
An Obscure Fantasy World

An Obscure Fantasy World. —————————————————— [Dragons + Magic + Leveling System + Overpowered MC + Mysteries of This World] Venturing through dungeons trying to level up, Fixia accidentally entered a boss room. That room had the strongest creature in the world, A Void Dragon. A being unbeatable by the humans. Fixia accepts her fate of death. There's no way she can escape this. But unexpectedly instead of killing Fixia the Void Dragon advises her how to level up and be more efficient. It tells her to use only her raw strength no armour or weapons. Fixia having no choice either dying by the dragon or from fighting without gear. She attacked a monster didn't hoping to win, maybe doing some damage. But the monster died from one punch evaporated without having a chance to fight back. Fixia couldn't believe her strength, her level increasing rapidly the Dragon's method was too effective. But there was one problem with this method, which is you need to constantly level up or your body will lose control and go berserk. —————————————————— This story is a journey of Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy who are trying to find more about this obscure fantasy world. How much is hidden and how much is known, the world is not the same as you know it. ——————————————————

Scriptel · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Academy of Gawsyphrus

The Kingdom of Gawsyphrus stood as a beacon of knowledge, wisdom, and the arts of magic in the entire continent. Its towering spires and grand architecture adorned the capital city, where the renowned Academy of Magic resided. People from far and wide flocked to Gawsyphrus, drawn by its reputation as the pinnacle of magical education.

Within the kingdom's borders, the pursuit of knowledge was cherished above all else. Libraries lined the streets, housing ancient tomes and mystical scrolls, inviting the curious to unravel the secrets of the arcane. Scholars and mages roamed the halls of the academy, engaging in intense debates and honing their craft under the watchful eyes of seasoned mentors.

But the path to entering the esteemed Academy of Magic was no easy feat. Each year, the kingdom received over 20,000 applications from aspiring students across the continent, all vying for a place among the chosen few. Out of the multitude, only a mere 200 would be accepted, marking the beginning of their journey into the realm of the extraordinary.

Among the countless applicants, Fixia and her childhood best friend, Sylphia, stood together, united in their quest to join the ranks of the chosen. While Fixia's quiet nature often made her an observer, Sylphia, with her contrasting personality, thrived in social interactions. She possessed a natural charm, always exuding an aura of cheerfulness and optimism.

As the duo prepared for the entrance exams, they found solace in each other's presence. Fixia drew strength from Sylphia's unwavering support, knowing that she would be by her side throughout the trials ahead. They had grown up together, sharing dreams and aspirations, and now, they were determined to face the challenges of the Academy together.

The entrance exams consisted of five rigorous tests, each designed to evaluate the applicants' aptitude and potential. Success in all five tests guaranteed acceptance without question, while completing four would place them on the waiting list, their fate hanging in the balance.

Fixia and Sylphia arrived at the entrance examination hall, their nerves mingling with anticipation. The halls buzzed with energy as aspiring students from all walks of life awaited their turn to prove themselves. The atmosphere was both daunting and exhilarating—a culmination of dreams and aspirations converging in a single moment.

"There are soo many people here,"

"Among them some maybe become our classmates."

"Isn't that exiting."

Sylphia say with awe excitement gushing through her eyes.

"What's exiting about this.,"

"The more the people the more rivals we have."

"And we also have to pass the exam to be classmates with other."

Fixia said, with her usual negative attitude.

"Aww... you're always like this,"

"Always soo negative."

"You should also try to relax sometimes and have fun without always worrying about stuff."

Sylphia said with her cheerful and encouraging voice.

"And I know we'll pass the exam."

"I mean we have you on our team."

"And I heard you learned a new way leveling up."

"So, I'm not worried."

Sylphia says overconfidently.

Fixia and Sylphia found themselves among the multitude of hopefuls, their dreams intertwined with the prospect of gaining entry into the illustrious academy. To secure a place among the chosen, they would have to overcome a series of challenging tests—a crucible that would test their abilities and determination.

The first test, known as the Trial of Arcane Knowledge, assessed the applicants' understanding of fundamental magical principles. In a vast hall filled with ancient tomes and enchanted artifacts, Fixia and Sylphia pored over intricate diagrams and cryptic spells. Fixia's keen intellect guided her through the complex material, while Sylphia's enthusiasm and natural charisma made her an engaging conversationalist with fellow applicants.

Next came the Trial of Elemental Mastery, where aspiring mages were required to demonstrate their control over the elemental forces. In a meticulously designed arena, Fixia and Sylphia faced off against conjured elemental creatures, their every move scrutinized. Fixia's disciplined focus and precision allowed her to manipulate fire and water with finesse, while Sylphia's innate affinity for air and earth allowed her to shape and control the elements effortlessly.

The Trial of Enigmatic Illusions followed, challenging the applicants' ability to discern between reality and illusion. Fixia and Sylphia found themselves navigating a maze of shifting perceptions, where walls whispered deceit and reality morphed at every turn. Fixia's astute observation and analytical mindset proved invaluable, while Sylphia's intuition and empathetic nature enabled her to see through the illusions with ease.

As the tests progressed, the duo faced the Trial of Ethereal Bonds, an examination of their teamwork and collaboration. Fixia and Sylphia found themselves in a simulated battleground, facing formidable adversaries that tested their ability to synchronize their magic and strategize on the fly. Fixia's silent determination and calculated tactics blended seamlessly with Sylphia's quick thinking and ability to rally their combined magical prowess.

Finally, the applicants confronted the Trial of Unyielding Resolve—a grueling test of endurance, both physical and mental. Fixia and Sylphia were thrust into a simulated dungeon, facing wave after wave of challenging adversaries. The physical demands tested their stamina, while the psychological strain pushed them to their limits. Yet, through unwavering determination and unwavering support for one another, they persevered.

With the completion of the final trial, Fixia and Sylphia found themselves standing side by side, their chests heaving with exhaustion and anticipation. The culmination of their efforts had led them to this moment—a chance to prove their worth and secure a coveted place within the Academy of Magic.

Throughout the tests, Fixia and Sylphia's bond grew stronger, their friendship serving as an unwavering source of strength and encouragement. In moments of doubt, Sylphia's infectious cheer and optimistic outlook lifted Fixia's spirits, reminding her of their shared aspirations. In turn, Fixia's steadfast determination and silent support provided a pillar of stability for Sylphia, soothing her nerves and instilling confidence.