

"Do you think you can escape?" She stared at the person with horror.She was feeling very miserable that the person she was hiding from,she would find out about him like this.Every nerve on her body was warning her to run away from there. The person chuckled. "I know what's in your mind.Don't even try to do this!!!" Her eyes lit up in anger. "Do you think I will give up, if a devil like you threat me?" Her words left a devilish grin on his perfectly symmetrical handsome face whose one glimpse was enough to capture any woman's mind and body. She suddenly lifted a vase that was in her range and was about to smash on his head,but before she could do that he caught her hands and pulled her to himself, capturing her through his body which was huge and very masculine compared to her tiny frame. "Devil or God whoever decides to save you,unfortunately it is impossible.Because I am your fate and no one can save you from me…." He mumbled in her ear. ************************************************ Have you ever thought that what would you do if you were trapped in the world of amnesia? What would you do if life has cheated on you in every aspect and came to end because of this? If life would give you another chance in exchange for something very important, would you dare to take it? Wang Wei a well known businesses man once saved a young woman's life while someone threw her unconscious body on the road.After regaining her consciousness,she failed to remember anything about her life, not even her name.After some days she discovered that there is a big mystery related to her life.She no longer lives in a single world.She has another life which one she assumed as amnesic life…. Will she be ever able to solve the mystery of her amnesic life? Will she be able to find the culprit who is responsible for her present condition? Will she be able to take revenge? Will she be able to find her saviour or she will mistake him as someone else…….. Read the novel to find out......

AnonnaRahman13 · Fantasy
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144 Chs

A voice inside her head!!

Mrs Ning and the girl went to the police station for help.Because the girl had forgotten everything about her and even her name.And on the way the girl said everything about her.So from her story Mrs Ning could guess that somebody tried to kill her.So it was not safe for her to roam on the road like this.She needed immediate help.

"So what is the problem,ma'am?" A constable asked them.

Mrs Ning stared at the girl.She asked her to say everything to the police officer.

The girl started speaking.She told the exact things that she told Mrs Ning.That was basically she didn't remember anything and someone rescued her and admitted her to the hospital.

"Do you know who first found you and admitted you to the hospital?"The policeman said.

" Someone called Wa…."The girl held her forehead.Suddenly she couldn't remember the name.

"What's happening to you?Are you alright? " Mrs Ning asked with a confused gaze.She felt the girl was feeling unwell again.

"My head is badly aching." The girl said with a pained expression on her face.

Mrs Ning felt slightly tensed.Though she didn't know the girl,still she wanted to help her Somehow.She thought that maybe the girl is really in trouble.From her appearance it didn't look like she was lying at all.

"Is it too much?" She again asked worriedly.She was clearly worried.

"Yes.Its too much.As if my head is going to burst open." She said wrinkling her face.

"Maam,please take her to the hospital.I guess she is feeling very sick.Its a serious matter.You take her for treatment and here I am filing the complaints and lets see what I can do about that." The policeman said.

Mrs Ning took the girl with her.She hurriedly called a cab and took her to a hospital.But before entering into the hospital the girl lost her consciousness.


She opened her eyes.

The first thing she saw after opening the eyes is a white roof wall.she stared at herself.Everything around her,the color of the wall,the bedsheet and everything she could see is white.Probably she is in a hospital again.She felt there was still mild headache inside her head.

She tried to remember what exactly happened.

Then she remembered that the last thing she remembered is she went to the police station with Mrs Ning and started having a headache.She tried to take her in the hospital but on the way she lost her consciousness.

She saw there was a iv drip in her hands.She removed that from her hands.Outside the room,she could hear that Mrs Ning was talking with someone.And the voice was also very familiar whom she was talking with.She got up from the bed and tried to see whom she was talking to but couldn't see the person.He was facing his back toward her.She again went back to her bed.

Suddenly she felt that her head was aching badly again as if someone was stabbing her from inside.She held her head with both of her hand as if she didn't do it,it could burst open at any moment.

She felt suddenly there was someone talking inside her head.

She felt panicked!!!

That's very weird…

Has she gone insane???

What's going on there...How can she hear another voice inside her head?That's too weird.

"Face the reality!!"

She heard the voice inside her saying that…

"What?" She said out loud…

Again she passed out….

After a few hours,she again regained the consciousness.This time opening her eyes she saw Mrs Ning was lying on the couch in front of her.She was sleeping.

The girl sighed a long breath.She felt slightly cheered that at least Mrs Ning didn't decide to leave her here all alone.She felt grateful to her.

She got up from the bed and went outside.She wanted to check where she exactly was.She already guessed that was a hospital but still wanted yo be sure if that was really hospital or not.She already forgot everything so it was not wise to trust anyone just closing her eyes unless she didn't have an option.

She saw that it was really a hospital.A very clean and seemed to be a hospital with high and modern technology.It was very weird that she forgot everything about herself but still she could remember everything about daily chores like a normal person.

Suddenly while checking the whole of the hospital,she tripped over someone unconsciously.

"What the hell!Are you blind?"

She heard a very familiar voice screaming on her due to her absent mind.She raised her head to see the face of that person to check who he was.She almost choked on her breath..

Wang Wei‌‌‌!!!

The one she went to see help.But instead of helping her,he just behave rudely with her.

"I...I...I am very sorry." She started stammering.

"Actually I didn't see that you are here." She tried to explain.

"Wait...You look so familiar...Hey..Aren't you the girl that came to me in the morning? " Wang Wei said very coldly.

The girl instantly lowered her head.Why the person in front her is behaving too rude with her!!What did she do to deserve a behaviour like this.!!