
american movieverse

will write how i get the response

white_poison · Movies
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9 Chs


Harvey Specter sits behind his sleek office desk, a glass of Macallan 18 year old swirling in his hand. He's impeccably dressed, as always. The door swings open and JOHN enters.

HARVEY -John. Decided to grace us with your presence after all this time? Took you long enough.

John smirks, a glint in his eyes.

JOHN - Had some… personal matters to attend to. But hey, Harvey Specter, still looking as sharp as ever. Though, maybe a little less hair?

Harvey throws back his head and laughs, a dry chuckle.

HARVEY-Always the charmer, John. Now, about those personal matters... something to do with a missing CEO and a near-bankruptcy?

John's smile doesn't falter.

JOHN -Let's just say the company hasn't exactly been thriving in my absence. Care to elaborate, Mr. Specter?

Harvey sets his glass down, a serious look replacing his amusement.

HARVEY -Let's not mince words, John. The mismanagement has been disastrous. company on the verge of… well, let's just say things aren't looking good. But there's a glimmer of hope.

JOHN- Do tell.

Harvey leans forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

HARVEY -The development team has a new model. An Airbus, if you must know. Apparently, it's a game-changer. Unveiling is later this month. If it takes off, it could pull the company out of the nosedive.

John steeples his fingers, his gaze thoughtful.

JOHN -Interesting. And who's the genius behind this mismanagement?

HARVEY (Shrugs)-Let's just say someone needs a pink slip. But that's where things get tricky, John. To fire him, I need your go-ahead.

John raises an eyebrow.


And appoint a replacement? You want me to run the company?

Harvey takes a sip of his Macallan.

HARVEY-Not necessarily run it, John. But a show of authority wouldn't hurt. A signature here, a board meeting there. Just enough to keep things afloat until… you're ready.

John leans back in his chair, amusement flickering across his face.

JOHN- Fascinating. You know, Harvey, this company doesn't quite align with my current… interests. But hey, maybe sometime later. Until then, you keep the ship from sinking, I'll keep my options open.

Harvey sighs, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

HARVEY-John, the company needs you. It was built by your family. Don't you see? This isn't just some random corporation. This is your legacy .

John stands, a slight smile playing on his lips.

JOHN -Maybe it is, Harvey. Maybe it is. But for now, let's see how this Airbus flies. Until then, keep the sharks at bay. You're good at that, aren't you?

John turns to leave, a confident swagger in his step. Harvey watches him go, a thoughtful look on his face.

HARVEY (Muttering to himself)-Oh, I'm very good at that, John. But trust me, the company will be ready for you when you decide to take the reins.


A dimly lit conference room. John is seated across from Irene Kennedy, who is reviewing a dossier. The air is tense with anticipation.

Irene Kennedy: (serious) John, we might have found a suspect with connections to Cerberus. A bomber in Madagascar.

John: (nodding) At last some progress , so What's the mission?

Irene Kennedy: (calmly) Go in, take him alive, and bring him back. We need answers from him.

John: (considering) I'll need a partner. A black operative who's been active in the field for some time but isn't on any official record. Someone you know personally.

Irene Kennedy: (thinking) I might have someone, but he doesn't have much combat capability in the field.

John: (inquiring) No mention on record?

Irene Kennedy: (nodding) Yes, he was used by me to establish connections. Not much data on him.

John: (smirking) Perfect. I'll handle any action. He'll be used for establishing connections since I haven't ventured into that world yet. Give me his profile.

Irene slides a file across the table. John opens it and reads about a man named Kevin Hart.


Name: Kevin Hart

Personality: Jolly, with a great sense of humor

Skills: Excellent at establishing connections, not much combat ability

Background: Used by Irene to infiltrate and build networks

John: (raising an eyebrow) Kevin Hart, huh? Seems like a character.

Irene Kennedy: (smiling slightly) He is. But he's reliable in his own way.

John: (nodding) I'll take care of the action. He'll help with the connections. Let's bring him in.

Irene Kennedy : remember you will be in foreign soil , so dont use excessive force try to be subtle .

John : (slightly smirking) i will keep it in mind .

A bustling city in Madagascar. The camera pans over a crowd gathered around a street fight between a mongoose and a snake. The atmosphere is electric with excitement.

Kevin Hart: (speaking into his earpiece, touching it) Thanks, John, for giving me a chance to be on active duty.

John: (overseeing the crowd from a building rooftop, speaking into his earpiece) Kevin, you're only on lookout duty. No action. And take your hand off the earpiece.

The bomber notices Kevin's gesture and starts to move out of the crowd. Kevin, determined, begins to follow him. John's voice crackles through the earpiece.

John: (firmly) Kevin, stop! Stay put!

Kevin ignores the instruction, weaving through the crowd after the bomber. The bomber jumps into a pit to escape, and Kevin, stumbling over a rock, crashes into the pit, causing the crowd to scatter in fear.

John: (sighing) Kevin, meet me at the rendezvous point.

John starts his chase from the rooftop. He runs and jumps across roofs made of corrugated steel sheets, keeping the bomber in his sights. The chase intensifies as the bomber takes a sharp turn into a dense patch of trees and bushes, trying to lose John.

John follows relentlessly, navigating through the trees until they reach the end. The bomber jumps a fence into a construction site. John follows, scaling the fence with ease.

John: (to himself) No more running.

The bomber climbs the steel framework of an unfinished building. John spots a construction lift that can take him halfway up. He sprints to the lift, jumps on, and rides it up, preparing to intercept the bomber. As the lift reaches its peak, John leaps onto the steel beams and begins climbing after the bomber.

The bomber shoots the site security and spots an overhead crane with a payload attached to a rail. He jumps and starts climbing the steel cable to the top of the crane. John watches and makes his move.

John: (focused) Let's see you get out of this.

John jumps onto the payload, balances on the hook, and releases it, propelling himself up to the top of the crane. The bomber, reaching the crane's peak, turns to see John arriving right behind him. They engage in a fierce hand-to-hand fight.

Blows are exchanged as they balance precariously on the crane. The bomber, realizing he's outmatched, jumps to another crane and begins climbing down. John follows closely.

They continue the chase back into the bustling city streets. The bomber weaves through alleys, knocking over market stalls and dodging pedestrians. John is a step behind, his determination unwavering .


The bustling streets of Madagascar. The bomber runs through the crowd and enters an embassy. John, in hot pursuit, leaps from the roof of a moving minivan, landing in the embassy's backyard.

John: (gritting his teeth) No more running.

John pulls out his pistol, shooting out security cameras as he makes his way through the embassy. He conceals his weapon as he navigates hallways, shooting any cameras in his path. Following the trail of the bomber, he reaches the embassy head office.

Bomber: (desperate) You can't stop us!

John catches up to the bomber, delivering a brutal beatdown and incapacitating the embassy head who tries to intervene. He drags the bomber by the shirt, making his way out of the office. The embassy head, in a last-ditch effort, presses an alarm button, causing a blaring siren to echo through the building.

John: (grumbling) Great, just what I needed.

Guards armed with AK-47s rush into the building, shooting wildly and shattering windows. John maneuvers through the chaos, dragging the bomber along. He turns a corner and sees two officers. With a quick motion, he throws the bomber at them, disarming them in the confusion.

John hits one officer in the chin with a powerful cross, sending him to the floor. The other receives a fierce uppercut, and John grabs him, throwing him down the stairs to block the advancing soldiers.

John: (determined) Stay down!

John breaks a window and jumps from the first floor, landing in the backyard with the bomber. As they land, the embassy head arrives with five soldiers, all pointing guns at John.

Embassy Head: (commanding) Drop your weapon and release the bomber!

John: (calmly) Alright, alright.

John drops his weapon and looks around, spotting a fuel tank nearby. He releases the bomber, who sneers at him. The soldiers momentarily relax their guard. Seizing the moment, John pulls out a second pistol, shooting the bomber and the fuel tank.

The fuel tank explodes, creating a massive fireball that sweeps through the backyard. The soldiers are caught in the blast, unable to react in time. In the ensuing chaos, John grabs the bomber's backpack and sprints towards the back gate.

John: (to himself) Time to go.

John escapes through the back gate, the explosion illuminating his path. He races through the streets, blending into the crowd as the embassy burns behind him.

The scene ends with John disappearing into the city, mission accomplished, but leaving behind a trail of destruction and a burning embassy