

" This is the reason why I don't like coming to the U.S, something always goes wrong." My flight back to Japan was just delayed...and now i'm in a shitty mood.

"Ryou, pull over."

"Sir, aren't we going to the hotel for the night?" Looking in the rearview mirror Ryou instantly knew that he shouldn't have questioned his boss, knowing the type of mood he was in. He just knew that any second now his boss was going to beat him, probably until he couldn't breathe anymore. After noticing the death stare that he was receiving from his boss, he decided to hurry up and drive as fast as possible to the nearest stop.

I got out of the car to take a walk because I knew that it wouldn't be safe for Ryou, I would've just beaten the hell out of him just because I could. Walking towards the airport entrance, I notice this woman running out with her hands waving around like a lunatic. Not noticing that I, myself started walking straight for her…..next thing I know she's crashing into me. Seeing that she was about to fall on her ass, I instantly reach out and grab her, wrapping my fingers around her…..soft slender waist. Her caramel skin looked flawless, leaning a little bit closer to her, a sweet scent wafted up into my nostrils and I just knew it was coming from this stunning creature that now lay in his arms. Straightening my posture so that I can take in all of her, the first thing I saw were her pinkish kissable lips, they were so full I could just take her in my mouth right now. Trailing down from her lips to her delicate neck then down to her…..LORD it looks like it was made just for me, just the right size for only my hands. Feeling like I might take her right here and now in front of the airport, I gripped her waist some more and hauled her up to her feet and grunted so that she could notice that I was standing right in front of her.

Maybe she took a liking to me as much as I did to her because she seems to be stuck in daydream land.

"...Sorry about that, I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going…." Does she not like me or something? Why is she looking at the ground? Did I freak her out?

"Next time watch where you're going…..or the next person you bump into might not be as forgiving as me." Taking a step closer to her, she finally makes eye contact with me, not for long though before she puffed up her chest and started yelling.

"LOOK Mr Fancy Sir!" Poking me in the chest with tiny, soft fingers,

"I already told you that I was sorry, why are you acting like a douchebag about it!? All because you dress nice and look handsome, it doesn't mean you can treat people any kind of way!" After poking me, at what seemed to her like my chest which was really my stomach, I was fully aroused, because no woman had ever dared talk to me like that, let alone put their hand on me. I was interested.

While stuck in my thoughts, I noticed her slight movement like she was getting ready to leave, not being done with her just yet I take her chin in between three of my fingers. I pull my face as close as I could to hers and say "I don't think you truly understand who exactly you are talking to…"

"...." Looking me straight in my eyes,

"I'll let you go for now, but guarantee when I see you again it won't be pretty," leaning in a little bit closer so that now my lips are slightly touching hers "until next time beautiful." Releasing my grip on her chin, I stay there for another split second, then I turn around heading back to my car.

Getting in Ryou immediately started bombarding me with questions.

"Who was that? Do you know that woman? I've never seen her before. She sure is pretty though sir." Giving Ryou a deadly look, I say " SHUT YOUR MOUTH! And drive before my mood changes again." Looking back out the window to the now stunned girl, a smirk slowly creeps across my face because I know, that beautiful woman is mine. And no one else is ever going to get close to her.

"Ryou! Do a background check on that woman, and find out where she's going…..it's imperative that I know within the next two hours.