
American comics start with level 5 mutant

Su Yao escaped and traveled to the Marvel world to become a mutant. He was still in the experimental base. He expressed a little panic... Fortunately, at the critical moment, he awakened the mutant ability 'imitation' and imitated the opponent's ability!... Imitation Object → Orochi (Title: Sun God, Will of the Earth) Imitation object → Wanda (Title: Scarlet Witch, owner of Chaos Magic) Imitation object → Sun God... Professor X: "We must find him as soon as possible and guide him to control the power , to avoid causing irreparable disasters!" Magneto: "You are my child???" Thor: "Brother?" Loki: "?

jibrantm · Anime & Comics
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140 Chs

Chapter 5 Attack and Escape

Chapter 5 Attack and Escape

  As soon as Su Yao arrived here, his eyes were attracted by the scene in the glass compartment not far away.

  I saw an operation going on inside. A mutant wearing a mutant control collar around his neck had his limbs fixed on the operating table, and a doctor was disembowelling him...

  Look. As the organs were taken out one by one, Su Yao's face became a little ugly.

  As if noticing his expression, Gil looked indifferent and sneered, "That man is going to die, this is just waste."

  As he said that, he looked at the young man in front of him, full of malice.

  "Don't worry, you will be like him soon. He is not alone. You will go down and accompany him."


  Gil laughed loudly, his voice full of joy, and he seemed to hate mutants very much. .

  At this time, there was a sound of footsteps ahead, and a group of researchers in white coats came over.

  The leading middle-aged experimenter looked Su Yao up and down, looking at this handsome young man with short dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a very pale face.

  He asked calmly, "Is this No. 37?"

  While looking at it, he picked up a pile of information in his hand and lowered his head to check it.

  "Yes, that's the guy." Gil, who was behind Su Yao, nodded.

  As he spoke, he raised his right hand and pushed Su Yao hard in the back, as if to push him into the hands of those people.

  However, what surprised him was that the submissive useless mutant in front of him actually escaped his hand.


  "You dare to hide?"

  Jill was surprised and surprised, followed by anger.

  He stretched out his hand to catch Su Yao, but unfortunately he was dodged again.

  When the middle-aged researcher saw this, disgust flashed in his eyes, and he frowned slightly, "No. 37, what do you want to do, I suggest you not to resist, otherwise..."

  He didn't feel that the mutant in front of him was What can a boy with a human controller do? If he resists like this, it will be troublesome, and it will waste a lot of his time for experiments.

  "Kid, you deserve it!"

  Gil laughed ferociously, a cruel look flashed in his eyes, ready to teach this mutant who dared to resist him a profound lesson.

  In addition, this kid had resisted him and refused to obey him several times before, which made him even more angry.

  The researchers not far away all looked like they were watching the show. This was not the first time they had seen this kind of thing. These mutant freaks always ignored their lessons and always thought about dying.

  In the end, without exception, they all suffered miserably.

  Everyone felt that this time would be no exception, and they looked like they were watching a good show.

  However, before they saw Jill rushing forward to overwhelm the young man, they heard the young man who was like a lamb in their eyes say calmly, "You have suffered too."


  Before anyone else could react, Su Yao quickly raised his right finger and quickly aimed at the core of the mutant controller.

  [Black Particle Experience +1]

  A precise black particle shot out from his finger, swallowing the core of the mutant controller amid everyone's shocked expressions.

  With a pop, a hole was shot out of the metal wall next to it, and the mutant controller was ripped off.


  "Oh, my God!"

  Jill and others were shocked at first and then frightened.


  "What are you going to do?!"

  Both Jill and the middle-aged researcher were no longer calm at this moment, with panic on their faces.

  "I want you to experience death, you bunch of bastards."

  Su Yao was full of murderous intent, pointing first at Jill, and then in the direction of the middle-aged researcher.

  [Black Particle Experience +1]

  [Black Particle Experience +1]

  Two black particles appeared, shooting at them one after another at a speed that ordinary people could not react.


  The screams rang out, and Gil, a tall white man, covered his pierced chest with a look of panic and panic on his face.

  Then there were two more screams, and another black particle was seen, hitting the middle-aged researcher and the person behind him with one stone.

  Screams rang out, and the remaining three researchers turned around and fled in panic. The entire experimental area quickly fell into panic.

  "Impossible, how could you have such mutant abilities!"

  Jill's face was full of horror and confusion, and the middle-aged researcher lying on the ground on the other side also had a puzzled look on his face.

  They clearly remembered that this No. 37 was just a waste, with only the ability to absorb sunlight. When did it gain the ability to emit high-energy lasers?

  Looking at it, it was pointed at themselves again, and it was still at the position of the head. Gil said incoherently. He shouted in horror, "Don't do it..."

  Su Yao stepped on the man's face and crushed it hard. Looking at his red and aggrieved expression, he was in a good mood and asked with a smile, "You Weren't you very arrogant before?"

  "I..." Gil was very angry and gritted his teeth. He wanted to kill the person in front of him, but he had to beg for mercy, "Don't kill..."

  Unfortunately, before he could finish his words, then A jet-black wave of black particles hit his head in his unwilling gaze.

  [Black Particle Experience +1]

  With a pop, the tall white man died instantly, and disgusting liquid flowed out of the pierced nostril.

  Su Yao felt relieved from his depression. Unfortunately, he didn't have much time to relax now, so he had to seize the time to escape.

  Turning to look at the middle-aged researcher lying on the ground, he ran over and groped around on him.

  "What do you want to do?!" Yasen said in horror.

  Su Yao ignored him and quickly took away the ID card from him, then paused.

  A familiar reminder sounded in his ears.

  [You see several pieces of information scattered on the ground, and you seem to have found something on them...]

  After just a casual glance, he couldn't help but be shocked.

  He saw that there was some information about him on it, and it was extremely detailed. He was shocked just by reading the beginning.   

On the 37th, a failed baby genetically modified by 'Magneto Max Eisenhart' and 'Professor x Charles Francis Xavier'

A failed genetacly modified baby was sent to a family for adoption xx years ago

With the information, even Su Yao couldn't help but show a look of shock on his face.

  What does this mean?

  Does it mean that he was developed from the genes of Magneto and Professor X?

  In a sense, he can even be regarded as the child of Professor

  What kind of outrageous identity is this? Is Marvel's black technology so awesome?

  Regardless of the shock, he hurriedly picked up his ID card and paper information and ran towards the metal gate as he listened to the piercing sirens that resounded throughout the experimental base.

  As for the middle-aged researcher and another researcher lying on the ground, he did not continue to take action.

  Being hit by his black particles wouldn't be that uncomfortable. It's not like a gunshot wound, but part of the flesh and blood has disappeared!

  Just the missing internal organs and the bleeding wounds are enough for them to drink a pot. He will die slowly in pain, but it will be more pleasant to die directly.

  (End of chapter)