

King Corey wandered the halls looking for his daughter. He found her room empty and thought to try the gardens. He made his way into the early morning sun and looked around briefly. If she was in the garden he wouldn't have any luck tracking her down.

Corey made his way back into the kitchen. Marie was finishing the cleaning from the morning meal. He stood behind her for a moment, patiently waiting for her to finish the task.

"Your highness," Marie smiled warmly. "How can I help you this morning?"

"I'm looking for my daughter. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find her, would you." He replied.

"I fed her an early breakfast. She wanted to go for a ride to clear her head from yesterday. It was a bit embarrassing you know." Marie rambled on.

"She did say she would be in by supper. She knows there's that important meeting with Lord, what's his name? Oh, bother."

"That's fine Marie." The king chuckled. "When you come across Lord Barron and my daughter let them know I'll be in the library."

Marie bowed as the King made his way from the kitchen. Dizzy, she leaned against the counter and tried to catch her breath. It wouldn't buy them more than an afternoon's ride but she prayed it was long enough.

It was early into the morning hours when Nic reigned in his horse. Kat cautiously stopped beside him. When she looked forward she could see the trees giving way to the flat land before them.

Nic dismounted from his horse and held Kat's horse as she did the same. She took a few steps forward as Nic picked up the packs and slung them over his shoulder. He released the horses and made his way back over to Kat.

"We walk from here." he smiled as he took her hand and led her into the field.

Kat watched the scenery change around her. As they walked on the fields of wild flowers gave way to the cultivated farm lands around Nic's home. The sun had made its way into the center of the sky as they sat down to take a break.

"How far are we now?" Kat asked as Nic pulled out a few apples for them as they rested.

"It won't be long now. We're not far from Keith and Betty's. My place is on the other side of the field from them." Nic smiled.

"Well we're so close maybe we should drop in and say hell."

"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that. You must be exhausted."

"I'm not tired at all." she laughed. "Besides I'm sure they've missed you and I can't wait to meet them."

"I'm sure you're right." Nic sighed then chuckled lightly.

Kat squeezed his hand tightly as she pulled him to his feet. Nic shook his head once more at her energetic acceptance and moved forward through the field.

They continued their walk in silence. Both of them were content to watch the land pass as they continued on. The tall grass gave away as they made it through another field. Kat could see across the land once more.

The house came into view at last. Kat noted how small it looked in the distance compared to the vast land that surrounded it. Trees lined a walk way that left shadows across the front porch.

A man that Kat assumed was Keith sat in a rocking chair on the porch watching the land as they approached. As they walked up the path Kat's thought was confirmed. Keith stood and walked to Nic shaking his hand firmly.

"Well, look at who finally returned and with company I see." Keith chuckled.

"Sir," Kat bowed politely.

"Good to see that you're real after all."

"You had your doubts?" Kat chuckled.

"Who wouldn't with this guy?" Keith laughed.

"Come now, where's my manners? Betty is in the house making some lunch. Will you join us?"

"Oh, I would hate to intrude." Kat said softly.

"Nonsense, I'll hear not another word." Keith said as he ushered them inside the house.

Betty wasn't anything like what Kat had expected. She was a thin lady in her late thirties, light blonde hair and a kind smile. As she hovered over the stove she stirred a boiling stew tasting it carefully then adding more spices as she went.

Keith walked up behind her and squeezed her tightly around the waist as he planted a kiss on her cheek. She smiled at him warmly and turned to face Nic.

"Well, I can see ya didn't starve ta death out der." She winked as she placed a kiss on his cheek. "An you must be da dream girl." Much to Kat's surprise Betty hugged her tightly.

"Betty, I'd like you to meet Kat. Darling, this is Keith and his wife Betty." Nic said introducing them politely.

"It's a real honor to finally meet you too." Kat chuckled.

"Ya must be exhausted Kat. Keith, be a deary an keep an eye on da meal. Follow me an I'll help ya get cleaned up ya poor darlin'."

Kat reluctantly followed Betty into the back room. She looked around at the large hand crafted bedroom wardrobe set. It was finer than any craftsman's work she had seen in the city. As Betty rummaged through the closet Kat ran her hands along the soft polished surface of the red wood vanity and marveled at the hand carved roses on the mirror frame.

Betty emerged with a clean dress that was far simpler than anything Kat had brought with her. Looking it over she felt the sudden realization hit her that she was in a land that was far different than all she had known. She took a deep breath and stepped out of her dirty riding clothes and into the dress she was offered. It fit comfortably over her frame. Betty eyed her over and smiled warmly.

"Just as I was thinkin', perfect fit." She smiled as she pushed Kat into the chair in front of the mirror.

"Everything here is so different. You really don't have to go through all this trouble for me madam." Kat said uncomfortably shifting in her seat.

"No trouble at all darlin'. You just relax yerself right der an I'll get my scissors. Ya be havin too much hair for workin in deese parts."

Kats eyes went wide with shock. She couldn't imagine herself without her hair. It hadn't seen a pair of scissors since she was an infant. Every princess had their hair as long as their knees if not longer. She began to panic.

"So where are ya from darlin'?" Betty asked as she reentered the main part of the room.

"The northern region." She replied nervously.

"Of course, I shoulda recognized ya darlin'. You're the good King Corey's goddess child. Oh aint gonna be a one of em up der that gonna be happy with this union I say." Betty chattered away as she began unbraiding Kat's hair.

"No I imagine they wouldn't." she replied.

"Bein best to change ya lookin as much as ya can iffin they come lookin' for ya they won't think bout whatcha changed ya know." She explained.

"I do suppose you're right." Kat sighed. "Alright let's do it then, take it off." Kat smiled warmly.

"Iffin I'm going to make it out here I should listen to you I suppose." Kat giggled.

"I reckon." Betty smiled back.

Before Kat had the opportunity to flinch or change her mind, Betty made quick work with the scissors. Kat's hair fell to the floor as she watched the transformation take place. In a matter of moments her hair fell in gentle black waves over her shoulders. Lighter, Kat shook her head and ran her fingers through it.

"Wow," she hissed. "What a difference!"

"Be lots easier ta manage now." Betty agreed. "Come, beforin Keith be ruining our supper."

Betty disappeared back through the door as Kat took another moment in front of the mirror getting used to the new reflection that stared back at her. She felt a renewed hope that she indeed could run away from the past and live the life she had always wanted with the man she grew up with in her dreams.

Nic and Keith were standing in the sitting room looking out the window at the fields when betty returned to cooking the meal. A few moments later, Nic looked up and his breath caught in his throat. Kat stood there staring at him as she brushed a lock of hair back behind her ears. She shifted uncomfortably as he stood there looking her over. Finally a smile crept across his lips and he made his way across the room.

"Are you sure you're real?" he breathed into her hair as he held her close.

"I've never been more sure of anything than I am right now." She spoke into his shoulder.

Betty dished out the meal and called everyone over to sit. As they ate, Kat learned more about the region. She listened intensely as descriptions of the days seemed far simpler than the life she was accustomed to.

It was long after dusk when Nic took Kat's hand and led her across the field toward the large home. Their silence filled with content as they walked on. She looked up at the stars as they reached the dark walls of the place she knew to be home. Looking back to where she had been, they watched together as the light that led them to one another slowly faded out of the sky.