
American comics start with level five mutants

In a twist of cosmic fate, Su Yao awakens within the Marvel universe as a mutant, his existence shrouded in mystery within the confines of an experimental base. With panic gripping his heart, Su Yao discovers his newfound ability of 'imitation,' allowing him to mimic the powers of those around him. As Su Yao grapples with his abilities, he delves into mimicking the likes of Orochi, the Sun God, and the Scarlet Witch, each imitation unlocking a fraction of their immense powers. Yet, the euphoria is short-lived as Su Yao learns the grim truth – his abilities come with a countdown clock to his demise, leaving him with only 83 days to live. Meanwhile, in the broader Marvel universe, whispers of Su Yao's existence reach the ears of formidable figures like Professor X, Magneto, Thor, and Loki. Their reactions range from urgency to familial intrigue, setting the stage for an unpredictable journey where Su Yao's destiny becomes intertwined with the fate of the entire Marvel multiverse. As Su Yao races against time to understand and master his powers, he finds himself drawn into a web of alliances, conflicts, and cosmic revelations. With the clock ticking, Su Yao's odyssey unfolds as he navigates the complexities of his existence, facing challenges that will test his courage, resolve, and the very limits of his mimicry. "ECHOES OF MIMICRY: A MARVEL MUTANT'S ODYSSEY" is a thrilling saga of self-discovery, redemption, and the enduring power of hope in the face of impossible odds. Prepare to embark on an epic journey where every imitation brings Su Yao closer to unlocking his true destiny amidst the sprawling tapestry of the Marvel universe.

Novel_Hunters · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 81: Su Yao's Ability is Restored!

 "Who is it?"

 "What happened?"

 "What's going on?"

The ancient one in Kama Taji, Odin Bolson, the god king of Asgard, and that powerful being, all showed confusion in their eyes.

The universe has changed without them noticing it?

They clearly perceive this.

How did you do it?

Coupled with the two words they heard before the change began, they deeply suspected that this time the change was artificial!

But who has this kind of power?

The god Ivar and the others were confused and surprised, wanting to know who did this incredible thing.

When they acted separately, wanting to explore what exactly had changed, and who had caused all this, Su Yao was gasping on the ground at this moment.

After a while, he stood up and looked around.

He found that the environment of the primeval forest had not changed much, but the originally clear sky had turned into night at this moment.

"Is it successful..."

Su Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he immediately turned his attention to Casillas, or the Cosmic Cube.

Now, as long as you get the Cosmic Cube, you can restore various abilities and thus have the ability to protect yourself!

After sensing it, he found that Casillas was not far from here, and he didn't know if it was because of the magic ceremony.

In the next second, he immediately stepped towards there, and at the same time notified Casillas and asked him to make the next move.

Far away.

Casillas and several followers were shocked at the moment.

"This magic ritual turned out to be a success!"

"It's incredible!"

"Oh my god..."

As mages, before arranging this magic ceremony, they naturally studied and watched the specific information, but because of this, they had to be shocked.

A magical ritual that is still being conceived and almost impossible to complete has been completed?

Casillas and others had to marvel at the great power of that demon god.

Except for the other party, they really couldn't understand how this kind of ceremony could be successful.

At this moment, the voice from the demon god sounded from Casillas' head.

"Destroy the magic ritual and leave there. You should have attracted the attention of some people."

Casillas was taken aback when he heard the words, knowing that this was not a lie. It was impossible for some powerful beings to perceive the big movement caused here.

In the next second, he quickly used his magic to destroy the magic ceremony on the ground. After putting away the Cosmic Cube, he hurriedly left here with people.

Sure enough, not long after they left here, orange sparks lit up nearby, and a portal was opened.

Gu Yi, the supreme mage with a unique temperament and bald head wearing a yellow robe, walked out of the portal.

Glancing at the surrounding environment, he quickly knew what he was talking about, and a look of shock flashed through his eyes.

Which dimension demon god can do this kind of thing?!

Obviously, he knew the role of this magic ritual.

For a long time, his eyes looked in the direction where Casillas and the others fled.

 "Casillas, what have you done."

Gu Yi realized that Casillas' fate had changed.

His fate, which was probably to be devoured by Dormammu, suddenly disappeared and changed inexplicably!

Even, it changes all the time, and seems to be affected by some external force, causing his ending to change frequently.

Gu Yi only felt that a layer of fog enveloped him, making it difficult to judge his ending.

Needless to say, the reason for all this must be related to the dimension demon god who communicated with the other party.   

A look of doubt flashed in Gu's eyes.

He felt that it was necessary to figure out what Casillas had done during this time.

He meditated here and fled from Casillas here. This time, according to the order of the demon god, he put the Cosmic Cube in a clearing.

Not long after he left, Su Yao's figure appeared here.

"Is this the Cosmic Cube?"

He looked at the ground.

The Cosmic Cube shone with a glimmer of light, lying quietly on the ground, even after experiencing such a terrifying consumption before, its overall light was no different from before except for a little dimmer light.

Even this dimness is visible to the naked eye.

Extremely unscientific.

"Su, don't get close, I feel it is very dangerous..." Venom reminded tremblingly.

Su Yao is naturally aware of this.

Infinite gems are dangerous things, and rashly approaching and touching them is likely to cause life-threatening, even if it is a Cosmic Cube with a shell.

The Red Skull, the villain of Team USA, once touched the Cosmic Cube with his hand and was teleported to outer space.

Su Yao hesitated for a while, and finally decided to touch it with his own hands.

In order to restore various abilities, I have to do the same!

He stepped to the vicinity of the Cosmic Cube, squatted down behind him, stretched out the index finger of his right hand, and cautiously touched it.

"If there is an accident, it will be blocked by light..."

Thinking so, his fingers touched the Cosmic Cube.

Where his fingers came into contact with the Cosmic Cube, a burst of blue light immediately appeared.

The blue light of the Cosmic Cube flashes.


The vast blue energy burst out, surrounding Su Yao like dust.

Su Yao didn't expect the movement to be so loud.

Suddenly, this energy seeped into his body as if it had found some source.

At this moment, his whole body was surrounded by the blue space energy of the Cosmic Cube.

Su Yao only felt that the snake imitating the panel that had gone wrong would be quickly recovering.

Soon, he discovered that all the damage caused by the loss of control of his abilities had disappeared!

At this time, even without the Cosmic Cube, he could quickly unlock his previous abilities by relying on energy points.

Not to mention, at this moment, under the energy of the Cosmic Cube, his locked abilities are also being restored one by one, and the level is still the previous level, and there has been no change.

[Ability: Black Particles (unlocked)]

[Ability: Rebound Shield (unlocked)]

[Ability: Space Transfer (unlocked)]

Just as he was about to unlock his next ability, suddenly there was a sound of the portal opening.

Su Yao glanced at the afterglow of his eyes covered by the black hood, and suddenly found that it was a bald head.

In just an instant, he recognized who this person was.

The supreme mage of Kama Taj, Gu Yi!

Su Yao frowned tightly.

Obviously, this supreme mage should have sensed the energy of the Cosmic Cube nearby, so he came to check it out.

(End of this chapter)