fantasy World

An Obscure Fantasy World. —————————————————— [Dragons + Magic + Leveling System + Overpowered MC + Mysteries of This World] Venturing through dungeons trying to level up, Fixia accidentally entered a boss room. That room had the strongest creature in the world, A Void Dragon. A being unbeatable by the humans. Fixia accepts her fate of death. There's no way she can escape this. But unexpectedly instead of killing Fixia the Void Dragon advises her how to level up and be more efficient. It tells her to use only her raw strength no armour or weapons. Fixia having no choice either dying by the dragon or from fighting without gear. She attacked a monster didn't hoping to win, maybe doing some damage. But the monster died from one punch evaporated without having a chance to fight back. Fixia couldn't believe her strength, her level increasing rapidly the Dragon's method was too effective. But there was one problem with this method, which is you need to constantly level up or your body will lose control and go berserk. —————————————————— This story is a journey of Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy who are trying to find more about this obscure fantasy world. How much is hidden and how much is known, the world is not the same as you know it. ——————————————————

Scriptel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


After the exhilarating assembly, the students dispersed, making their way to their respective classes. The classes are divided into 8 divisions, From Division A-H. The students are given their classes according to their grades in the entrance test.

Fixia and Sylphia found themselves in the F division, their class filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation for the lessons that awaited them. They took their seats, exchanging glances and sharing whispered conversations as they waited for the homeroom teacher to arrive.

Finally, the classroom door swung open, and their teacher stepped in, bringing an air of authority and knowledge with her.

"Good morning everyone!"

"I'm Lorraine, you can all call me as Prof. Lorraine"

She introduced herself, her stern demeanor making it clear that she expected discipline and dedication from her students. As she went through attendance, Sylphia couldn't help but make a comment about the uniqueness of the teacher's name, evoking a burst of laughter from the class.

Professor Lorraine's face turned red with anger, her voice thundering through the classroom as she scolded the students for their lack of respect. The laughter died down instantly, leaving an uncomfortable silence in its wake. Fixia, being accustomed to observing rather than actively participating, quietly observed the dynamics of the class, noting the importance of staying in the teacher's good graces.

During the break, Fixia and Sylphia wandered around the school, exploring the grand corridors and vibrant courtyards. Fixia's keen eye caught a glimpse of Georyy, surrounded by a group of students in a challenge duel. It was a 4-on-1 match, and Georyy stood alone, his confidence unwavering.

"That's Georyy the Top Student."

"It looks like he's having a dual."

"And he's against 4 people, but he's not even getting hit even once."

"That's quiet impressive."

Sylphia marveled at his skill, commenting on his impressive fighting prowess.

Fixia watched the duel with a mix of awe and caution. Georyy's every move showcased his extraordinary abilities, effortlessly overpowering his opponents without even breaking a sweat. As the challengers lay defeated on the ground, Georyy emerged unscathed, his victory leaving the watching students in awe. Fixia's previous thought of challenging him now seemed to carry a weight of uncertainty. Perhaps crossing paths with such an exceptional individual could have unforeseen consequences.

Days turned into weeks, and the Academy routine settled in. Fixia attended classes diligently, absorbing knowledge and refining her battle skills, she even increased some levels by venturing into dungeons and killing Higher level monsters, now she's level 29. Sylphia, driven by her natural sociability, found herself making new friends and engaging in various extracurricular activities.

As the Academy ended and everyone started going home.

"Ohh! Fixia, sorry I can't walk home together with you I have something to attend to."

"So bye bye!"

Sylphia said that she had some tasks to attend to, so she ran home without waiting for Fixia.

"I guess, I'll go home alone today."

Fixia, walking alone towards home,

"Huh! isn't that Georyy."

Fixia noticed Georyy walking towards a dense forest at the edge of the Academy grounds.

"What's he up to."

"Maybe I should follow him."

"Perhaps it's another dual challenge that he'll be having."

Intrigued by his actions, she decided to follow him, her curiosity pushing her forward into the unknown. The forest's shadowy depths concealed secrets and potential dangers, but Fixia's silent determination urged her to uncover what lay hidden within.

Moving cautiously, Fixia trailed behind Georyy, maintaining a safe distance to avoid detection. The forest's tranquil ambiance enveloped her, the rustling of leaves and gentle breeze heightening her senses. She wondered what could be drawing Georyy to this secluded location, his actions hinting at a hidden purpose beyond the public eye.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, Fixia's heart quickened, and a sense of anticipation tingled in her veins. She knew that her decision to follow Georyy could unravel a thread of destiny, intertwining her fate with his in unexpected ways. The forest whispered with mystery and possibility, promising both revelations and challenges that would test her resolve.

With every step, Fixia moved closer to the secrets that awaited her, unaware of the intricate web of events that would unfold, forever altering the trajectory of her journey through the Academy and revealing the true extent of her own latent potential. The path she had chosen led her into a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight, where Georyy stood alone, his gaze fixed on a hidden object in the center. Fixia observed him from a distance, her curiosity piqued by the intensity in his eyes and the aura of determination that radiated from him.

"It doesn't look like he's here for a dual."

"So what other reasons does he has."

Fixia thought.

As Fixia approached silently, she caught sight of what had captivated Georyy's attention—a towering ancient tree with gnarled branches, its trunk pulsating with an otherworldly energy. It emanated a subtle yet powerful presence, its roots seemingly intertwined with the very essence of magic itself.

Georyy extended his hand toward the tree, his palm glowing with a soft, ethereal light. Fixia watched in awe as the tree responded, its branches quivering as if in acknowledgement of his touch. There was a connection between them, a bond that transcended the ordinary.

In that moment, Georyy turned his gaze, meeting Fixia's eyes with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. She froze, uncertain of how he would react to her presence. To her surprise, Georyy's expression softened, and he motioned for her to approach.

Fixia cautiously stepped forward, drawn to the enigmatic aura surrounding both Georyy and the ancient tree. She felt a strange kinship with him, as if their paths had converged for a purpose yet to be revealed.

Georyy broke the silence, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

"You've been following me, haven't you,"

His words confirmed her suspicions, but there was no malice or anger in his tone.

Fixia nodded, her curiosity overriding any hesitation.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

"I was just passing by."

Fixia denied the allegations and came up with a sarcastic excuse.

Georyy made an annoyance face he made at her reply, but he calmed down.

"Passing by in this forest!"

"Is that all you could come up with for an excuse."

Georyy looked at her with doubtful look.

"Fine! I was following you."

"Because I thought you were going to have a dual challenge with someone."

"I just wanted to watch it."

"No other reasons."

Fixia gave up trying to lie as it was obvious and she told the truth.

"Ok, I don't really care."

"As you can see I came here to touch this tree."

"Touching it makes you calmer."

Georyy said why he was here.

"Ohh! that makes sense as you're always seem to be acting so haughty."

Fixia says with a sarcastic voice.

"Urg, so do you need anything."

Georyy asked.

"Umm, not really so I'll be going, so you can relax as much as you want."

"And don't worry I won't disclose this location to anybody."

"So bye bye."

Say that Fixia was going back, but then she remembered and came running towards Georyy.

"Ohh, I just remembered what I wanted,"

"I wanted to challenge you to a dual."

"But I'm not strong enough yet, so when I am would you accept my request for a dual."

Fixia asked with a serious look on her face, looking determined.

"In the beginning of the academy I said I will accept any and all requests for a dual."

"So if you challenge me, I will gladly accept, as I do need to satisfy my ego."

"But can I ask you for your name, so I can remember it."

Georyy looking at her talked like a wise man.

"Ohh! my name."

"My name is Fixia, Level 29, First year division F"

Fixia replied.

"Ok! I will remember it."
