
american movieverse

will write how i get the response

white_poison · Movies
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John reaches the rendezvous point, a safe house hidden in the city. He enters the house, where Kevin is waiting for him, looking anxious.

Kevin Hart: (apologetically) Sorry, man! I thought I had it, but I made things difficult for you.

John: (smiling) No worries, man. Now help me out. This phone has a text message from a number. Locate the position of the sender while I make a call.

Kevin nods and starts working on the computer. John steps aside and calls Irene.

John: (calmly) Hey, Irene. Just wanted to make a report.

Irene Kennedy: (sensing something amiss) Go on.

John: (sighing) I blew up the embassy in pursuit of the bomber.

Irene Kennedy: (shocked) John, what did you do?

Kevin, who is on the computer, looks up horrified and scared.

Kevin Hart: (high-pitched voice) You what?

John steps away from the phone for a second and speaks to Kevin firmly.

John: (sternly) Kevin, I gave you work. You better get back to it.

Kevin Hart: (nervously) Sorry, sorry.

Kevin gets back to work, and John returns to his call with Irene.

Irene Kennedy: (angrily) John, you just violated the number one rule of international relations!

John: (reassuring) Don't worry. I took care of the security cameras. The most they'll have is a blurry photo of my back. I wore baggy clothes, so there's no way to identify my body shape.

Irene Kennedy: (relieved) Thank God you didn't leave any evidence. Did you get anything worthwhile?

John: (cryptically) I might have a lead, but we better not talk about it on the phone. So, bye.

Irene Kennedy: (resigned) Bye.

John hangs up and turns to Kevin, who looks more composed now.

Kevin Hart: (excited) John, I got the location. The message came from the Bahamas, an ocean club on the beachside.

John: (nodding) Great. Let's pack our backpacks and get there.

Scene shifts to John and Kevin packing their gear efficiently. They grab essential items and head out, blending into the crowd as they make their way to the airport.

John: (determined) This lead might be the key to unraveling Cerberus. We need to stay sharp.

Kevin Hart: (nervously smiling) Let's just hope the Bahamas are as nice as they say.

The camera follows them as they navigate through the busy streets, heading towards their next destination. The scene fades as they board a plane, ready for the next phase of their mission.

John and Kevin arrive in the Bahamas, standing in the airport parking lot. The sun is shining, and the tropical breeze is evident.

John: (speaking to Kevin) You didn't forget to rent a car, right?

Kevin Hart: (confidently) You gotta trust me, John. I got something you'll like.

John: (curious) Okay, let's see what you got.

A BMW M2 Coupé pulls into the parking lot. Kevin begins to introduce the car with enthusiasm.

Kevin Hart: (proudly) Twin-turbocharged 3.0L inline 6-cylinder engine. This mechanical marvel unleashes a staggering 453 horsepower and 550 Nm of torque, propelling you from 0-100 km/h in a blistering 4.1 seconds. (smiling) So, how do you like it?

John: (sighing) You know we're going to a country club, right? People there look for class, not sports cars.

Kevin Hart: (dejected) Oh shit! I rented it thinking you'd like it. Sorry, man.

John: (smirking) Wait a sec. I may have a plan for this, and you might see some action.

Kevin Hart: (perking up) Really!?

John: (nodding) Let's go to the club.

Scene shifts to the country club driveway. John is on the footpath, and Kevin is in the car, ready to execute their plan.

John: (speaking into his earpiece) So, you remember the plan?

Kevin Hart: (confidently) I got this, man. Trust me, it'll be done 100%.

John: (nodding) Okay, I trust you.

Kevin starts the car and pulls into the valet parking driveway, intentionally crashing the car as if due to the person in front. He gets out and starts blaming an old white man, who also starts to blame Kevin. Security rushes over to handle the situation. John, using the distraction, slips inside the club.

John: (to himself) Let's see what we can find.

John navigates through the club and makes his way to the security room. Seeing the security busy outside, he sneaks in and accesses the camera data. Scanning through the footage from the date the message was sent to the bomber, John spots a person getting out of a 1964 Aston Martin messaging at the time stamp.

John leaves the security room and heads to the reception desk.

Receptionist: (smiling) Checking in?

John: (charmingly) Yes, but it's a spur-of-the-moment thing. I haven't got a reservation.

The receptionist, charmed by John's appearance, takes a moment before responding.

Receptionist: (smiling) We have an ocean-view villa available.

John takes out a card and hands it to her.

John: (smiling) Perfect. Could you do me a favor? When I came to dinner yesterday, I couldn't help but notice a beautiful 1964 Aston Martin. You wouldn't happen to know who owns it, would you?

Receptionist: (leaning in, charmed) Mr. Dimitrios.

Receptionist: (nodding) Right. And if he hadn't noticed, I'm not sure I would mention it. He doesn't seem like the type to take bad news well.

John: (smiling) But what if you feel compelled to find him?

John: (smiling) I might need to.

Receptionist: (leaning closer) He has a house just up the beach.

John takes the key and a card with a number written on the back. He smiles at the receptionist.

John: (softly) A number to call when I need help?

Receptionist: (smiling) Yes, I will personally come to solve any problem for you.

Receptionist: i did not get your name ?

john : you can call me james , miss ?

Receptionist : cassie

John gives her a charming smile and heads out, meeting Kevin at the rendezvous point.

Kevin Hart: (excited) Did you get what we need?

John: (nodding) Yeah, let's pack our bags and head to house. We're getting closer.

The scene fades as John and Kevin walk towards their BMW, ready for the next step in their mission.


The next morning, John emerges from the ocean, water glistening on his muscular frame. He walks onto the beach, his eyes catching a horse running by. A woman in a green bikini rides the horse gracefully, and as she dismounts, she and John share a moment of eye contact before she turns and heads inside a nearby villa.

John's gaze shifts to a balcony where he sees Dimitrios. Sensing his target's presence, John heads back to his own villa. On the front porch, Cassie, the receptionist from earlier, is lounging in a white bikini.

Cassie: ( with a smile) How was the swim? Good?

Cassie sits up as John leans down and gives her a kiss.

John: (smiling) It was great. How about you?

Cassie: (flirtatiously) Even better now.

They share a light-hearted conversation, with John charming Cassie effortlessly. The chemistry between them is palpable. After a few moments, John steers the conversation towards his goal.

John: (casually) There's a dinner at the club tonight. Think I could join?

Cassie: (hesitant) James, it's only for members.

John moves closer, taking Cassie in his arms, his charm working overtime.

John: (whispering) Aren't I already a member?

He kisses her softly, and Cassie, slightly breathless, smiles up at him.

Cassie: (sighing) I'll see what I can arrange.

John gives her a warm smile and another kiss as the scene fades.

Scene shifts to the evening, with John getting ready for the dinner. He exuding confidence and elegance. He heads to the club, passing through the opulent halls and arriving at the dinner venue.

Cassie meets him at the entrance, a knowing smile on her face.

Cassie: (softly) You're in. Just be careful.

John: (nodding) Thanks, Cassie. I owe you one.

Cassie smiles and walks away, leaving John to navigate the room filled with high-profile guests. John scans the crowd, looking for Dimitrios.

John is at the bar, sipping a daiquiri, his eyes fixed on Dimitrios, who is engrossed in a game of baccarat. John notices a man stand up and leave the table after losing, creating an opportunity for John to join the game.

John: (to himself) Time to make a move.

John takes the man's place at the table. As the next round is about to start, a stunning woman in a Jenny Packham Lace-Up Gown approaches the table. John recognizes her as the woman on horseback and later identifies her as Dimitrios' wife, Sena. She kisses Dimitrios, but he, clearly frustrated by his losses, snaps at her.

Dimitrios: (coldly) If it's your luck, then it's two hours late.

Sena, looking saddened, leaves Dimitrios and heads to the bar. John keeps his focus on the game, winning several rounds. As the stakes rise, Dimitrios, having run out of chips, bets his car—a 1964 Aston Martin. John wins the final round, leaving Dimitrios with nothing.

John glances towards the bar and sees Sena leaving. He gets up and follows her outside, where the valet brings the Aston Martin around. Sena starts to get into the passenger seat, and John approaches the driver's side.

Sena: (seeing John) No wonder he was in such a foul mood. My mistake.

John: (smiling) Can I give you a lift home?

Sena: (sighing) That would send him over the edge. I'm afraid I'm not that cruel.

John: (charming) Perhaps you're just out of practice.

Sena chuckles lightly, tempted by John's offer.

Sena: (smiling) Perhaps.

John: (offering) How about a drink at my place?

Sena: (intrigued) Is it close?

John: (nodding) Very.

Sena, tempted, finally agrees.

Sena: (deciding) One drink.

They both get into the car. John drives them to his nearby house, and the scene shifts to John and Sena on a carpet, with Sena under John, speaking softly.

Sena: (whispering) You're a bad man, John. You like taking married women.

John: (smiling) It keeps things simple.

Sena: (reflective) I like bad guys. My husband… I had so many chances to be happy, so many nice guys. Why can't the nice guys be like you?

John: (softly) Then they'd be bad guys.

Sena chuckles and gets on top of John, starting to kiss him and moving to his neck.

John: (curious) What makes your husband a bad guy?

Sena: (continuing) His nature, I suppose.

John: (gently) Nature of work?

Sena: (mysterious) A mystery. I'm afraid you'll sleep with me to get to him.

John: (intrigued) How afraid?

Sena: (smiling) Not enough to stop.

John's phone rings, and he sees Kevin's ID. He picks up the call.

Kevin Hart: (urgent) Dimitrios has booked a flight in one hour to Miami.

Sena, noticing the call, stands up and moves towards the bedroom. John follows her.

Scene shifts to the bedroom, where the tension between John and Sena heightens as they share a passionate moment, the night setting the stage for the next move in John's mission.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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