
American comics start with level five mutants

In a twist of cosmic fate, Su Yao awakens within the Marvel universe as a mutant, his existence shrouded in mystery within the confines of an experimental base. With panic gripping his heart, Su Yao discovers his newfound ability of 'imitation,' allowing him to mimic the powers of those around him. As Su Yao grapples with his abilities, he delves into mimicking the likes of Orochi, the Sun God, and the Scarlet Witch, each imitation unlocking a fraction of their immense powers. Yet, the euphoria is short-lived as Su Yao learns the grim truth – his abilities come with a countdown clock to his demise, leaving him with only 83 days to live. Meanwhile, in the broader Marvel universe, whispers of Su Yao's existence reach the ears of formidable figures like Professor X, Magneto, Thor, and Loki. Their reactions range from urgency to familial intrigue, setting the stage for an unpredictable journey where Su Yao's destiny becomes intertwined with the fate of the entire Marvel multiverse. As Su Yao races against time to understand and master his powers, he finds himself drawn into a web of alliances, conflicts, and cosmic revelations. With the clock ticking, Su Yao's odyssey unfolds as he navigates the complexities of his existence, facing challenges that will test his courage, resolve, and the very limits of his mimicry. "ECHOES OF MIMICRY: A MARVEL MUTANT'S ODYSSEY" is a thrilling saga of self-discovery, redemption, and the enduring power of hope in the face of impossible odds. Prepare to embark on an epic journey where every imitation brings Su Yao closer to unlocking his true destiny amidst the sprawling tapestry of the Marvel universe.

Novel_Hunters · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 61: Gods

 The young man's golden eyes looked at them quietly.

The wind blew his robe, hunting and hunting.

The invisible temperament rose from him unconsciously.

Elegant, mysterious, ethereal...

Looking at the black-clothed boy suspended in the air, everyone fell into a daze.



The serious faces of the soldiers could not be maintained, and they instantly solidified.

Henrik, the leader of the Mutant Underground organization, raised his head and looked straight at the young man in the air, his eyes full of surprise.

Outside the encirclement, other mutants in the underground organization also looked dumbfounded at this moment.

No, he can still fly?

Colonel Karg's mouth opened wide, and the cigarette butt in his mouth fell to the ground without knowing it, showing his mood at the moment.

Is the information wrong?

He hasn't heard that this guy can still fly!

In the distance, a group of resident's onlookers almost didn't see their eyes fall off, and their faces were covered with disbelief.

Look what they saw, they actually saw the mutant boy walking step by step in the sky on the fourth floor?

And suspended in the air and solidified immovable?


Flying, this young man actually has the ability to fly!



Just when they thought it was over, an ethereal voice sounded out of nowhere, as if welcoming him.

Sacred, solemn, mysterious, ethereal...

What is this sound?

"What happened?"


Listening and listening, whether it is ordinary soldiers or Colonel Karg, or the mutants of the underground organization and the residents in the distance, only tension and panic are felt at this moment.

The source of their tension is awesomely...

One by one, he looked irrepressibly at the young man floating in the wind in the sky.

Gradually, they felt that the temperament of the young man had changed again, and their momentum gradually increased.

Like everything and like God...

The heavens and the earth are born with him, and all things are unique with him....

As if the centre of the world...

At this moment, countless people were shocked.

Looks like a God...

How could there be such a terrible mutant?

At this moment, everyone present was in disbelief, and in addition to being shocked, they only felt the suffocating pressure enveloping them.


The dark sky behind the boy, as well as the thunder that flashed from time to time, made them feel suffocated even more.

As if they were ants trying to blaspheme the gods!

Under the suffocating pressure, their hearts palpitated.

In the end, Henrik bit his lip and was the first to recover.

Staring at the young man with the black sky as the background, suspended in the air, black clothes floating in the wind, exuding a special temperament, he gritted his teeth and scolded, "Little thing, don't pretend to be a ghost, do you think this will make us retreat?"


Following his shout, the stunned crowd quickly recovered.

"Yeah, so many of us, why are we afraid of this mere mutant?"

"It's just a mutant, what's the matter, he has to die under the siege of so much firepower from us!"

The loud speech of a sturdy man among the soldiers instantly relieved many people from their panic and felt that he was right.

Yeah, isn't it just a mutant? What are you afraid of?


Under the siege of hundreds of people, can this young man still hold on?

No matter how powerful he is, he will die under the cover of their artillery fire!

Colonel Karg also wanted to understand, and said happily, "Attack me!"

As the words fell, more than a dozen soldiers suddenly walked out carrying long black brackets one by one.

In front of the bracket, there are also small rockets, which are awesomely bazookas!

Bang bang bang...

Amidst the white smoke and dust, the rocket flew towards the boy in the distance like lightning at a speed of 300 meters per second, invisible to the naked eye.

Next second!

Boom boom boom!

Countless clouds of fire exploded, and the heat wave even swept around.

If you are close, you have to raise your hand to block the heat wave that is coming over.

Looking at the fire that engulfed everything within a range of nearly ten meters, the residents in the distance covered their mouths in fright, with horror in their eyes.

Observing the flashing fire, they started to talk a lot.

"It's terrible, that young man should have no bones left, right?"

"It's terrible!"

In the centre of the battlefield, Henrik's eyes were surprised, a little surprised by the power of this rocket.

Next to him, Colonel Karg showed a proud look in his eyes and explained, "This is an anti-tank bazooka, even if the tank receives so many rounds, it will be destroyed."


Henrik's eyes showed disappointment, and he hummed, "This is the solution?"

"This little thing is nothing more than that, I thought he was so fierce..."

Just when Colonel Karg showed satisfaction and Henrik showed disdain, when the onlookers felt that the boy was dead, a scene that surprised them appeared.

The fire dissipated, and what caught their eyes was an intact teenager.

Not only does he look okay on the outside, but even his clothes are not damaged at all!

"How could it be!"

"Is this guy still human?"

"He is not a body of steel, a body of flesh and blood has suffered so many terrifying rockets, can he still do nothing?"

"Even the clothes..."

Countless people were shocked.

There was a look of surprise in Henrik's eyes, a little confused about what happened.

It was Colonel Kager on the side who thought of something at this time, and a look of disbelief flashed across his face.

"Is that information true?"

"Can this guy block the attack?"


Thinking about it, Colonel Karg gritted his teeth, feeling that the boy's abilities must have limits, but he hadn't attacked his limits yet.

He regretted a little, so he should have brought a nuclear bazooka, so this guy would definitely not be able to hold on!

Not good!

Suddenly, thinking of something, Colonel Karg's face changed slightly and he quietly moved back.

Sure enough, not long after, in the shocked expression on his face, the young man's figure did not move, still calmly suspended in the air, but there was a sudden light of fire in front of him.

Then, these flames seemed to have gained some propulsion, and soon they spanned dozens of meters and hit straight in the direction of Colonel Karg and the others.


Several soldiers wailed and were engulfed by the fire.

Colonel Karg looked grateful.

Fortunately, I slipped away early...

Then, his gaze turned to Henrik, who was overwhelmed by the fire.

"This guy won't die..."

When the fire dissipated, the scene that appeared in everyone's sight made them startled again.

I saw Henrik, the leader of the mutant underground organization, with a disdainful smile on his face, also appeared in place unscathed, without even moving.

However, unlike the boy above his head, his body is in a transparent state of nothingness, just like a shadow.

"Haha, the leader is mighty!"

"The leader's ability is still the same invincible!"

(End of this chapter)