
An Extra's Struggle

***** This novel is long gone Don't bother reading this I'm sorry I wasn't able to continue ***** Girls that come clinging from every trope, comic misunderstandings and hot sword master mommies... ... That's what Damien got ... He's the hero, the omnipotent being that can do whatever he likes ! ... The story will resolve around him and his epic fights ! ... ... This above is the synopsis of the novel our Main Character was reading before he killed himself... ... Truth to be told... He was pathetic his whole life.... Being the garbage of society... ... However... He got a second chance ! Ethan... He could try to be the hero, now having the same powers as Damien ! ... And yet... It seems the world... Had determined a different fate for him... ... Ethan... From the start... He was just meant to be an Extra... ... One who struggles... And gets forgotten... ... ... But What If.... He doesn't give up ?

Darkmobil · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Karma ?

[ To think that a human would call me friend ]

[ Eh... ]

[ I must have really fallen low as a god ]

It doesn't matter what you say....

You're still one of my last hopes...


Yeah... Last....

[ Isn't there also Aveline ? ]


I...I'm not sure...


I can't bring myself to hate her....


I know that she left me there to suffer but there's something that is troubling me....

I was too wounded back then to think clearly, but there was definitely something wrong...


She felt like a machine whose only purpose was to serve Damien


She also called him hero, but he was still a paladin...


I know !

I know I may sound crazy....

But i think I heard her



She was crying and screaming for help...


....Something like mind control.....


[ Quick to catch on.... Aren't you.... ]

[ Well... You're wrong about something... ]


[ It's MUCH worse than mind control... ]

Than what could It be....

I don't think Damien is connected to demons or anything....

"I mean.... How would that even make sense...."

[ If that was the case... You could say you would have been fortunate... ]

[ What I am talking about is... ]

[ Karma ]


"I don't think It was never mentioned in the novel..."

"Was there really something like that ?"


[ Karma... I guess you might even call it destiny or fate ]


[ I can sense it.... ]

[ I know when It's taking action... ]

[ However... ]

[ Even my race... Gods.... ]


[ We are underneath it... ]


[ After all... We can't defy 'his' power ]


Are you even considered to be part of a race...

[ I am... ]

[ Well... It's not like I could tell you about it ]


[ Karma would probably block me ]



You're just adding unnecessary information


I still don't understand what this karma-thing is...


[ You should imagine it as an extremely ]

[ Unfair ]

[ Power ]

You're just making me think It can be controlled...

[ "Unfortunately... Someone who can.... ]

[ "... 'He' decides how karma will be used.... " ]


[ Ahem ]

[ That's not the right way to explain it... ]


[ It's more like.... ]

[ An extremely ( And I really mean it ) powerful force.... ]

[ One that will always help his Friend.... ] 


[ "Which has now become friend-S" ]


Does that mean that...


[ Yes... ]

[ Damien... ]

[ He's the being chosen by 'that' ]


[ It will help him in every situation ]


[ It will reach him in every place ] 


[ That's not the right way to explain it... ]


Yay !


I'm fucked !


You're basically saying I will never be able to beat Damien.

Couldn't he just order everyone to become his underling ?


[ That PROBABLY wouldn't work... ]


[ I'm sorry... ]

[ I can't certain answers.... ]

[ However... I'm not exactly familiar with it... ]


No... It would DEFINITELY make sense...



You're being controlled right now....


[ It's pretty much... Impossible ]



Wait.... Doesn't that mean that Aveline didn't betray me !

She doesn't hate me !

[ "Shouldn't you think about how much she has suffered ?" ]


... I should hurry ....

.... I should save her ....


[ "Phew... At least he really cares about her..." ]


[ "Miss. Aveline.... I hope you're not encountering any troubles..." ]



That motherfucker !

Does he even know he has such a privilege?

[ Yes ] No...Of course...

He's the Main Character that got unlimited tale-


Did you just say yes?


[ Indeed ]

[ He is probably, at least in part, aware of that ] 

[ I'm sure that Theia told him something... ]


[ She probably wants to use him to do some propaganda... ]

[ Maybe... One day... ]


[ Even kill other gods... ]


Wouldn't it be just too dangerous ?

She might fall victim of karma herself


[ No... As of right now... Karma is scared of 'our' powers... ]


What about the other gods ?

[ Hephaestus only cares about hammering ( People sometimes too ) ]

[ Then... ]

[ Aegir is too 'prideful' to do something instead of being lazy and watch over his lovely elves ( Women's bodies ) ]


Let me get this straight...

The other religions believe...


A bitch

A psycho

A perverted narcissist

[ A serial killer if you want to add Lucifer ]


Damn... I'm thankful I have you..

But it seems this is a lost war.


How the fuck can i beat something like that ?


[ You're underestimating yourself ]


[ Didn't you feel it ? ]


[ That power that came from... ]


[ Nonexistence ]


[ Something that controlled other wills ]


[ Someone that stopped when your life's string was already cut ]


[ Ethan... You were determined to die... But you're still somehow alive ]


Aveline !

When I asked her to go away she just returned to Damien.... 



It didn't really go like I wanted though ?


[ Check your status window ] 


[ Karma acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 99.7 % ]

[ Ethan 0.3 % ]

There is...

Really something here...

[ What do you see ? ]

A disgustingly low karma percentage share on my behalf

[ First thing I do when we return... ]

[ I fix your behavior... ]


[ You dumb ass ! ]

[ Do you think possessing Karma is like buying bread ! ]

[ It's already a miracle that you have that tiny bit... ]


So the main reason Aveline still left me there...

Was because my karma share wasn't enough to counter Damien's one ?


[ Yes... When you reach a higher percentage...  You'll be able to win against Damien ]


[ Mine is not some sort of speculation... ]

[ That's just how it works... ]


[ "Even though... I don't understand why... YOU are the ONLY one who can steal it from him..." ]


[ "Shouldn't It also work the other way..." ]


So... How do I increase it...

It seems it has already gone up by himself....


[ First of all... You need to understand how it works ]


[ It is an overpowered friend... That's certainly true... ]

[ However.... ]

[ It's not omnipotent ]


[ Even though I said it influences everything.... ]

[ It also... KIND of grows with the Chosen One ? ]


Shouldn't you know... Since.... I mean...

You're the one explaining it...


[ For example ]

[ Let's say that the current Damien gets in a fight with a 9th Rank Aura Master ]

[ Someone that.... In this world.... Has appeared a long time ago... ]


[ He would lose.... ] [ That's obvious ]

[ However.... ]

[ Be it that he gets recognized as a talent and spared ]

[ Be it that he gets offered as an husband to the Grand Master nephew... ]


[ He would survive anyway ]

What about me ?

[ Hmm ]

[ You would survive... I'm pretty sure about this... ]


[ We might as well skip the details.... But I guess you would lose all your limbs and be put in a vegetative state ? ]


[ That's already an accomplishment considered how weak you are ]


You're not so funny... You know ?


[ I'm only telling the truth ]

[ Still... ]

[ That's not the main point ]


[ Karma influences talent, luck, love, power, will... ]


[ It's best to get as much as you can, even a +0.01% ]


I'm starting to like it....


Then... What do I ACTUALLY need to do....

To get it ?


[ Honestly... You can get it by simply training and becoming stronger... ]


[ However.... If you want to speed up the process... ]


[ You can try doing one of these things : ]


[ Kill someone who's rank is higher than yours ]


[ Demonstrate you have overwhelming talent ]


[ Get an harem ] We can cross out this one


[ Get someone famous or at least known to love you... ]

[ "I guess you'll want to do this" ]


[ Hide your power, save a beautiful girl who's grandfather is a power shot, marry her... ]

[ And finally... Show off ]


[ "Basically... You need to do things 'he' enjoys..." ]



"Last one was awfully specific..."

"What are we... In a modern day novel ?"


[ The quickest way..... Hmm... You could probably show a n**** Theia to Aegir.... ]

What ? How would I even do it....

[ Oh... There are many ways.... ]

Are you secretly a pervert ?

[ No... How could I do anything to my precious ????? ]

No way.... Is she really your ?????

Your childhood must been hell

[ Ahem... ]

[ Let's not talk about the past ]


[ Don't you want to know about how I found you ? ]


Not even one bit...

It would be good... If you could instead tell me about Theia...

Who's apparently... Your ?????


[ So... You're really curious ! ]

[ Basically, I noticed a subtle change in the spacetime continuum, and prepared my authority with the necessary calculations to use the 5th rank divine spell "Darkness Advent" ]

I think you have misunderstood....

           [ded the "conditions" to the equation and sent it to you using quantum le]

Yeah... I.... Didn't get one bit of what you have just said....

Weren't we in underdeveloped fantasy world ?

When did you reach the space time continuum.... I don't even know what that is....

[ How do you think magic is created ? ]

[ By saying some dumb words and manifesting it mid air ? ]  

"I mean..."

"That's what usually happens"

[ Well... Anyway.... ]

[ If you don't know what it is.... ]

[ I'll just explain everything to you ! ]

                     [space consists of 3 dimensions, and time is 1-dimensional]

                                   [4-dimensional object. I believe it to be]

                                        [Mutter...Mutter.... Mutter...Mutter]

Again... Did you truly think I could comprehend what you have just said ?

[ Sigh.. ]

[ One day... You'll have to learn about it anyway... ]


[ Imagine it like this : ]

[ One day I saw you on the street with my ????? - Theia ]

[ Because I knew she's just a bitch, to help you from the upcoming tragedy... I gave you a gift when she wasn't looking ]


[ However... I still couldn't find your 'address' to actually help you ]


[ When you met the conditions to open the gift... I finally found your 'house' and now I'm talking to you while "exchanging" letters ]

[ Or simply through magic ]


Phew... Much better


After all... What I need to do... Is just get stronger... Right ?


I'm ready !

Return me to reality...

And tell me how to train !


[ I can't... I told you ]

... [ "That's not true..." ]

[ You will need to watch what happened during last month ]

... [ "Why are you lying to him ?" ]

All I did was continuously fight slimes until I couldn't anymore

And when I couldn't, I fought until I was half-dead...


You demon !

You only gave me those missions... You didn't even talk to me until a few days ago....

[ That's because you were finally an acceptable vessel for my Darkness... ]


Did you think I would forget how much I trained because of you ?


What If.... You're actually connected to demons !



My poor new mana-left arm was ostracized because It was made of Darkness...

When they saw that it wasn't you know....


They all got scared....


After that I needed to cover it with bandages or I would have probably be as good as dead right now

[ .... ]

[ Lucifer is my ????? ]

[ Technically... I'm connected to him... ]

Another one ?

Anyway... No need to be so serious...

You know I would never doubt you...

[ Yeah... Don't worry... ]


[ However... ]


[ My people... They are being killed as we speak.... ]

[ And the fault.... It's all of that GROUNDLESS RUMOR ! ]


[ Ahaha.... I... ]

[ I Still Didn't Talk About EverGlade Right ? ]

[ "Yeah... You didn't.... Good.... You should continue like this...." ]

You're acting... A bit weird....

[ Centuries ago, before the great war, before I was imprisoned there... ]

[ "Before I(we) were" ]


[ The countries had good relationship with each others.... ]

[ However... After the whim of a certain god... ]

[ Demons began their invasion... ]


[ As you know... This world is made of 4(5) countries : ]

[ Human's Emberfell at the center ]

[ Elf's Elysium at the east ]

[ Dwarf's Vulcan at the west ]

[ Beast man's Everglade at the south ]

[ With the demons Invading from the north.... The only ones safe from the invasion were the Beast men... ]

[ And who did they believe in ?... In me ! ]

[ I'm their God ! Rahu ! ] 

[ "Yes... You are....!" ]

[ "You should only care about Beast Men..." ]


[ Everglade tried to help by sending support.... But the races' greed and rage was endless.... ]


[ Eh... Those motherfuckers.... ]


[ To get more resources.... They started to plunder the country.... ]

[ My people.... They tried to defend themselves and ask for explanations... ]

[ The other races justified their actions by simply saying : ]


[ 'You don't have the right to talk, you scums' ]

[ 'We know that the darkness you worship is the same as the demon's' ]


[ That's how the Great War broke out ! ]

[ It was just a one sided massacre ! ]

[ "That's the point... Even Ethan is full of greed and lust..." ]

[ "I wonder what will happen when he meets a cute and young girl Beast Man..." ]


[ "No... He's not like that..." ]

[ "Don't try to...." ]


[ "Then... Why can't you let him return to reality ?" ]


[ "No... That's your fault..." ]

[ "You're the one that..." ]


[ "But... Aren't I... You(me) ?" ]


Oi ! Rahu !

Are you all right ?

You should answer when someone talks to you ! 

[ Yeah... I was just thinking about the PAST ]


I'm sorry... I didn't know... I talked rashly...

[ Don't worry ! ]

[ Time heals every wound ]

[ "I'm sure it does !" ]


Phew... You seemed like another person


Let's just continue with my memories....




There's something that's troubling since earlier...


I'm just saying...

But, for example, would my karma rise if I defeated a noble who has underestimated me ?

[ Definitely ]

[ "I'm pretty sure 'he' would like it" ]


"This type of cliche..."



"No...It can't be this simple...."

"Don't tell me..." 


Damien, that bastard....



...He just had fucking Plot Armor

[ What ? ]


[ Plot armor acquisition rate ]

[ Damien 99.7 % ]

[ Ethan 0.3 % ]


Even Rahu got it rough...


Hmm ?

Oh !

You're still here !


Don't worry...

I got the hang of this...


Please continue reading !


You are needed....

Darkmobilcreators' thoughts