
An Extreme Magical Difference

Yu is a lazy, friendless bum that smells like ass. No one likes this guy and everyone thinks he's a failure, but he has 1 thing going for him: His Extreme Magical Difference

MarsUltima · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

An Extreme Social Difference

"Holy shit, what is that stink?!"

"I'm gonna hurl-"

"I can't breathe!!"

Those were the cries that always accompanied Yui, a second-year student at the Academy of Practitioners. If he bothered to keep up appearance, he'd be a very beautiful-looking boy. He had an Asiatic face, medium-length pink hair that covered the nape of his neck and big, soft pink eyes that one could get lost in. Couple that with his soft pale skin, he'd be a real looker.

But unfortunately, Yui doesn't seem to think that way as he strolled down the academy halls. His hair, which could've been as smooth as silk, was instead a greasy mess and his face was covered in pimple scars. His expression was that of constant gloom and sorrow, as if he had never smiled a day in his life.

The campus uniform for boys was a white button-up shirt and jet-black dress pants with brown dress shoes, with an optional cloak that students could fully customized.

Yui wore a thin, white hoodie with a white undershirt. For pants, he wore loose, white cargo pants with white low-top sneakers. It was a simple outfit, and Yui liked it that way. The less he stood out, the better.

As he walked down the gilded and pristine halls of the prestigious academy, his reputation throughout the school began to show as the faces of his fellow classmates twisted into that of disgust, annoyance, or cruel humor. Either they pointed and laughed at him or stuck out their tongue in disgust. Either way, they cleared the halls as fast as possible to get away from him.

Yui did not care. Although he noticed their cruel remarks and their reactions towards him, he didn't bat an eye about it. The feeling was mutual anyways. He was only here on behalf of a family member; he wasn't here to be popular or to make friends.

At least that's what he tells himself constantly.

At last, Yui finally reached his destination: Classroom XXVI, or Classroom 26. Yui stood before an enormous sapphire door with gold lines etched at the seams. Below the humongous door handle was a electronic keypad. Yui punched in the numbers '3-5-6-5-4' and the enormous gate slowly began to open. For such a massive thing, it opened really quietly.

Inside was a large auditorium-type classroom with students filling up each row. As soon as they saw Yui standing at the entrance, they all began to moan and groan. Kids pointed and laughed like jackals just by seeing even a glimpse of Yui.


"Who lets a pig into a castle?! GET OUT!"

Yui just ignored them. He was looking for the teacher but she seemed to be gone. Her desk was empty and the extremely large whiteboard behind the desk didn't have any instructions she usually left.

As Yui was about to leave, he heard a familiar voice yell. It was a harsh but feminine voice.


The 250 heckling students were reduced to obedient and scared children. Yui looked around the class but didn't spot where the familiar voice had came from. Was she invisible.

"The fact that NONE of you were able to sense me by using common Laws is disappointing," the familiar voice again. "None of you have the right to laugh until you've grasped the basic functions of Laws!"

The familiar voice revealed herself by slowly appearing out of thin air. She was a tall and muscular older woman with knee-length, shaggy black hair and blood red eyes that were constantly glowing. As a professor at the Academy, she wore the standard uniform for teachers with a few customizations: A black and gold coat with the school emblem on the back, a tank top underneath and black biker shorts. It was Professor Migami, who teaches Law at the Academy.

"And when at least ONE of you manage to use a Law properly, you can talk however you want,"

Then a cocky snicker reverbed throughout the auditorium, and Professor Migami heard it loud and clear.

"Ustin," she said, using a Law to make her voice boom throughout the room. "Something so funny to you,"

Students began to 'oooh' at Migami's words, but one quick glance at the crowd shut them up. Ustin sat at the very top of the auditorium, a place reserved for the most elite students, and glared down like a self-imposed king.

He was, unfortunately, a handsome boy with neck-length golden blonde hair and bright hazel eyes, coupled with his tanned skin. He was considered one of the Academy's most handsome student. 

He was wearing the standard uniform: white button shirt, black pants, and black loafers. His cloak was customized to he gold with a white fur trim, and on the back was his family crest of an eagle perched on a fortress.

"It's pronounced 'oo-stin'," he said nonchalantly. "And yes, what's funny is you defending a common-grade trash that dares pose as if he's worth something,"

Yui lowered his head, not in shame, but in lack of interest. He didn't care what they thought of him, but what he did care about was them trying to assert their egos onto him. Verbal bullying he didn't care about, but when they got physical is what he hated.

Professor Migami raised an eyebrow at Ustin's statement. "You think you're better than this so-called 'common-grade trash'?"

He laughed arrogantly. "Of course! Just look at him, he's so pitiful I bet even a freshman could beat the shit out of him!"

The crowd of students couldn't contain it anymore and burst out laughing as Ustin confidently stared down Migami, although not for long as she secretly terrified him with her gaze alone, so he targeted Yui.

"Not gonna say anything, bitchboy?" he mocked. "You look so pitiful staring at the floor, maybe you've finally realized that's where you belong?"

The crowd laughed even harder and some joined in the humiliation.

"What a loser!"

"You think if we offered him a rope, he'd actually go do it? HAHAHA!"

"God, how does he live with his stench? I can smell it from here."

Yui turned around to leave the classroom, forgetting what he even came here for, but Migami placed a firm hand on his shoulder. To his horror, he saw Migami with a face that always gives away her true intentions: a wide grin.

"So Ustin,"

"I told you, it's pronounced 'oo-stin'"

"I didn't ask. But let me ask you this: you think you can beat Yui in a fight using only Laws?"

Ustin and the entire class laughed so hard that some students couldn't breath. Wiping a tear, Ustin replied. 

Yui covered his face, his cheeks red with embarrassment. Why was she doing this? She's only going to make them physically harass him harder.

"What kinda question is that?! Of course I can thrash him around!"

Suddenly, Professor Migami's eyes began to glow blood red and an sly, evil smile formed on her face. She began exuding a strange force that made the class stop laughing.

She was getting serious.

"Come prove it then," she said, extending an arm. Suddenly, as if he was being pulled by a big magnetic, Ustin was violently attracted to Migami's hand and screamed as he was violently thrashed down the auditorium and eventually slammed onto the floor at Migami's feet.

Though he was furious that she used Law on him, he dared not say anything to her face. Instead, he glared at her with an angry expression, got up, and dusted his clothes.

"Here are the terms: you will only use Laws to fight. No hand to hand combat, only pure Laws. Understood?"

Yup knew that once Professor Migami got started, almost nothing can stop her. So, hesitantly, he nodded.

Using also nodded and pointed at Yui. "How do we win? Well, how do I win?"

Migami folded her arms. "Simple. One of you has to declare defeat," she said, and then snapped her fingers. "Begin,"

Yui's eyes widened. "We're supposed to just fight right here?" he asked nervously.

Ustin didn't care and simply took off his cloak, smirking. "What? You scared?"

Yui got into a stance, no choice left but to fight. "No," he said. "I just don't want to be blamed for damaging the classroom,"

While Yui meant it as genuine concern, Ustin took it as Yui being prideful; and that irked him to no end. Getting into a fighting stance, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists hard.

"You think your puny ass is gonna leave a mark on me, let alone this classroom?! I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS!"

Yui wasn't fazed at all by his remarks, his only goal was to just make this end in a draw. If he loses, they'll come for him even harder. If he beats Ustin, they'll come for him harder. It was a lose-lose situation, so the only compromise was a draw.

As soon as Ustin opened his hand towards Yui, a large gust of air almost knocked Yui off his feet. Luckily, he remained balanced. He didn't know what Law Ustin possessed, so he had to stay vigilant.

"That was just a warm-up," Ustin said, making Professor Migami's desk launch at Yui at incredible speed so suddenly. If he hadn't noticed and jumped over in time, he would've been thrashed like a ragdoll. 

Ustin, without touching anything, was flinging stuff at Yui at incredible speed using some strange force. The enclosed space of the auditorium had no room for movability, so he just couldn't keep dodging the whole time.

He dashed towards Ustin and attempted to punch him on his side, but was quickly flung back at high speeds as Ustin stared at him like a stray dog.

"Let me remind you something," he said, as his eyes began to glow a golden hue. "Unlike the chumps in this room, I began training on my Law early. You know what my Law is?"

Yui didn't care and dashed again, this time he juked Ustin by kicking Professor Migami's chair over to him and forced him to use his Law to move it out of the way, creating an opening for Yui to strike. He wasted no time seizing the moment and went in for a spin kick behind Ustin. Unfortunately, the window of opportunity closed faster than normal as Yui was instantly slammed into the wall by an invisible wall.

Yui coughed out a small amount of blood and spit from the impact, confirming he had internal bleeding. It became hard to breathe as it felt like an elephant was being pressed against him. Just what was his Law?

Ustin smiled. "This is my power: The Law of Motion," he got closer to Yui and it felt like a cruise ship was crushing his ribs. "You realize the power difference? My Law is EXTREME, meaning it is extremely broad and has 0 setbacks as long as I keep training. You simply stand no chance!"

Professor Migami watched with 0 expression as Ustin reveled in the sight of Yui in pain, pressed up against the wall and moaning in pain. It wasn't that she was a heartless she-beast that liked to see her students in pain, no-no-no-

It was that she knew Yui wouldn't stay down for long.

"Huh... WHAT THE-"

In an instant, Ustin was blown back with more force than he was putting on Yui and slammed into the wall opposite to him. he shouted pain as his lower spine was snapped in half. He screamed and thrashed around in the pearly debris before sliding onto the flood. Not long after, he began coughing up blood and appeared to be going in a seizure.

Meanwhile, Yui was finally let go of his invisible grasp and slumped on the floor exasperated. His right arm was completely crushed, his legs as well, and he had a massive headache from being flung around and the sheer pain he was feeling.

The entire class looked in shock at the aftermath of the fairly quick scuffle; both were passed out either from pain or instant shock from pain. Silence and disbelief could be echoed throughout the room as people tried to make sense of what they just saw.

Then Migami started clapping.

"Good show, boys!" she said. "Now, do you all see why it's important to take this class seriously? Laws are not some fickle magic spells you see in your fantasy novels, you are controlling the very aspect of reality itself! If you're not careful-" she pointed to Ustin who lay in a puddle of his own vomit and blood. "-you'll end up 100x worse than him!"

She took out a button from her cloak and clicked it. 

"The infirmary should come and collect the bodies. For now, everyone turn to page 157!"

And class went back into session.