
Amorivia and the Last Lost Boy

When Amorivia fell head over heels in love with story of The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up (Peter Pan), she became eager to meet him. Thinking Peter Pan would save her like how he saves Wendy, she jump off from her window only to...

LonelyInNeverland · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Amorivia and the Last Lost Boy


"But why are there no lost girls?" The little girl asked her mother, her eyes twinkling in curiosity.

The little girl's mother stares at her for moments and replied, "Well, according to the novelist, Barrie, the Lost Boys are boys who fell out of their prams while their nannies are looking the other way, in places such as Kensington Gardens. After going unclaimed for seven days, they are whisked off to Neverland, where they live with Peter Pan. There are no 'Lost Girls', because, as Peter explains, girls are too clever to be lost in this manner."

"But I want to be a lost girl! I want to go see and live in Neverland!" The little girl exclaimed. "I want to marry Peter Pan!"

The mother slightly chuckled at her daughter's silliness. "Then what if Peter asks you to stay there, never grow up, and lures you away?"

"Then I'd say yes with all my heart!"

"What about us? You'd leave me?"

The little girl froze and thought of something. "I would come and visit you."

"Peter Pan only visits this world with Tinker Bell and never with the lost boys, my dear."

The little girl pouted. "But mom!"

She tucks her daughter in bed and then kissed the little girl's forehead. "You would forget your mother, just like the way John and Michael did if not have Wendy!"

"I'll tell Peter to remind me to visit you!" The little tries to reason again.

"Oh, sweetheart, even Peter Pan miss a spring cleaning and then more to visit Wendy. She had married, when they met again. You must grow up to understand," said the little girl's mother.

The little girl was filled with sadness. "Peter must be so heartbroken when Wendy decided to grow up. I feel sad, Wendy was the only girl he ever loved."

"Now, now, it's pretty late. You have a good sleep, darling." She then turned on the night lights and was about to go when her daughter asked.

"Is Peter Pan even real?"

She looks back with a sweet smile, then, glanced on her wristwatch. She strode back to the little girl and sat on her bed.

"I suppose it's not too late to tell you another story."