
Amorivia and the Last Lost Boy

When Amorivia fell head over heels in love with story of The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up (Peter Pan), she became eager to meet him. Thinking Peter Pan would save her like how he saves Wendy, she jump off from her window only to...

LonelyInNeverland · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter I : Amorivia

"Oh! The cleverness of me!" Amorivia exclaimed, giggling as she stands up on her bed. And then jumps to another bed which was Harriett, her twin sister.

"Stop it! Amor! Stop jumping on my bed!" Harriett yelled.

"Get my shadow, Harriett! I shall stick it with soap!"

Harriett rolled her eyes and closed her book. "You know, I hate to break it to you but Peter Pan doesn't exist!"

That made Amorivia gasped loudly and stares at her ten minutes older sister. She glared at her sister while pointing her wooden sword straight at Harriett.

"You are not my sister! You are a pirate and that codfish's ally!" She screams.

"You are absurdly out of mind!" Harriett scorned.

With not a second wasted, Amorivia attacked with her wooden sword. Harriett was far more skilful and dodge the attack, rolling down the bed.

Amorivia was about to attack again when suddenly their door opened. The image of Mrs. Gutenberg gracefully entered their room.

"Mother!" The two girls called in chorus.

"Goodness gracious! Are you trying to kill your sister?" Mrs. Gutenberg's hand in her chest.

Amorivia put down her sword and smiled charmingly at her mother. "No! We were actually just playing."

"We were not. Anyway, I'm going to bed, mother." With that, Harriett tucked her own-self in bed.

This was always their setting. Harriett was far more mature than Amorivia. She would rather be fed up with all reality than escape to what her twin sister calls "heaven" which is not the real world at all.

Amorivia put down her sword and voluntarily tuck herself in her comfy bed. This was the only way her mother would leave; when she pretends to be asleep.

Mrs. Gutenberg sat down on Amoriva's bed and looks at her daughter worriedly. She touches Amorivia's face and painfully smiled. "What have I done? I've introduced you to something far more dangerous."

For a kid's worst nightmare was to grow up and Mrs. Gutenberg knows Amorivia was way too in love with Peter Pan and his promised Neverland. Amorivia would never want to grow up just like how Peter thought he doesn't.

Mrs. Gutenberg kissed Amorivia's forehead and then went to Harriett to do the same. She turned on their night lights for she herself was afraid that such Peter Pan might really come if she puts it off.

"Goodnight my lovely ones." With that said she closes the door and left.

Amorivia's eyes snapped open and she grinned mischievously. She got off her bed and walk towards the full-length window. Her eyes were twinkling as she stares at the stars above her. "Oh, Peter! When will you come and get me?"

Peter Pan was her ideal boy and all she could imagine of Peter was from a movie. "I'd like to be mother and I'll never, ever do the same mistake Wendy did."

Before she knew what had happened that night, the sun had already risen. It woke her up and she groans. Slowly she opened her eyes. I have fallen asleep beside the window again, she thought and smiled.

"Harriett!" She yells and turned to her sister's bed. Only no one was there so she storms off her room and down to the living room which her eyes widened.

"Oh, dear! Amorivia! You're still in your nightgown," Felecia, their grandmother said with her eyes darting at Amorivia. "That is not how a young lady like you should behave! You are almost thirteen!"

"I-I'm still a girl," Amorivia reasoned, her eyes pleading her mother to help her.

Felecia took some steps towards Amorivia. "You and Harriett will be spending the whole spring with me. Where you will learn a lot to prepare you for growing up."

"Oh! I'd love that!" Harriett exclaims in excitement while Amorivia plasters a fake grin.

Within her chest was heartbroken as ever. To grow up was the start of the end and she will soon face the cruel reality. She needs Peter to save her.

All-day, her thoughts just drowned within the oceans of worry. No word from the rest of her family could she understand neither was their faces. She looks at her twin sister who was smiling sweetly at their grandmother. How is she able to accept that she's going to grow up?

"Amorivia, dear, are you alright?" Mrs. Gutenberg asked. "You look pale."

"I-I don't feel alright," she stammers. "May I excuse my self?"

"Go ahead, dear. Rest your mind and find ease. As soon as the daylilies bloom tomorrow, we shall head to my home," Felicia had told her.

Amorivia slightly shudders but managed to flash them a smile before turning away. As soon as she reached her room she cried on her bed. Why? She asked. Why can't I decide like Peter did? I should run away, but I've no fairies with me! I can't fly!"

Amorivia wiped her tears away and walk towards the window. Her heart pounding inside her chest. She stands still, even though there was a rail it was not so high. She can easily jump off.

"Peter if you can hear me, take me to Neverland with you. I promise, I won't ever grow up and this promise isn't like Wendy's. I daresay to keep it," she murmurs to the wind that blew on her face.

It took a while but no Peter nor a shadow came which made her cry even more.

"Aren't you going to save me, Peter?" This time her voice was louder.

Still, nothing came, not even a dot that was glowing. "I don't want to grow up!"

It was clear to Amorivia.

"Is Peter Pan even real?" She asked her own, closing her eyes as she withdraws from growing up. Now, she jumps off their window. To die will be an awfully big adventure, Peter Pan would say.