
An extremely enthusiastic Hitler if

Como dicen, escribe sobre lo que sabes. Por lo tanto, estoy basando el personaje de SI en mi propia vida educativa y profesional, excepto que ahora él/yo voy a ser un neonazi rabioso. Algo que me gusta asegurar a mis lectores, si tengo alguno, seguramente no lo soy. Ahora elegí un inserto de ASB Hitler ya que me parece que este podría ser un escenario algo más fácil, lectores "amables", por favor siéntanse libres de comentar y ayudarme en mis esfuerzos.

jjj_c_mmut · Others
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chapter 40 A day of youth

Münster March 20, 1937

"Oberfähnrich Steiner" shouts the Stabsfeldwebel and brings me out of my article on maintenance during deployment.

"What can I do for you Stabsfeldwebel?"

"Major Engels is looking for you, he needs another sacrificial lamb, now that Lieutenant Lenk is in the infirmary."

"Please tell me it's not the pimple patrol, I have three papers due on Monday."

"I'm sorry, Oberfähnrich, you know how important the high command finds these exits."

"Yes, I know, I'll be there."

As I walk towards the Major's office, I see two hundred Hitler Youth marching towards the base. Singing 'Forwards, forwards' they are almost impressive in their black shorts. But not enough that I want to sacrifice my Saturday holding their leashes while they go crazy.

"Oberfähnrich Steiner, reporting as ordered, sir."

"I'm sorry, Steiner, but I'm short a man to show and tell the juniors, and as a senior cadet, you are the designated replacement. There is no other option, but I understand the time pressures a cadet faces in his last semester, so I ordered the duty sergeant to excuse him from all other duties until classes on Monday.

"Thank you sir, that will help a little."

"Okay, you will take the fifth platoon, now let's go out and welcome our exuberant guests."

"Hauptbannführer and Obergefolgschaftsführer, you and Junge are welcome here today on Panzerwaffe presentation day. We have an exciting agenda planned for you, good young men. Now, before we divide into five groups of 40 each, I must emphasize that this "It is an operational military base. Therefore, it is mandatory that each of you remain with the officer assigned to your group, and each and every order of the uniformed members of the Heer must be carried out without question."

"Yes, Herr Major!!!"

"Excellent, then I hope you all have fun. Now split into groups and join the officers wearing your group number."

As I lead my flock toward the fifth maintenance training pool, I pass the number 5 sign to one of the flaggers with orders to stay by my side for the day. "Ok, listen, before the fun times begin, we must undertake the most feared task for any Tanker. Does anyone want to illustrate their knowledge of the tank and tell the rest what that means?

Hands go up in the air, among most of the guys. So I point to one and tell him to talk.

"Track replacement, Oberfänhrich".

"Alright, now in the maintenance bay there are five Panzer I training models, unfortunately they are currently trackless. After putting them back on, everyone will have the opportunity to drive these Panzers to get a taste of what it is like to drive a Panzer. Now, who knows how many hours you have to practice in a Panzer I before you qualify to drive the Panzer III?

Again almost all hands go up. "I see you've all been reading about the Panzerwaffe, that's great. Now we can focus on the interesting stuff." Still I point to one of the younger boys.

"Fifty hours, sir."

"Right, for an additional question, can you tell me why?"

"Because the PzIII's engine is much more powerful, an accident could have quite disastrous consequences, such as driving through the barracks, Oberfähnrich."

"Damn, does anyone else have a different reason? You in the back there.

"Yes sir, because the mechanics are much more expensive and the wear and tear during the beginning of training would quickly ruin the budget."

"Correct, while PzI training versions cost a hefty RM5,000, a fully equipped PzIII costs twenty times as much. A heady responsibility for any tank commander, a role that after lunch is on the cards for each of you When we head to the range for your practice shots, each of you will rotate through the four roles in a tank, plus the drivers. Normally I would ask what the other four roles are, but it's clearly too easy for this one. group. So instead, I'll ask what is the most important piece of equipment aboard a Panzer."

"I see that at least most of you are stumped, but you are in the fourth row from the front on the left."

"The radio, sir."

"Now I know the answer is not in the Panzer book that was given to the Hitler Youth, so how do you find out?"

"Radios are expensive, sir, and yet every Panzer has one. Furthermore, every new Panzer is assigned a radio operator, who has no direct combat role."

"Well reasoned, come see me during lunch and we'll talk some more"...