
An Extreme Magical Difference

Yu is a lazy, friendless bum that smells like ass. No one likes this guy and everyone thinks he's a failure, but he has 1 thing going for him: His Extreme Magical Difference

MarsUltima · Fantasy
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The Extreme Magic Difference

Yui walked down the halls of the Prefectorium like he had a bowl of fruit shoved up his ass. He was a real loser: crusty white robe, disheveled pants, and muddy shoes. He smelled like horseshit as well, so maybe that's why he walked down the halls alone.

Unlike Yu's smelly ass, the Prefectorium was a pristine white building laden with gold everywhere. It's Greco-Roman architecture, beautiful gardens, and gorgeous statues only added to its refined appearancd. But it's appearance wasn't all; the Prefectorium boasted a high number of intelligent students and faculty, each with an IQ above 130.

So then how did a bum like Yu get into such a pristine acedamy? Well, even though he is a walking stink bomb and looks like he sells white powder on the back of an alley, he does possess something extraordinary.

An Extreme Magical Difference.

I'm writing this chapter while I'm on the toilet. I didn't plan the series, I didn't have a grand outline, not even a sketch. all I have is an idea

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