
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

First Night

My legs shake with every step I take into the unfamiliar landscape of the palace. The interior of the palace is more beautiful than the outside. I gape at the marble sculpted statues lined along the hall of the palace. There are regal paintings of other men and women that share the same sharp and deadly blue eyes at the Alpha.

The shaking of my body subdues for a moment, as I am entranced by the beauty of the palace. Everything in this palace is so pleasing to look at that I almost forget that I am taken prisoner. I look at the floor and I am amazed by how the floor is so clean that I can see my own reflection.

"This way." The maid with red long hair and sunkissed skin guides me through the halls with the least amount of people as if she is trying to hide me away from the rest of the palace. The other maid with kind eyes is also in my view. Like the others in the hall ,staring at me, she also looks at me with curiosity.

I look away from her and keep my eyes trained ahead. My plan to run off in the woods has been foiled. I don't know if my plans may still be possible now that I am surrounded by man-eating beasts.

"Is that the girl?" Someone in the hall says. It cannot be the maids given to me. They are quieter than a kitchen mouse.

"The Alpha really picked a measly village girl to be his fated beauty." Another person says laughing.

"I heard she's a human." Third person whispers, then follows a row of gasps.

Right now, I want to crawl into a hole and die than be here at this moment. Escape that unsettling smile the Alpha had shared with me moments ago; making the hairs on my neck stand up. I want her to be presentable tonight. I could hear his words vibrate through my body. What does he mean by presentable? He wants to eat me!. Or what if he wants me–


I shake the unsettling thoughts that invade my mind. No. Please no. I rather die than be the mercy in the hands of this man. But the haunting thought of ever being the Alpha's slave made me sweat, making me want to vomit at the thought. What if there are more girls like me taken by the alpha. Added to his collection.

I turn to face the maid walking in front of me. I notice she keeps a distance from me, or that I am walking too slow. I catch up to her and tap her fingers ever so lightly, hoping that I don't offend her.

"What does the Alpha want with me?" I ask the maid with red hair. The maid does not reply to me and it makes me upset. I only stared deep at her for answers, and that seemed to have ticked her off.

"Don't you know staring is rude?" She stops in her tracks. I don't realize how golden her eyes are until the sunlight peeking into the hall glints over her face

"I asked you something before. It would be nice to ask me before I am eaten."

"Eaten?" The second one repates. Both of the maids glance at each other then laugh. "Why on earth would he eat you?"

"Because you are beasts. You eat humans."

"Don't be silly–"

"No, you are right. The Alpha does plan to eat you." The second one says, grinning ear to ear.

"Solaria, stop teasing the humans. She's been through a lot today. Now come on. The alpha gave us orders. We must get her ready before he arrives."

They take me to a door. I stop in front of a simple door tucked at the back of the palace. Once I open the door to the room, I am met with a large room. It has paintings of an open field with pink flowers, a bookshelf, and a rocking chair. At the center of the room, is a small queen sized bed with golden and white sheets.

At least it's not a dungeon where I will be chained up, and left at the mercy of the guards. I walk into the room that feels a lot larger than what I expected. This room alone is larger than my own house!

"Ophelia, get the girl undressed, I will go run the water." Solaria scurries off to another room in the bedroom. I am left alone with the blond haired blued eyed wolf that doesn't look like a wolf person. hold down the question brewing in with my tongue. She is not a human like me.

Ophelia smiles at me. "What's our name beautiful?"

"Melanie." I hold my hand out to shake. She brings my hand out to her face and I yank them away. "What are you doing?"

"Just seeing if you really smell like sewage or roses. I heard many humans have distinct smells."

"You don't need to do that."

"Ophelia, what are you doing? I've already filled the tub with water."

"Whoops, I got distracted."

"Alright, I'll select the clothes she'll wear. Hurry or the Alpha will be mad."

"Okay, Melanie, let's take those clothes off now." Ophelia doesnt give me a chance to say anything and starts to strip me down without my input. I shift my body away from her.

"I can undress myself.

I head into the bathroom. It's warmer than the rest of the palace, and the air smells of fresh lavender and silk honey. I peel off my clothes that are stuck to my body like armor. I put my finger into the tub and the water is warm to the touch.

"Melanie, are you alright in there? I'm coming in."

"Y-yes." I quickly hop into the tub. My entire body is covered with a type of warmth I missed so much. I wrinkle my nose at the weeks of dearth dissolving in the water.

"You made a mess." She whines, looking at the pool of water splashing onto the floors. "We no worries, we'll clean it once we are done with you."

She grabs a loofa and starts to scrub away at me.

"I can bathe myself. I'm not a child."

"The Alpha said to scrub you clean."

"I rather clean myself."

"Please or we could die."

I look at her. "You're lying."

"No, she's not. The Alpha has a temper and he takes out on anyone. The maid in particular. So please let us do our job."

I sink into the tub. I feel so humiliated at the thought of a strange woman scrubbing me down like a child. I close my eyes and let them just get it over with.

Ophelia brings out towels. "Up."

I grab the towel from her hands and wrap them around me instead. I alright feel embarrassed by all of this bathing me like the way my mom used to do when I was a little girl. They have already done enough today.

I dab the water droplets off my body before I get into the room. I wear the new pair of undergarments laid out for me while Ophelia drains the water and cleans up the mess, and Solaria rips through the bathroom cupboards for something.

"Oh good you are dry." Solaria takes my arms forward. She starts to rub some ointments on my body. I smelled my arms and the scent of peppermint, sweet jasmine and something lemony invades my nose.

After they are done, Solaria takes out a white and pink dress made of lace and silks. The material is thin and sorta of see-though except for the places where a flowery design covers bits and pieces of my precious lady parts.

"I'm not wearing that." I crinkle my nose at the dress awed in my view.

"Wear it or we'll make you." Solaria says.

I pause. Looking at both of them. Then I remember if I don't comply, they will take the brunt of the Alpha's anger. I yank the dress from her hands and slowly slip the fabric onto my soft body. Everything about this feels so humiliating.

"Oh, Solaria, doesn't she look so magnificent."

"In whore standards?" I tell Ophelia who opens her lips.

Solaria laughs. "I like this girl. She's got some spunk."

The clocks chimes, and Ophelia claps. "She is all dressed now with some time to spare."

Solaria gestures to me on the bed. "Sit down and wait."

"For what?"

"The Alpha. He'll be coming to see you, remember?"

"Kill me."

"Don't be so negative, I'm sure things will go well…Maybe."

"By well you mean he's going to eat me. I know how all of this goes."

"For the crying suns, the Alpha won't eat you."

"But you said–"

"I know what I said. I was only playing games with you. Werewolves don't eat humans. But we do maim them."

"Oh." Is all that came out of my mouth. So all this time I thought I was going to be eaten.And I was getting worried.

"Don't bother with Solaria. People from Helios are malicious tricksters despite their charms."

"Ophelia, don't you have chores to get done today."

"Yes, and last time I checked I was scheduled to clean the fireplace with you." She shares a chewy grin.

"I hate cleaning the fireplace. I got soot in my hair the other day." Solaria complains.

"That sounds like a normal day in Helios," Ophelia laughs and Solaria shoots her a glare. Ophelia then smiles gently at me. "Well, Melanie. We have to get going now. It's nice meeting you."

"Wait, you can't leave me alone."

"You can handle yourself. You said you weren't a child."

They opened the door and the girls gasped. "Oh no," Solana says with a panic in her tone. She stands up straight with a forced smile on her face.

"What is it?" I stand from the bed.

"Keep quiet and be nice."

Is it the Alpha? I look over Solaria's shoulder and see at the end of the hall a middle-aged woman dressed in all black. Her hair is white and black, and wrapped into a top knot bun, and she wears glasses that drop to her nose.

My heart hammers the more I hear the heels clicking along with the marble floors. From the way she claps her hands in front of her and the perpetual scowl on her face, I begin to think that she is an important person in this palace that shouldn't be messed with.

I copy Solaria's nice demeanor as the woman finally reaches us.

"Mistress Fara." They both say in unison.

The mistress looks over Solana and dark eyes land on me. "And who is this?"

"Oh, this is–"

"No, let her speak." Mistress Fara puts her hands up to cut off Ophelia.

"I…" My words are stuck in my throat as I try to introduce myself.

"What is your name, girl? Speak."

"Melanie Rivers."

The woman nears me and I hold my breath when I feel her hands touching me. I feel uncomfortable by the way the woman pinches my cheek and grabs and inspects my wrists.

"You are human how... Interesting."

She lets go of my hand and wipes her hands on to a handkerchief. Mistress Fara wrinkles her nose at me.

"Take this human out of my sight. Her presence is starting to make me blind." I narrow at the woman standing with a smug look on her face as Solaria drags me away.

"Sorry, about Mistress Fara. She can be unnecessarily rude. If I were you, I would stay clear from her."

"We need to go now," Ophelia says.

Before I could react, they shove me into their room and shut the door. I grab the doorknob and twist it.


The door is locked and I cannot go anywhere. And I don't know how long before I would be able to be let out of this room again. I slump on the bed staring at the white ceiling starting to chip away.

What an idiot I am. I should have ran when I could. No, I am trapped in an unknown kingdom, away from my home and family. My chest rises at the thought of not seeing my sister and father again.

My father.

My traitor's father.

I turn to my side on the bed. The Universe is judging me. All the emotions I try to keep hidden all come spewing out. Hot tears slide down my cheek as the sad thoughts flow out of me.

"Knock, knock."

The doors open and I wipe the tears from my face. The blood in my body turns cold. The Alpha saunters into my room, wearing that same cheeky grin that has many unsavory things planned for me.

"My, you look ravishing." His eyes meet me from top to bottom. Undressing me with his lusty glaze. "And I can't wait to get a taste of you."