
an Echo Of Determination in Dragon Ball

This is a rewrite of my old story: Echo of determination. You might recognize a lot of the story, but alot has changed. The world is in Peril, The Dragon balls had no power in the first place. The only hope we have left. Is a person who can't seem to shut up about determination. This is also far from a standard Dragon ball world. Also, What's this about an Isekai investigation unit? "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought. . . . (King Piccolo Power level 9800) "So, i've got a question for ya." Piccolo looks at me, and says. "You know nothing. When I killed your friend Goku, I thought You would fight me at your full potential." I continue as if I wasn't interrupted. "Do you think even the worst person can change?" That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?" I start to laugh. after all, I, An Otaku, am the last person alive on this planet. "All right. Well here's a better question. Do you wanna have a bad time? Cause if you take another step forward- You are REALLY not going to like what happens next." Piccolo swipes his Arm at me. in a forward chop and I dodge, "Welp. Sorry, Goku. This is why i never make promises." energy starts to crackle around me as the sky turns dark. (The Echo Is Resonating with your determination. All Physical Aspects have been Increased.) "It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. . . On days like these, kids like you. . . Should be burning in hell." King Piccolo continues to use more esoteric martial arts. every kick dodged, every swipe missing by a hairs breadth. "You think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?" I charge, "MASENKO!" SHIT! I die. But not for the first time. (The Echo Has Granted you a boost in your Reaction speed and Kinetic Movement. Try again.) "Heya. You've been busy, huh?" I look around at the devistation King Piccolo has wrought.

InterPlanarGod · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

sparring and such.

I Look at the huge amount of leftovers that Goku is eyeing. I look at him and ask, "Are you seriously still hungry?" he nods twice, stills staring at my well cooked fish.

I shrug. "Have at it then." I stand up but before I can walk outside he finishes the food, pats his stomach and follows me. "Hey! you said we would fight! Let's go! Let's GO!"

I actually never said that, but okay. Gosh hyper Goku is hyper.

I nod, "sure Goku let's go outside. I nod, as soon as we get outside I stand opposite him as he backs up. He gets into a stance, and I enter Hunting Bear Swallows the Monkey.

Which is an advanced stance of Ouran Temple Kung Fu.

Krillin really shouldn't have focused on this, it's meant for taller people with long arms.

It's also good for defeating those using Kung Fu designed by observing Monkey Kung Fu style conventions.

I know Goku instinctively uses that monkey-style until he learns turtle hermit kung fu.

So, Let's hope I can beat him. His power level is lower than mine by 4 since I had that panic attack and died twice of sheer panic.



(Defeat him within 1 minute, +3 Power Level.)

(Defeat him within 5 minutes, +3 Power Level.)

(Defeat him within 10 Minutes. +3 Power Level.)

(At least draw with Goku +1 Power Level.)

(Lose the spar with Goku +1 Power Level.)




Goku grins at me. "I know that one!" He then mirrors my stance perfectly. I grin at him. Guess he knows how to compensate. Didn't think he'd have fought someone who used this style.

"Let's see who's stronger!" I switch into Leopard Challenges the Mountain and rush forward. It's a more closed off stance made to go in-between the wide sweeping strikes of the Bear style.

I throw quick and precise moves which Goku barely dodges, "Ohh! you're fast!" he laughs in joy at the challenge.

I notice his stance change back to his default, and I switch back into the Bear style, and make a quick sweeping leg and then switch to monkey climbs the mountain in order to properly uppercut him. I uppercut him but I knock into his arms, and he grins, when he backs off.

He blows on his arms, and starts waving them around "WOW! You're really strong Mr. Itachi!

"I'm only 16! Don't be calling me Mr. anything!"

I grin, entering Mantis Cuts the Grass stance. as Goku enters yet another stance that I don't recognize, we keep striking back and forth, neither of us making an advantage, He's beating me with skill while I eclipse him in strength.


An hour passes with me just teaching goku through a good beati-*cough* sparring instruction. Goku finally slips up, I am able to knock him out by hitting his jaw with an open palm strike, and he collapses. Still grinning, while unconscious.

I quickly go over to Goku, to check on him he sits up before I can though.

he starts to shake his head standing with a dazed look. He says "Aww, I lost! That was fun! I haven't had such a good fight since Grandpa Gohan was teaching me! Thanks so much Itachi! Let's be friends!"

I nod and smile at him. "Sure Goku, If you want, we can train like this every day."

He gets excited. "For that, we have to go looking for the dragon balls together though!" I say, taking advantage of him feels bad but he literally doesn't have any incentive and I don't even know why he went in the original.

"OK! I'll go get grandpa and we can get a move on."

(Duty Complete.)

Defeat him within 1 minute, +3 Power Level.[NO]

Defeat him within 5 minutes, +3 Power Level.[NO]

Defeat him within 10 Minutes. +3 Power Level.[NO]

At least draw with Goku +1 Power Level.[YES]

Lose the spar with Goku +1 Power Level.[NO][GOOD JOB.]

HIDDEN: Defeat Goku by Knockout. [YES] +2 Power level.

HIDDEN: Draw out the match to teach Goku something. [YES] +3 power level.

HIDDEN:Befriend Goku and get him to come with you and Bulma [YES] +2 power level.

I feel power rush through me as my power level goes from 31 to 39.

I feel invincible but I immediately calm down when I remember that fodder like mercenary Tao still has a power level of 230 and was able to kill General Blue with his freaking tongue, and General Blue had a power level of 180.

I examine Goku again, and notice after he fought me his power level is slowly ticking upwards.

28 to 29

29 to 34

and then it stopped at 34 only to slowly tick up to 35.

What a monster, I need a literal cheat like the echo to get stronger and All he has to do is fight someone.

He doesn't even need to rest.

He just straight up got stronger.

I pause. Wait. Isn't the echo like a better Zenkai boost? I shrug, at least he just has to get beaten up by someone stronger.

Maybe I shouldn't throw stones though.

Bulma pulls out the Radar, and surprisingly it works despite the Balls being inert.

She clicks it a few times, and she says "The closest one that isn't here is that way!"

she opens up a capsule case and throws it, revealing an ATV with 4 seats.

"Come on Get in!" I shrug. "I feel like doing cardio, just go, Goku and I will follow." She looks at me, dumbfounded and then Pouts.

"No one can run that fast, stop joking and get in."

I shrug, "If I can't keep up you can slow down and I'll jump in. How about that." She just glares at me and when Goku gets here.

She floors it. after 2 minutes she looks back, only to see us right the beside her on either side of the ATV. She looks shocked, and then I say.

"Pay attention to the road, so you don't veer off and hit a tree." She looks panicked and looks forward. She then rages, "There's nothing in front of me for miles!"

I grin, "That's probably what you thought when you ran into Goku right?" She grimaces and then stops complaining. "Fine."

With that we continue on until nightfall.