
An Obscure Fantasy World

An Obscure Fantasy World. —————————————————— [Dragons + Magic + Leveling System + Overpowered MC + Mysteries of This World] Venturing through dungeons trying to level up, Fixia accidentally entered a boss room. That room had the strongest creature in the world, A Void Dragon. A being unbeatable by the humans. Fixia accepts her fate of death. There's no way she can escape this. But unexpectedly instead of killing Fixia the Void Dragon advises her how to level up and be more efficient. It tells her to use only her raw strength no armour or weapons. Fixia having no choice either dying by the dragon or from fighting without gear. She attacked a monster didn't hoping to win, maybe doing some damage. But the monster died from one punch evaporated without having a chance to fight back. Fixia couldn't believe her strength, her level increasing rapidly the Dragon's method was too effective. But there was one problem with this method, which is you need to constantly level up or your body will lose control and go berserk. —————————————————— This story is a journey of Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy who are trying to find more about this obscure fantasy world. How much is hidden and how much is known, the world is not the same as you know it. ——————————————————

Scriptel · Fantasy
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33 Chs

All-Round Battle

From the boys' perspective, they impatiently awaited Fixia's arrival at the designated battleground. Each boy exuded a unique personality, their expressions filled with haughty confidence.

Adrian, the brash and overbearing one, crossed his arms with an air of superiority.

"She's taking her sweet time, isn't she?"

He sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Daniel, the calculating strategist, smirked as he scanned the surroundings.

"She's probably second-guessing her decision to challenge us,"

He stated, his tone filled with smug certainty.

"It'll be an easy victory."

Meanwhile, from Fixia's perspective, she and Sylphia strolled through the academy grounds, discussing the upcoming battle. Sylphia's voice carried a hint of concern as she expressed her worries.

"Fixia, are you sure about this?"

"They seem so confident and arrogant,"

She cautioned, her voice filled with genuine care.

Fixia's expression remained calm and composed, her confidence unwavering.

"I've faced challenges before, Sylphia,"

She replied, her voice laced with quiet determination.

"Their overconfidence may be their downfall. I trust in my abilities."

As they arrived at the battlefield, the boys noticed Fixia's presence and couldn't resist a haughty remark. Adrian smirked and raised an eyebrow, his voice filled with overbearing confidence.

"Finally, you decided to grace us with your presence,"

He taunted, his tone dripping with arrogance.

"I started to think you got scared and ran away."

Fixia's response was composed yet firm, her voice carrying an unwavering resolve.

"I'm here to defeat you."

"And running away, I did think of that as your vice is just too annoying."

She declared, her words echoing with quiet determination.

"Let's see if your confidence matches your skills."

Sylphia observed the exchange, her eyes shifting between Fixia and the boys, concern mingling with an underlying trust in her friend's abilities. She knew that Fixia possessed a strength that went beyond appearances, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her friend's quiet yet resolute nature.

And so, amidst the backdrop of their banter and the swirling anticipation in the air, the stage was set for the duel to unfold. Fixia, guided by her unwavering enthusiasm and Sylphia's unwavering support, stepped forward, ready to face the haughty challengers who stood before her.

As the boys stood at the battlefield, a sly smile curled upon one of their faces. Adrian, the self-proclaimed leader of the group, stepped forward, his voice brimming with smug confidence.

"I've got a better idea,"

He declared, his words laced with haughtiness.

"Instead of a mere 'Dual Challenge,' let's make this more interesting."

"Let's have an 'All-Round Battle.'"

Fixia's brows furrowed, her mind processing the implications of the change. An 'All-Round Battle' meant the utilization of every tool and ability at their disposal, from spells and items to healing potions and special abilities. It was a significant departure from the initially proposed rules.

Considering the options, Fixia's determination flickered within her gaze. She accepted the challenge, her voice filled with unwavering resolve.

"Fine, an 'All-Round Battle.' But I will only rely on my spells and physical strength,"

"I don't need anything more"

She declared, her words carrying a quiet conviction.

The boys exchanged smirks and chuckled amongst themselves, their overconfidence growing more palpable. Adrian, the instigator, scoffed with a mix of amusement and condescension.

"So be it,"

He replied, his voice filled with arrogant certainty.

"We'll see how far your limited approach can take you."

As the duel loomed closer, news of Fixia's impending battle spread like wildfire throughout the academy. Students gathered, their curiosity piqued by the rumors of a formidable opponent facing off against Fixia. Whispers of her power and skill echoed through the halls, drawing a growing crowd of spectators eager to witness the clash firsthand.

Fixia stood tall, her gaze focused and unwavering as the buzz of anticipation filled the air. She recognized that her upcoming battle had become more than just a personal challenge. It had become a spectacle, a chance for her to prove her mettle to those who had doubted her.

With each passing moment, the weight of expectation settled upon Fixia's shoulders. However, she remained steadfast in her decision, determined to showcase her true strength within the confines of her chosen approach.

As Fixia and the boys assumed their positions, the stage was set for the 'All-Round Battle.' The spectators watched with bated breath, their eyes fixed on the participants, awaiting the display of power and strategy that was about to unfold.

Fixia knew that this battle would test not only her physical and magical prowess but also her ability to adapt and outmaneuver her opponents. She focused her thoughts, channeling her confidence and determination, ready to prove that her limited approach could still triumph against the odds.

And so, amidst the hushed anticipation and mounting excitement, Fixia readied herself to face the challenges that lay ahead. The echoes of her quiet strength reverberated through the battleground, as she prepared to showcase the depth of her abilities and prove that sometimes, restraint and focus could triumph over overwhelming odds.

The battlefield crackled with anticipation as Fixia faced off against all the boys. Sylphia watched with concern etched on her face, her worry evident in her eyes. The spectators, a mixture of excitement and curiosity, held their breath, awaiting the clash of powers.

But before the boys could even launch their attacks, Fixia unleashed a spell with a flick of her wrist. A blinding flash of light engulfed the battleground, leaving everyone momentarily stunned. And in an instant, the battle was over.

The boys stood frozen, they fell to the ground unable to move, their expressions a mixture of confusion and disbelief. They seemed unable to comprehend what had just transpired, their bodies locked in place, unable to react. The spectators' jaws dropped in awe, their excitement giving way to bewilderment. Murmurs swept through the crowd as they exchanged incredulous whispers.

"Huh! what happened."

"Did she just defeat them in an instant?"

One spectator gasped, their voice tinged with amazement.

"She just used one spell and they already lost."

"So, the rumors about her were true."

"I never expected her power to be this overwhelming,"

Another spectator marveled, their eyes wide with astonishment.

"She's a force to be reckoned with."

As the boys regained their ability to speak, their confusion morphed into accusation. They pointed fingers at Fixia, their voices laced with bitterness and disbelief.

"You cheated! You must have used some underhanded techniques to beat us,"

"No way we could be defeated otherwise."

One of them spat, his voice tinged with frustration.

However, their protests were abruptly silenced as Georyy walked onto the scene. The crowd parted, allowing him to approach with an air of quiet confidence. His voice rang out, cutting through the tension.


He stated firmly, his gaze fixed on the accusers.

"Fixia fought within the bounds of the agreed-upon rules."

"You are just too weak."

"You stand no chance against her."

Georyy said, stating his voice.

"Uuu... but..."


One boy tried to speak, but got shut by Georyy's intimidating look.

The boys fell silent, their voices muted by Georyy's authoritative presence. They exchanged glances, their confidence deflated in the face of his words. Fixia met Georyy's gaze, a flicker of gratitude in her eyes. She had earned the respect of the top student, and it was a validation that spoke volumes.

As Georyy's arrival settled the dispute, the spectators watched in anticipation, curious to see what would transpire next. The atmosphere hung heavy with unspoken questions and a newfound admiration for Fixia's abilities.

And so, with Georyy's intervention, the battlefield regained its calm. The momentary chaos gave way to a newfound sense of respect and acknowledgement. As the dust settled, the true strength and potential of Fixia began to resonate through the academy, leaving an indelible mark on all who had witnessed the spectacle.