

I go inside of the airport heading for the first desk I see with a line of people in front of it asking about the next available flights.

While waiting in line, I was praying to the Gods that there were still some available seats on any flight to Japan for tomorrow.

After waiting in line for thirty minutes, I'm next to be assisted.

"I can take the next person in line!" Quickly shuffling towards what little distance there was between me and the desk,

"How may I help you today Ma'am?" Finally looking up from the floor...I was stunned to see how incredibly beautiful this lady was. Her silky black hair pulled back into a perfect bun, watching her slim fingers glide across the keyboard that sat in front of her. I was jealous, not because of how nice her hair looked but at how her skin glowed under the lights. Her skin was an almond color, with eyes that...to my surprise were green.



"Is there anything that I can assist you with?" Blinking I realised how much of a daze I was in,

"Sorry about that...I was kind of distracted."

"It's okay ma'am, now….is there anything I can assist you with?" Just from looking at her face you can tell she was starting to get agitated with me, even her voice could easily mislead you into thinking otherwise.

"YES! I would like to know if there are any available flights to Japan tomorrow?"

Watching her beautifully manicured fingers dance across the keyboard as she looked up the information I was inquiring about.

"There are two available seats tomorrow early in the morning at eight thirty, one is an economy seat and the other is first class. Which one would you like to book?"

"I'll take first class please, and thank you."

"That will be 2,000$ ma'am." Carefully counting the money I have in my bag before handing it to her, because god forbid someone sees me with all this money and chooses to rob me on site…..or worse once I leave to go to the hotel across the street.

Shaking my head, I pull out the money in cash and discreetly passes it to the desk lady.

She kind of looked at me funny, then the look on her face scrunched up like she hated people who paid in cash or something. Ignoring her, I snatch my ticket out her hands and say "Have a good night!"

I darted across the entryway, trying to hurry up and hail down a cab that I saw coming down the street. Looking down at my phone trying to read the time...I crashed into something. No I crashed into someONE….feeling my body being thrown to the floor from the backlash of the crash...I feel something wrapped around my waist, stopping me from hitting the floor. The person's hands felt big and sturdy.

I gasp, it's a 'him'. Oh God does his hands feel good around my waist…..it's like they belonged there, who is this person? Finally opening up my eyes to see who my savior was, instantly my mouth fell right open. My mouth was so wide, I could catch flies. His eyes bore into mine and I just stayed there in his arms, not showing any sign of trying to stand on my own.

He was big, and I'm not talking about the fat kind of big. I mean his torso was two of me put together, he made me feel so small once I realised how tall and wide he was. He looked as if he was 6'7, and I was only what….5'3. I couldn't help but imagine how he would crush me if we were to share the same bed.

He was wearing a black suit that looked like it was made for him. It wasn't too tight, It made sure to hug his muscles, but at the same time making sure it didn't look too small for him to be wearing.

"Ahhem!" Realising he was looking at me like I was crazy because I refused to stand up, I finally came to my senses and clumsily stood up so that I could apologise for running into him, and wasting his precious time it seemed. Because at this point it looked like he was ready to shoot me, for being so stupid.