

Kat paced the floor in her room. It wouldn't be long before she would be summoned for dinner. The thought of dining with the vulture princes made her too nauseated to eat.

Kat had already changed into her formal wear for the evening. Her hair was still tightly tied to her head from the morning. She stopped pacing for a moment and looked out over the garden.

As expected Marie came in to make sure Kat was ready. Marie could tell from the look on Kat's face that something was wrong. She plopped down on the bed and waited for Kat to be ready to speak.

Kat took the hint and sat down next to her good friend. She took a deep breath as she tried to steady her nerves. Her hands shook slightly as she tried to find the words.

"The good prince David is going home to his chosen. It leaves me with choosing the lesser of two evils in the demons I have seen out of the others." Kat began.

"That's not what is troubling you." Marie chuckled.

"You're right." Kat laughed. "My dreams have ended. It seems reality has caught up with me." She sighed.

"How come?" Marie prodded.

"He's here, in the flesh."

"Who? Where?"

"Lord Barron." Kat admitted with a deep sigh.

"Wow, he really is adorable." Marie blushed.

"He's not a prince. Father already said that he wasn't even offered for me."

"Well that does complicate things."

"I know."

"Well, best get your self down for dinner or we'll both be in for it." Marie chuckled. "Things all work out in the end Kat. Follow your heart and don't stress about it."

Kat hugged Marie and made her way down to the dining room. An eerie silence had fallen over the castle. Kat began to feel a chill creep into her bones.

The doors opened to the dining room. As Kat looked across the faces in the room her perception changed. All at once she was swept away into the alternate reality.

The whole dining area had been transformed into an open field. Kat felt like she recognized the area just outside of her home. It was different this time.

The smell of death filled the air as she walked a few steps forward. When the land came into focus Kat gasped in horror. Bodies lay scattered across the scorched earth. The ground was stained with the blood of the fallen.

Kat felt like she was going to be deathly ill. She forced herself to continue walking. She felt she had to know the cause of this and that she might find it over the next hill.

As Kat walked on over the bodies and past the burning bushes she found what she was looking for. Prince Orton and Prince Alexander stood with their swords locked together. Their rage burned as red as the stained land around them.

Kat looked on the horror as her reasoning took over. This is what it would come to over her. The peace of the land would become divided once more. The suffering of the people would be the blood on her hands.

As the truth sunk in the princes turned toward her. As they closed in on her the world around her turned to black. Kat's last image was of Nic as he reached out to catch her as she fell. Then there was nothing.

As soon as the doors opened Nic could see by the look on Kat's face that something wasn't right. Everyone stood out of respect for the Princess as she took a few steps forward. Nic hesitantly rose to his feet.

It was only moments after Kat entered that Nic began to see her sway. As her eyes closed, he kicked the chair out of his way, catching her before she hit the ground. Everyone stared for a moment in shock as Nic lifted her into his arms. The King wasted no time racing to Nic's side.

Silently they made their way up the stairs and into Kat's room. Nic laid her down on the bed and held her hand tightly. Marie pushed her way past them all and sat next to Kat on the bed.

"Out of here with all of you." Marie demanded. "You've exhausted the child enough!"

Nic nodded respectfully to Marie and backed away slowly. The King followed him out of the door in silence. As it closed behind them the King shook his head in disbelief.

"That was some catch young sir."

"It was nothing your highness. See that in the fields all day. Do let me know how she is." Nic bowed and excused himself to his room.

Nic wasted no time as he fell onto the bed. He didn't know what he was doing but he had to believe it would work. He closed his eyes and concentrated on Kat. It didn't take long for her image to appear. She looked so fragile and pale as Nic took her in his arms.

"What did you see my darling?" Nic asked her. She didn't voice a reply.

"Show me." He asked as he held her hand firmly in his.

The scenery around them began to change. Nic watched as they stood in the field outside of the castle. As he looked around the vision shifted once more. As the carnage unfolded before his eyes he stood silent in his horror.

"I won't let it be this way." Nic said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Come back to me Kat. You have to come back. Help me keep this from becoming truth."

Kat smiled at him warmly. The images faded away with her leaving him standing alone. All at once he leapt from the bed and raced away through the castle.

Kat opened her eyes slowly. She knew she was in her room, so she didn't panic. Marie smiled at her as she sat up and rubbed her head.

"You gave us all quite the scare Kat." Marie chuckled.

"Not nearly as bad as the scare that took me out, I'm sure." Kat stood up and began to pace.

"Sit down Kat. Tell me what you saw." Marie pleaded.

Kat took a seat as the door opened. Her father stood there with a worried look on his face. She smiled at him and patted the bed next to her. He took a seat and hugged her tightly.

"You scared me." Her father admitted.

"I'm alright father."

"If it hadn't been for Lord Barron's quick thinking it might have been worse."

"Be sure to give him my appreciation. I should rest now father. I'll see you in the morning." She kissed his cheek.

He took the hint and squeezed her one last time before leaving. She shook her head and laughed. When it was all clear she turned to her friend with a serious look on her face.

"Where is Nic?" Kat asked. Marie shrugged her shoulders as the curtain parted. Nic walked through the shadows and took a seat beside her.

"I'm here." He smiled at her warmly.

"What are we going to do Nic?" Kat wept.

"I gave you my word Kat. We should leave tonight." He said soberly. Kat tried to protest but he held up his hand to silence her.

"No more thinking. Leave everything behind and come with me. I'll keep you safe. You know me Kat. You can trust me." He said.

Kat looked at him silently for a moment. She knew that he spoke the truth. In her heart she could see how her birth had interrupted the natural order in the timeline. It would take nothing less than another drastic measure to make things right.

Kat turned to Marie and looked soberly upon the friend she had known her whole life. Marie smiled weakly in her knowledge that Nic was right. She took a deep breath and hugged Kat tightly.

"I'll go to the kitchen and fix you something for the road. Pack a few things and meet me in the stables." Marie hurried out the door and disappeared down the dark hall.

Nic went into the closet and pulled out several older gowns. He tossed one at Kat and stuffed the rest into an old leather riding bag.

Kat watched Nic as he picked a few items off the vanity that she would need to be comfortable. At last she stood and put on her riding dress and boots.

Silently Kat made her way to the vanity. She let her hand trace the vines on her tiara one last time. Nic looked upon her sad face from the balcony. His heart wept with hers.

"I wish I could say good bye." Kat sighed as she made her way to the balcony.

"This is my home. It is all I've ever known, I'm afraid, Nic."

"There's a piece of the world outside you already know. Our whole lives we've had each other." Nic replied.

Kat took his hand and kissed his cheek. She knew by the look in his eyes it would be alright. She turned to the trellis and made her way silently down.

Nic wasn't far behind her as his boots made a solid thump on the ground beneath them. He snatched Kat's hand and slung the bag over his shoulder as they raced through the gate to the stables.

Marie stood in the open door holding the reigns of the two fastest horses in the stables. She handed the sack meal to Nic with a bitter sigh. Kat smiled at Marie warmly. They embraced in a final hug. As Marie let Kat go she swung around and punched Nic in the chest. He stumbled from the shock the blow caused.

"You had better take care of her you bastard or by the Goddess I'll kill you myself." She stated with a ferocity Kat had never seen.

"You have my word. I'll protect her with my life." Nic bowed to her.

"Come with us Marie." Kat pleaded as Nic hoisted her into the saddle.

"You know I can't do that Kat. I'll delay the search for as long as I can, just go Kat, and don't look back."

Marie smacked the horse on its hind end causing it to race off across the field. Nic spurred the horse into action. Together he and Kat raced away from the city into the endless night.