
An Obscure Fantasy World

An Obscure Fantasy World. —————————————————— [Dragons + Magic + Leveling System + Overpowered MC + Mysteries of This World] Venturing through dungeons trying to level up, Fixia accidentally entered a boss room. That room had the strongest creature in the world, A Void Dragon. A being unbeatable by the humans. Fixia accepts her fate of death. There's no way she can escape this. But unexpectedly instead of killing Fixia the Void Dragon advises her how to level up and be more efficient. It tells her to use only her raw strength no armour or weapons. Fixia having no choice either dying by the dragon or from fighting without gear. She attacked a monster didn't hoping to win, maybe doing some damage. But the monster died from one punch evaporated without having a chance to fight back. Fixia couldn't believe her strength, her level increasing rapidly the Dragon's method was too effective. But there was one problem with this method, which is you need to constantly level up or your body will lose control and go berserk. —————————————————— This story is a journey of Fixia, Sylphia and Georyy who are trying to find more about this obscure fantasy world. How much is hidden and how much is known, the world is not the same as you know it. ——————————————————

Scriptel · Fantasy
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33 Chs

A Quirat Move?

As the battle concluded, the spectators stood in awe, witnessing the unexpected defeat of Georyy at the hands of Fixia. Whispers filled the air, each wondering about the mysterious power Fixia had displayed during the battle. Questions arose, and rumors spread like wildfire through the academy halls.

Their commotion did not escape the notice of the homeroom teacher, Lorraine. With her authoritative voice, she demanded Georyy and Fixia to appear in her office immediately. As they walked towards her office, Fixia could feel a mix of emotions – a sense of accomplishment for winning the battle, but also a twinge of anxiety as she recalled the dark aura she had emitted.

In Lorraine's office, the stern lecture commenced. She reprimanded them for going overboard and warned them not to repeat such reckless behavior, threatening the possibility of expulsion. Fixia was then questioned about the mysterious transformation she underwent during the battle. She explained about the spell she used and how it disrupted her leveling method, leading to the uncontrollable release of dark energy.

After the lecture, Georyy and Fixia emerged from the office, where Sylphia was eagerly waiting. Fixia recounted the teacher's warning, and Sylphia couldn't help but be curious about what had transpired in the office.

She bombarded Fixia with questions, wanting to know every detail of the conversation. Fixia obliged and shared everything, including Georyy's calm demeanor after the defeat. Sylphia found it odd and couldn't understand why he appeared unfazed by the loss.

Georyy, seemingly nonchalant, approached them and admitted that Fixia's victory had been fair. Sylphia, unable to resist, started playfully mocking him for his composure, wondering why he wasn't more bothered by the defeat.

In response, Georyy simply asked if they had time to listen to what he had to say. Fixia and Sylphia exchanged curious glances but agreed to hear him out.


Under the huge tree in the forest, Georyy asked Fixia and Sylphia to take a seat. He began explaining the reason behind his haughty and challenging behavior in the academy. Georyy admitted that he had been searching for someone stronger than himself, someone who could challenge him and push him to become even stronger.

Fixia and Sylphia exchanged puzzled glances, wondering why he would seek such a person. Georyy continued, warning them that what he was about to say might be hard to believe, and giving them the option to leave if they didn't want to hear it.

He revealed that on the last day of the upcoming academy tournament, something extraordinary would occur. Fixia and Sylphia leaned forward in anticipation, eager to know what it was.

Georyy spoke the words that left them stunned

"A Quirat will move."

Fixia and Sylphia gasped, as they heard something sounding unexpected. They knew about the three sections in their world – the Underworld, Aboveworld, and Overworld. Their current location was in Aboveworld, a vast floating platform above the Underworld and below the Overworld.

The Aboveworld was composed of numerous floating platforms, each platform is of circular shape with the diameter of 1000km, with walls surrounding them, preventing people from leaving. Travel between platforms was possible through teleportation spells, but movement between the sections was strictly prohibited and considered fatal.

A Quirat Move, was an incredibly rare occurrence, happening only once in a dragon's lifetime. It involved two floating platforms aligning with each other, one being directly above the other. The chance of this happening was incredibly low, estimated at 1 in 74933years. It was so rare that no living person had ever witnessed it, and only ancient books recorded its existence.

Fixia and Sylphia were intrigued but still couldn't understand how this connected to Georyy's search for someone stronger than him. Their curiosity got the better of them, and they excitedly asked how this extraordinary event related to his quest.


Under the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves of the ancient tree, Georyy's voice was earnest as he shared his desires with Fixia and Sylphia.

"I know it might sound selfish, but I want to explore the entire world, to uncover its mysteries, and see what lies beyond these floating platforms."

"The Quirat Moving is the perfect chance to observe what's under the platform above us."

Fixia looked intrigued but still skeptical.

"But why do you need us for that?"

"It's your dream, your quest and what can we even do, how am I supposed to help you?"

Georyy nodded, understanding her concerns.

"You're right."

"It's my dream, but I also know I can't achieve it alone."

"I need allies, partners who can stand with me during this journey."

"You're help is just to aid me, with your strength I can reach the platform above us reaching it's beneath."

"I want to see what it's made of, how is it suspended on air, is there magic in affect or something else."

Sylphia chimed in.

"But is it even guaranteed that a platform will show up above us during the Quirat Moving?"

"I mean, no one has witnessed it before."

Georyy smiled, expecting her skepticism.

"You're right. It's a rare event, and there's no guarantee that it will happen."

"That's why I'm only asking for your help if the Quirat Move occurs."

"If it doesn't, you won't have to do anything."

Fixia and Sylphia exchanged glances, still unsure about trusting Georyy's grand plans. They knew he was ambitious, but his genuine enthusiasm made them consider the offer.

Sylphia's eyes sparkled as she turned to Fixia.

"You know, Fixia, if the Quirat Move happens, we could be part of something truly extraordinary."

"We might learn things about this world that no one else knows."

"It's an unique opportunity."

Fixia nodded, her skepticism starting to waver.

"You have a point, Sylphia."

"And besides, I do want to grow stronger and face new challenges."

"This might be an adventure worth taking."

Georyy's face lit up with gratitude and excitement.

"Thank you both."

"I knew I could count on you."

"If the Quirat Move happens, we'll embark on an unforgettable journey together."

"But before that we have to be prepared for the Academy Tournament."


"This was my reason for acting haughty and egoistic."

"Now Fixia tell me your reason for becoming strong, you promised right?"

"That you will tell us why you want to be strong and raise your level."

Georyy said with a soft voice.

Fixia looking panicked, as she now has to fullfil her promise, she glanced at Sylphia and said.

"You have already witnessed the reason."

"As you saw during our battle, I went berserk."

"It was because of my Leveling Method."

"If I want to prevent that I had to level up quick, but it seems now it's not needed after I learned a new spell."

Sylphia looked kind of disappointed at herself as she was not able to help Fixia with this problem and had to do this all alone.