
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

A Dance with the Alpha

The guests stood in silence as I stepped into the hall. Unfamiliar faces bore into me with awe, and some with a slight perversion curled on their lips. I try everything in my bones not to rip out a table cloth and use it to cover my body. Instead, I bare through all the looks looking at me from head to toe. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. The unfamiliar sights and sounds overwhelm my senses, but a spark of curiosity pushes me forward. I remind myself that this is an opportunity to broaden my horizons, to step beyond the confines of my sheltered existence.

Solaria and Ophelia guide me through the crowd, introducing me to people from all walks of life. They make me feel welcomed, assuring me that the masks everyone wears symbolize the freedom to be whoever they wish to be.

"The human is surprisingly attractive." One of the guests whispered as I walked nearby.

"Yes, but she will never compare to Lady Julia."

"What a shame indeed." The same man shakes his head.

I shoot them a glare but they cannot see my face through the thin white veil across my head. I glance behind me where Solaria and Ophelia tag behind. Solaria gestured for me to continue down through the makeshift aisle . But I am not getting married. Nothing this like ever feels like a wedding to me. Weddings are supposed to be magical. Tiwlring around in a flowery white dress. My father walked me down the aisle to the love of my life. Instead, I am being walked by a woman I've grown to hate, in a dress that makes me feel shame to a man I equally despise.

"You finally made it," says Madame Fara from behind me. "I was thinking I'd have to drag you here myself."

"Madame Fara…"

"Come here. You have to make yourself known to others." She takes my hand and brings me more to the center of the hall. Most of the people pay some attention to me, drinking and while some ignore me.

I walk down the grand ballroom with Madame Fara. The room is filled with laughter, music, and the tinkling of crystal glasses. I greet the party guests with a warm smile and a gentle nod as we make our way through the crowd. As we approach a tall, muscular-looking man with brown curly hair and thick brows, my curiosity piques. His kind face exudes a certain charm that is hard to resist. Standing right beside him is a woman with pale skin, jet black hair, and an some-what equally muscular physique. They make an impressive pair, radiating strength and confidence.

"This is Alpha Windson of Cerlius." Madame Fara introduces the man to me.

I watch as his eyes meet mine, and he extends his hand towards me. I can't help but notice the gentle kindness in his gaze as he takes my hand and places a soft kiss on it. "It's a pleasure to meet the Alpha's new mate," he says with a warm smile.

"New?" I repeat, caught off guard by the unexpected revelation. I look to Madame Fara for an explanation, but she averts her gaze, turning her chin away from me. There's a hint of unease in her demeanor, a secret she chooses not to share.

"Come along, dear," Madame Fara says, quickly regaining her composure. "We have plenty of others to meet tonight." Her words are accompanied by a subtle nudge, encouraging me to leave the intriguing couple behind and continue our journey through the crowd.

Confused and filled with curiosity, I reluctantly followed Madame Fara's lead. But my mind is consumed with questions. Who is this enigmatic man, and why did he call me the Alpha's new mate? As we weave through the sea of guests, my eyes occasionally dart back to the tall, muscular man with the brown curly hair. He stands tall, engaged in conversation with other guests, his charm captivating everyone around him. The woman beside him remains steadfast, a silent and imposing presence.

I plaster a smile on my face, ready to greet the next person we encounter, while the puzzle of the Alpha's new mate remains unsolved, swirling in my mind like a whirlwind of intrigue.

Once I've finished greedy most of the guests, and as the night goes by, I find myself gradually letting go of my initial reservations. Conversations flow effortlessly, laughter fills the air, and the enchanting music beckons us to dance. The werewolves, their presence once unsettling, now become intriguing, their mysterious aura adding a touch of magic to the evening.In this vibrant realm of the unknown, I begin to understand that stepping outside of my comfort zone can lead to incredible discoveries. I realize that the world is far more diverse and extraordinary than I could have ever imagined. Then I catch someone staring at me.

I stand still completely frozen by the Alpha's blue gaze on me from the depth of the crowd that he is hidden in.

"Well this is my que to go." Madamee Fara lets go of my arm and I am left alone in the middle of the hall by myself.

The Alpha doesn't approach me when Madame Fara leaves. He only watches me with his eyes like has something written on my body. Music starts to play, and people start dancing. I stand on the periphery of the grand ballroom, watching as the lively music fills the air, intertwining with the graceful movements of the dancers. The enchanting melodies guide their steps, and the twirls and spins create an ethereal spectacle. For a moment, I allow myself to get lost in the beauty of the scene before me.

As my gaze sweeps across the room, a sense of relief washes over me. Here, amidst the swirling dancers, I am no longer the "Alpha's ugly human mate." The judgmental eyes and whispered comments that haunted me for so long are absent at this moment. Instead, all attention is drawn to the enchanting spectacle unfolding on the ballroom floor.

The intricate dance steps mesmerize me, each movement an expression of joy, freedom, and unity. The dancers, adorned in their elegant attire, seem to transcend the boundaries of their individual selves, becoming one with the rhythm and the melody. Their smiles radiate a genuine happiness that fills the room, casting a spell of tranquility upon me.

I watch as couples glide across the polished floor, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony. The worries and insecurities that weighed heavily on my heart begin to fade away. In this magical setting, I find solace and acceptance, knowing that I am just another spectator in this grand performance. As the music crescendos, I feel a yearning deep within me, a desire to be a part of this enchanting world. I step forward tentatively, hesitating at first. But the beauty of the dancers' movements inspires me, urging me to shed my inhibitions and embrace the joyous spirit that surrounds me.

I stand amidst the swirling dancers, my eyes fixed on their graceful movements, when an eerie sensation creeps up my spine. The atmosphere shifts, and an inexplicable presence lingers behind me. A sense of foreboding settles within me, causing a shiver to run through my body. Slowly, I turn my gaze over my shoulder, and there, standing tall and dark, is Alpha Rhy's, his piercing eyes locked onto mine. The weight of his intense stare sends a jolt of unease through me, and the once joyous atmosphere of the ballroom seems to dim.

Alpha Rhy's, the powerful leader of his pack, exudes an aura of authority and dominance. His presence alone commands respect, and his gaze holds a mixture of intensity and scrutiny that leaves me feeling exposed and vulnerable. As I meet his penetrating gaze, my heart quickens its pace, and I struggle to maintain my composure. The room around us fades into a blur, and it feels as though we are the only two people in existence, locked in a silent battle of wills.

I take a deep breath, steadying myself, reminding myself that I am not just the "Alpha's ugly human mate." I have my own strength and worth, regardless of the judgments that may surround me. With newfound resolve, I meet his gaze head-on, refusing to back down.

Alpha Rhy's takes a step forward, closing the distance between us, his expression inscrutable. The energy in the room shifts, the air growing charged with an undeniable tension.

"You look amazing." The Alpha blinks. His eyes skimmed from head to toe.


The Alpha takes my hand. "We should dance."

"I don't feel like dancing."

"You have to dance. It's rude not to."

"I can't dance."

Before I could blink, Alpha Rhy's pulled my hand and the rest of my body onto his body. My feet follow his legs across the dance floor. "Just follow my steps."

Our bodies sway in perfect harmony, moving to the rhythm of the music. The world around us fades into the background as we become immersed in our own private universe.As we sway together, a delicate balance emerges between us. Alpha Rhy's strong and commanding presence blends with my own strength and resilience. The dance becomes a subtle dialogue, a wordless conversation conveyed through the language of movement.

I feel a sense of liberation in his arms, as if the weight of the world has momentarily lifted. The constraints that once held me captive dissolve, allowing me to embrace the moment and the connection we share. With each step and turn, we build a bridge, forging a deeper understanding of one another. The dance floor becomes a sanctuary, a space where vulnerabilities are laid bare, and masks are discarded. In the gentle sway of our bodies, I sense the layers of Alpha Rhy's exterior peeling away, revealing a complex soul yearning for connection.

Our movements become an exploration, an intertwining of our individual stories. In the subtleties of his touch and the way our bodies align, I discover a new facet of myself. Alpha Rhy's presence ignites a spark within me, encouraging me to step into my own power. As the music reaches its crescendo, our dance becomes a crescendo of emotions. There is an unspoken tension between us. Something that seems to simmer from the bottom of our deepest and darkest desires–

Suddenly, the Alpha let go of my arms. "Sorry, I need to go."

I blink in confusion as Alpha Rhy's abruptly releases me from our dance, his departure causing the music to fade into silence. The ballroom, once filled with lively movement, falls into an uneasy stillness. I watch as others pause in their steps, their gazes shifting towards Alpha Rhy's, creating a clear path for him to exit. A mix of relief and bewilderment floods over me. While I can't deny the sudden freedom from dancing with him brings a sense of relief, I can't help but question why he chose to leave so abruptly. The lingering stares from the guests make it clear that their attention has shifted towards me, as if I am somehow the reason for his sudden departure.

Unease gnaws at my insides as I feel the weight of their judgment upon me. Whispers begin to fill the air, speculation and assumptions weaving their way through the crowd. It becomes apparent that I am being cast as the one who scared off the powerful Alpha. I try to shake off the unease, reminding myself that their opinions hold no true significance. Yet, the lingering stares and hushed conversations only serve to deepen my discomfort. I feel the eyes of the guests drilling into me, their scrutiny fueled by misguided assumptions.

My instinct tells me to retreat, to find solace in the quiet corners of the ballroom away from prying eyes. But a fire ignites within me, refusing to let their judgments define me. I stand tall, shoulders back, determined not to allow their misunderstanding to overshadow my presence. Taking a deep breath, I gather my composure and meet the gaze of those around me. I refuse to shy away, refusing to let their misguided assumptions dictate my self-worth. I remind myself of the strength within, the resilience that has carried me through many challenges before.

Slowly, I make my way back onto the dance floor. The music, hesitant at first, starts to pick up again, encouraging me to reclaim the joy and freedom that once filled the room. As I move with grace and confidence, I can feel the shift in the atmosphere. The whispers quiet down, replaced by the gentle sway of bodies returning to the rhythm of the music. I dance with a renewed sense of purpose, my movements mirroring the resilience within my heart. The onlookers, no longer seeing me as the cause of Alpha Rhy's departure, begin to shift their attention elsewhere. They see now that I am not defined by one fleeting moment but by the strength and grace with which I carry myself.

In this moment, I realize that their judgments are mere shadows compared to the light that emanates from within me. I dance for myself, for the joy and freedom that music brings. The ballroom becomes my sanctuary once more, a space where I am unburdened by the assumptions of others.

As I twirl and sway, the weight of their stares and speculations dissolve into the energy of the dance. I am reminded that my worth is not determined by the opinions of those around me, but by the authenticity and resilience I embody.

In the face of their misunderstanding, I choose to shine brighter, refusing to allow their assumptions to dim my light. And as the music carries me, I find solace in the truth that I am more than their misplaced judgments, I am a force to be reckoned with, capable of creating my own path and finding my own happiness.

The audience claps when I finish my solo-dance and that makes me feel a bit more calm knowing that they actually liked my little dance that I may or not have taken from a circus dancer that comes to perform in our town once every year.

"Very graceful and controlled movements." Someone says in the mix of clapping.

I take a deep breath and approach Madame Fara who has her hands clasp toward her belly.

"I need to excuse myself."

"Go ahead, dear." Madame Fara leaves.

"Thank you…" I turn on my heels and make my way through the crowds. People naturally give me space, but there are a few who still try to intimidate me with their sharp glare and large size.

I step into the hallway, inhaling deeply, savoring the sweet relief of escaping the judgmental gazes that filled the ballroom. The air feels fresher here, devoid of the stifling expectations that weighed upon me inside. A sense of freedom washes over me, and I let out a breath, releasing the tension that had built within. Just as I exhale, I hear the sound of approaching footsteps. My heart skips a beat, startled by the intrusion on my brief moment of solitude. "You left me alone," I utter, opening my eyes, ready to confront whoever had interrupted my respite. But as my gaze meets theirs, I see familiar faces—Solaria and Ophelia standing before me.

Opehlia lips curl into an apologetic smile. "Sorry we left. You know how Solaria feels about parties," she explains, nodding towards Ophelia, who stands beside her, a knowing look in her eyes.

"That makes two of us," I reply, grateful to have their understanding presence by my side.

Solaria leans in slightly, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "We caught a glimpse of your dance," she says, her voice filled with warmth and admiration. "You did good." A blush rises to my cheeks, their words offering a glimmer of validation amidst the sea of judgment I had faced earlier.

"Thanks," I responded, my voice infused with gratitude. Their support means more to me than they can possibly know. I had felt like an outsider in that ballroom, but their recognition reminds me that I am not alone in this journey.

Curiosity dances in Ophelia's eyes as she speaks up. "Where is the Alpha?" she asks, her voice laced with intrigue. My lips curl into a wry smile. "He went somewhere, as expected," I replied, shrugging off his absence. Alpha Rhy's and his enigmatic ways were becoming a familiar aspect of my life, a puzzle I was slowly piecing together.

Ophelia steps forward, concerned with etching her features. "Well, you seem tired," she observes, her voice gentle. "Let's get a bath ready for you."

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating their offer. But then a surge of determination courses through me. "No, I don't want to go to bed," I assert, my voice stronger than before. "Take me to that secret place you guys were talking about."

Solaria and Ophelia exchange glances, and a silent understanding passes between them. With a nod, they link their arms through mine, leading me down the hallway. As we walk, I feel a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation. The prospect of exploring this hidden sanctuary within the palace walls fills me with curiosity and a glimmer of hope.