
An Artificer in Tales of Demons and Gods ( HIATUS )

Zhu's life was irrevocably shattered when a tragic accident led to his brother's death, a misfortune for which he held himself responsible. This calamity fractured his family, leaving his parents to tread separate paths in the wake of their grief. Tortured by guilt and longing, Zhu desperately seeks a way to undo the irreversible — to bring his brother back to life. In his quest for redemption, Zhu strikes a Faustian bargain with the Devil, who demands a perilous task in return: the assassination of the Sage Emperor in the mystical world of Tales of Demons and Gods. Now, Zhu must navigate a realm where magic is reality, and power is won through arcane knowledge and daring. He must master the very forces he once shunned, delving into the arts of sorcery and combat to fulfill his dark pact. As Zhu embarks on this perilous adventure, he is forced to question the true cost of his family's reunion. With each step toward the Sage Emperor, Zhu must decide if he can pay the price demanded by the Devil or if some costs are too high, even for the return of a lost loved one.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter no.3 World of Magic

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Zhu found himself standing amidst a field of golden wheat, its beauty simple yet breathtaking. The wheat swayed gently in the breeze, creating waves of gold under the serene sky. As he took in the tranquil surroundings, a sound caught his attention.

Turning around, Zhu saw a figure approaching. The man was young, with a slender build and wavy, shoulder-length hair. He wore round glasses and was dressed in an 18th-century period costume, complete with a high-collared shirt, a cravat, a vest, and a long, ornately decorated cloak with a fur collar. A satchel hung over his shoulder.

"Johann Georg Faust," the man introduced himself with a polite nod.

Zhu blinked in disbelief. "Johann Georg Faust?" he repeated, his voice laced with astonishment.

Faust seemed taken aback by Zhu's reaction. "Yes, that's my name. And you are?"

"Zhu Weimin," Zhu managed to say, still in shock.

"Faust? Like, the Faust?" Zhu asked, his inner history buff taking over. "The legend, the guy who made a deal with the devil for knowledge and power?"

Faust chuckled, amused by Zhu's enthusiasm. "Yes, I suppose that's one way to put it. And you're familiar with my story?"

Zhu nodded eagerly. "You're a legend in the world. Your story became an archetype, a symbol of the pursuit of knowledge at any cost."

Faust's smile widened. "Fascinating. And how is Earth now? It's been quite some time since I've been there."

As Zhu described the modern world, Faust's eyebrows rose in intrigue.

"So, you're telling me people carry around tiny magic mirrors in their pockets now?" Faust asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"They're called smartphones, not magic mirrors," Zhu corrected with a smirk. "But yeah, pretty much. They're like mini-computers."

"Ah, computers! Those confounded machines that do... what exactly?" Faust inquired, his tone a mix of curiosity and feigned confusion.

"They compute," Zhu deadpanned. "Hence the name. They're used for everything now: communication, work, entertainment."

Faust chuckled. "And here I thought my deal with the devil was groundbreaking. You mortals are catching up."

Zhu couldn't help but laugh. "Well, we haven't quite mastered the art of soul bargaining yet, so you've still got us beat there."

"True," Faust mused. "So, what about culture? Have there been any monumental changes?"

"Well, the biggest cultural phenomenon recently is probably the obsession with taking pictures of one's food," Zhu explained, rolling his eyes.

"Ah, to immortalize a meal before its inevitable demise. Poetic, in a morbid way," Faust quipped.

"More like narcissistic, but sure, we can call it poetic," Zhu replied, his tone laced with sarcasm.

"And what of this world's knowledge? Have you unraveled the mysteries of the universe yet?" Faust inquired, a twinkle in his eye.

"We've figured out that the Earth isn't flat, so that's a start," Zhu said, a playful jab at the past's misconceptions.

"Remarkable progress indeed," Faust said with a laugh. "Next, you'll be telling me you've discovered the secret to eternal life."

"Well, we do have botox and kale smoothies, so we're getting there," Zhu joked, and they both shared a laugh.

The conversation continued, the two bouncing off each other. Zhu found Faust's perspective on modern advancements both insightful and entertaining, while Faust seemed genuinely fascinated by the leaps humanity had made.

"So, why did you make a deal with the devil?" Faust eventually asked, his tone curious.

Zhu's face fell, and he shared his story, his voice heavy with emotion. "I wanted to bring back my brother from the dead ... to fix my family."

Faust's expression softened. "A noble dream, but one you might have to give up."

"You made a deal with the devil to seek infinite knowledge," Zhu countered.

"Touché," Faust said with a smile. "Well, the devil was kind enough to inform me that I'm to train you in magic, to prepare you for a fight against a Heavenly Monarch."

"That's the plan."

As they conversed, Faust suddenly whistled sharply. A winged chariot, pulled by creatures that seemed half-horse, half-eagle, descended from the sky, making Zhu's jaw drop in awe.

"Do you have these in the modern world?" Faust asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Yeah, sure, right next to the unicorns and the diet that actually works," Zhu quipped, his tone dripping with irony.

Climbing into the chariot, Zhu couldn't help but feel like he'd just stepped into a myth. "So, where are we headed?" he asked, trying to mask his excitement.

"To my house, where you'll start learning magic," Faust answered as he gracefully climbed inside after Zhu.

"Oh, what kind of magic?" Zhu asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Magic isn't limited to a form, little one. Magic is infinite, Magic is..." Faust began in a tone that suggested profound wisdom.

"Magic," Zhu finished for him, unable to resist the chance to be cheeky.

Faust smiled, apparently appreciating Zhu's quick wit. "Exactly. I'll teach you enough so you can start creating your own path in magic."

"Awesome," Zhu said before a yawn escaped him. The adrenaline of the day was wearing off, leaving him exhausted.

"Why don't you go to sleep? When you awake, we will be there," Faust suggested, a hint of concern in his voice.

Zhu nodded, feeling the gentle rocking of the chariot as it soared through the air. He closed his eyes, the surreal events of the day swirling in his mind. As he drifted off to sleep, he thought about how far he'd come from his room and the ritual that had brought him here.

In his dreams, he imagined himself wielding magic, conjuring spells and wonders, a master of the arcane arts. The reality of his situation - being trained by Johann Georg Faust himself and riding in a winged chariot - was more fantastic than anything he could have imagined.

And as he slept, the chariot continued its flight through the night sky, taking Zhu further into the unknown, towards a destiny that was both thrilling and terrifying. The journey ahead was sure to be filled with challenges and wonders, but for now, Zhu rested, gathering his strength for the days to come.


As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the clouds, Zhu slowly stirred from his sleep, his eyes fluttering open to find Faust smiling, gazing out of the chariot.

"Morning," Zhu mumbled, still half-asleep.

Faust chuckled lightly. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Did you dream of casting epic spells, or were you just spellbound by sleep?"

Zhu let out a groggy laugh at Faust's joke, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "A bit of both, I guess."

"Why don't you take a look outside? Your new home awaits," Faust suggested, gesturing towards the window with a sense of grandeur.

Zhu leaned forward and peered out, his eyes widening in awe. The landscape below was breathtakingly beautiful. A quaint house, straight out of a storybook, sat perched on a gentle rise of land. Its sharply pointed roofs stretched upwards, as if in conversation with the sky. The whimsical structure exuded a sense of magic and wonder, nestled within a landscape that seemed untouched by time.

Around the main house, a collection of similarly enchanting buildings formed a small village, each structure unique yet harmonious with its neighbors. The whole scene looked like a painting, a perfect blend of nature and fairytale architecture.

"Wow!" was all Zhu could say, completely captivated by the view.

Faust grinned, pleased with Zhu's reaction. "Quite a change from your world, isn't it? Here, magic is not just in the air, it's in the very soil, the stones, and the sky."

Zhu nodded, still mesmerized by the scenery. The charm of this new world was undeniable, and for a moment, his worries and fears seemed distant.

The chariot began its descent, gliding smoothly towards the magical house. Zhu's heart raced with anticipation.

As they landed gently near the house, Zhu stepped out of the chariot, taking in the fresh, crisp air.

"Welcome to your new home, Zhu," Faust said, gesturing towards the whimsical house. "Your journey into the world of magic begins here."


As Faust and Zhu approached the house, Zhu noticed something peculiar – giant beans with faces embedded in the ground. Their expressions ranged from sleepy to grumpy, and Zhu couldn't help but be intrigued.

He leaned down for a closer look when suddenly one of the beans popped out of the ground, revealing itself to be a bean-shaped golem. Zhu jumped back in surprise, then chuckled.

"What's this? A new update for Plants vs. Zombies?"

Faust looked puzzled at the reference.

"They are the security of the house," he explained, a touch of pride in his voice.

"Security from what?" Zhu thought aloud, his curiosity piqued as he gently patted the bean golem on what he assumed was its head.

The interior of the house was as enchanting as its exterior. The main room was spacious and warmly lit, with wooden beams supporting the high ceiling. Large windows let in ample sunlight, casting a cozy glow across the room. The furniture was a mix of rustic and whimsical, with chairs that seemed to be carved from tree trunks and a sofa that looked like it was made of clouds.

Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with tomes of every size and color, their spines hinting at the vast knowledge contained within. A large fireplace dominated one end of the room, its hearth crackling with a welcoming fire. Above the mantle, strange artifacts and curiosities were displayed, each one more intriguing than the last.

The floor was covered with a plush, moss-like carpet, soft underfoot, giving the impression of walking on a forest floor. Plants of various types and sizes grew in pots and hanging baskets, adding a touch of greenery and life to the room.

In one corner stood a large wooden desk cluttered with papers, vials, and odd-looking instruments – clearly a workspace for magical studies. Nearby, a spiral staircase wound its way up to the upper floor, its railings entwined with vines that seemed to be alive, gently swaying as if in a breeze.

Zhu took it all in, his eyes wide with wonder. The house was like something out of a fairy tale, a perfect blend of magic and homeliness. It was a stark contrast to the world he had come from, and yet it felt oddly comforting.

"Why don't you go freshen up?" Faust suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes. With a snap of his fingers, he conjured water from the air, forming a basketball-sized orb that hovered momentarily before he playfully tossed it toward Zhu.

Zhu dodged, but the water ball, behaving more like a sentient bubble, bounced off the door and curved back towards him. He watched in amazement as the orb floated in front of him.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" Zhu asked, turning to find that Faust had disappeared.

"Where did he go?" Zhu muttered, eyeing the floating water orb.

"How am I supposed to use this to freshen up?" Zhu wondered aloud. Suddenly, a tiny voice chimed in, "Don't be scared."

Zhu looked up to see a fairy hovering nearby. She was petite, with delicate, iridescent wings and a friendly smile. Her dress was made of flower petals, and her hair was adorned with tiny droplets of dew.

"That's a Water Drop," the fairy explained. "You can tilt it to make a spout. It pours water for you to use."

Zhu nodded and attempted to pour the water out, but it spilled onto the floor.

"You're retarded," the fairy remarked bluntly.

Zhu's eye twitched in annoyance. "Where's the sink?" he asked.

"To your right," the fairy replied, pointing.

"Thanks," Zhu said, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Thanks for thanking me. I love it when people thank me," the fairy said cheerfully.

As Zhu smiled awkwardly, another voice interjected, "Don't humor the bug."

Zhu turned to see a halfling girl. She was short, with a sturdy build and a no-nonsense demeanor. Her hair was tied back in a practical braid, and she wore a simple tunic and trousers. She carried an assortment of magical tools that clinked softly as she moved.

"Don't be a party pooper, Esmerelda," the fairy scolded.

The halfling, Esmerelda, didn't respond, focused on her tools. Zhu, intrigued, asked, "Are you two Faust's assistants?"

"Students, actually," the fairy said, landing on Zhu's head. "Just like you. My name is Eula."

"Zhu," he replied.

"What magic school are you from?" Eula asked.

"I'm actually here to learn magic," Zhu said.

The fairy and halfling exchanged a look. "You made a deal with the devil, didn't you?" they asked in unison.

Zhu nodded, and both Eula and Esmerelda looked at him with a strange expression that Zhu couldn't quite place.

Just then, Faust re-entered the room.

"Looks like Anne must have gone out. You two, please wait outside. I need to talk to our new friend."

The duo nodded and left, leaving Zhu and Faust alone.

"How do you like it here?" Faust asked, his tone casual.

"It's magical," Zhu replied, his eyes still taking in the wonders of this new world. Despite the oddity of his situation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the magical journey that lay ahead.