
An Artificer in Tales of Demons and Gods ( HIATUS )

Zhu's life was irrevocably shattered when a tragic accident led to his brother's death, a misfortune for which he held himself responsible. This calamity fractured his family, leaving his parents to tread separate paths in the wake of their grief. Tortured by guilt and longing, Zhu desperately seeks a way to undo the irreversible — to bring his brother back to life. In his quest for redemption, Zhu strikes a Faustian bargain with the Devil, who demands a perilous task in return: the assassination of the Sage Emperor in the mystical world of Tales of Demons and Gods. Now, Zhu must navigate a realm where magic is reality, and power is won through arcane knowledge and daring. He must master the very forces he once shunned, delving into the arts of sorcery and combat to fulfill his dark pact. As Zhu embarks on this perilous adventure, he is forced to question the true cost of his family's reunion. With each step toward the Sage Emperor, Zhu must decide if he can pay the price demanded by the Devil or if some costs are too high, even for the return of a lost loved one.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter no.12 Surgery

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Zhu's mind raced as he gently placed the girl on the makeshift table in his cabin. He knew time was of the essence. First, he needed to create anesthesia to ensure she wouldn't feel any pain during the procedure. Zhu quickly gathered various plants Jarvis had identified for their sedative properties – Valerian root, chamomile, and lavender among them.

He began by grinding the Valerian by root into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. The root contained compounds that acted as a sedative when inhaled or ingested. He then carefully measured and mixed the chamomile and lavender.

Now for the magical part. Zhu channeled his Transmutation magic, his fingers dancing over the mixture. He wove in spells of Enchantment to stabilize and enhance the sedative effects.

"What else?" Zhu muttered to himself. "An oxygen mask, a pulse monitor," he listed the necessities.

For the oxygen mask, or nasopharyngeal airway, he needed a flexible yet sturdy material. Zhu selected a thin sheet of demon beast leather. Employing Transmutation magic, he altered its properties, making it more elastic and breathable. He then fashioned it into a mask shape, ensuring it would fit comfortably over the girl's nose and mouth.

Next was the pulse monitor, or photoplethysmograph. This was more complex. Zhu gathered mana or demon spirit crystals. He then set about crafting the device's body, using a blend of wood and metal, shaping it with Transmutation magic into a small, wearable band.

Zhu infused the crystals with Evocation magic, enabling them to emit and detect light changes caused by blood flow. He then connected them to the band, using fine wires he transmutated.

Once assembled, Zhu tested it on himself first, watching as the crystals lit up in response to his pulse.

"Alright, everything's set," Zhu breathed, looking over the unconscious girl.

He placed the anesthesia mask over her face, adjusting the straps for a snug fit. The pulse monitor was secured around her wrist, its crystals pulsing softly in rhythm with her heartbeat.

Zhu stepped back, observing the setup.

Jarvis's voice broke through Zhu's concentration, "You know, gazing intently at an unconscious patient usually requires a medical degree."

Zhu rolled his eyes. "Focus, Jarvis. We have work to do."

"Alright, Doctor Zhu," Jarvis began, his tone laced with sarcasm. "First, you need to gather the pathological mana concentrations resulting from her autoimmune disorder. They're primarily located in her thoracic region, distal phalanges, and lumbar spine."

"Got it," Zhu replied, his expression serious. "Let's not keep the patient waiting."

Zhu raised his hand, channeling Dark magic: Predation. A dark energy emanated from his fingertips, gently hovering over Xiao Ning'er's body. The anomalous mana clusters – glowing, chaotic masses of energy – began to detach from her ribcage, fingers, and spine. They moved like wisps of smoke, drawn out by Zhu's magic, and absorbed into his palm.

"Done," Zhu announced, feeling the heavy energy within him.

"Good. I've formulated the Transmutation circle. We're ready to proceed," Jarvis informed.

Zhu nodded, his mind flooding with information from Jarvis. The formula was designed to restructure Xiao Ning'er's immune system at a cellular level, halting its self-destructive behavior.

The air around them crackled with energy as the Transmutation circle glowed beneath Xiao Ning'er. Zhu's hands moved with precision, guiding the flow of magic into her body.

The process was delicate, requiring Zhu to maintain perfect control over the magic. He altered the very essence of her cells, rewiring the genetic makeup that dictated her immune response. The magic acted as a surgeon's scalpel, precise and unyielding, cutting away the flawed parts of her DNA and replacing them with stable, healthy sequences.

As he worked, Zhu's mind was a whirlwind of concentration. He thought of the tiny structures within her cells, visualizing the double helix of her DNA unwinding and reassembling under the influence of his spells.

Jarvis monitored the process, offering guidance and adjustments when necessary. "Stabilize the T-cell regulation. Focus on the B-cell maturation pathways," he advised.

Zhu nodded, adjusting his spells accordingly. He could feel the changes taking effect, the destructive energy within her cells being replaced with a calm, balanced flow. The anomalous mana that had plagued her body was now being replaced with a healthy, stable mana, harmonious and in tune with her natural state.

Hours passed, and Zhu's focus never wavered. Sweat beaded on his forehead, a physical manifestation of the intense concentration and magical energy being expended.

Finally, Zhu completed the last sequence. The transmutation circle dimmed, its task complete. Zhu stepped back, exhausted but hopeful.

"Is it done?" Zhu asked, his voice hoarse.

"Only time will tell, but her vital signs are stable," Jarvis responded. "Congratulations, you might have just saved her life."

Zhu looked at Xiao Ning'er, her breathing steady and unlabored.

"Now we wait," Zhu said, sitting down heavily beside her.

Jarvis's voice rang out, "Well, if this doesn't earn you some brownie points for the marriage proposal, I don't know what will. It's not like your charm alone is going to sweep her off her feet."

Zhu snorted. "Marriage proposal? Really, Jarvis? We're saving a life here, not auditioning for a romantic comedy."

Jarvis chuckled. "Ah, Zhu, always the hero, never the leading man. Just think of the story you'll tell your grandkids."

"Grandkids? Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Zhu replied, shaking his head. "I don't even know if she can stand my cooking, let alone my personality."

"True," Jarvis mused. "Your culinary skills are almost as questionable as your dating tactics."

"Hey, my frog leg stew is a delicacy in some cultures," Zhu defended.

"In cultures with no taste buds, maybe," Jarvis retorted. "But seriously, Zhu, you've got to admit, this is quite the meet-cute."

Zhu raised an eyebrow. "Meet-cute? She was being chased by wolves, and I knocked her out. That's not exactly a fairy tale beginning."

Jarvis laughed. "Well, every good love story needs a twist. And you, Zhu, are definitely twisted."

Zhu couldn't help but smile. "Just focus on monitoring her condition, Cupid. Leave the matchmaking to the professionals."

"Fine, fine," Jarvis conceded. "But if she wakes up and asks for the handsome prince who saved her, I'm taking all the credit."

Zhu rolled his eyes at Jarvis's teasing, his expression turning serious. "Jarvis, you analyzed her brain during the surgery, right?"

"Yep," Jarvis responded. "What, you want to dive into her dirty little secrets?"

Zhu shook his head. "No, nothing like that. Start by transferring knowledge of her language into my brain. Then fill me in on all the information you've gathered about this world."

"Understood," Jarvis replied, his tone shifting to match Zhu's seriousness. "Initiating language transfer now."

Zhu braced himself as a flood of new linguistic information streamed into his consciousness. It was an odd sensation, like suddenly understanding words and phrases he had never heard before. As the language settled into his mind, Zhu felt a new sense of connection to the world around him.