
American Comic: Creating An Oasis And Rise Of Mutants (Marvel X DC)

(Marvel x DC Comics) In the wondrous world of comics, superheroes are infinitely awesome, but mutants with superpowers often endure great tragedy. Lynn, who transmigrated, became a student at the Academy of Mutants, possessing the ability to wield magic. He could perform spells like Apparatus, Abracadabra, Glacier Spikes, and Emberstorms. Additionally, he had mastered powerful magic such as God Slayer Magic of Fire, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, True Mirror Image, Dimensional Leap, Elemental Manipulation, and Time Still, after a decade of dedicated practice. However, Lynn knew that Professor X's approach of sending students out as vigilantes to save the world in order to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants was ultimately futile. The real path to improving the living conditions of mutants was to gain more influence and power. But where does that power come from? Strength forms the foundation. Money on the left, and Power on the right. So, Lynn approached Professor X with a comprehensive plan: to establish a mutant consortium and wield power through wealth. The first step was to create "Oasis" and establish a Second World. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, DC Comics or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the Mtlnovel. Again I am not the original author, only translating. Mtl: https://www.mtlnovel.com/american-comic-create-an-oasis-at-the-beginning-and-the-rise-of-mutants/ You can support me on Patreon with 15+ chapters in advance. patr3on.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

71: Hulk Hates Mages!

The situation was quite straightforward.

Lynn, aware of the impending events, approached Mr. Blue at the opportune moment. After their conversation, he successfully invited him to become a guest professor at the upcoming X Academy, and provided him with a contact number to reach out whenever Bruce Banner visited.

A minor adjustment was made to the serum that Bronski was injecting.

Mr. Blue possessed a strong thirst for knowledge, prioritizing the satisfaction of his curiosity over all else. This was evident from his willingness to secretly assist in the serum research without any prior acquaintance with Hulk.

Initially resistant to Lynn's suggestion, Mr. Blue was swayed to agreement. Lynn refrained from using magical techniques such as the Confusion Curse or Imperius Curse. Instead, he stipulated a condition:

Funding for the construction of an entirely independent laboratory, as well as providing the lab with Hulk's blood and the blood of various mutants, enabling Mr. Blue to dive deep into the ocean of superpowers.

Mr. Blue agreed without hesitation

Now, it was evidently time for Lynn to uphold his end of the bargain.

Yet Mr. Blue hesitated for a prolonged period, uncertain about how to approach the subject. Despite his lack of comprehension about the true situation, the events unfolding today mirrored Lynn's words from before with astonishing accuracy.

The young man before him seemed to have foreseen the current scenario and enacted precise arrangements.

Without that specialized serum, Abomination wouldn't be nearly as violent and unhinged.

The battle against Hulk wouldn't have garnered such widespread attention. Fewer lives would have been lost.

It dawned on him that the individual he stood before was willing to take any means necessary to achieve his objectives. Having achieved his objectives now, would he resort to...silencing someone to protect his secrets?

"Mr. Lynn, about this..."

Thoughts whirled through Mr. Blue's mind. He retrieved a damaged badge from his pocket and cautiously said, "Thank you for giving me this. Without it, Abomination's brutal strike might have cost me my life..."

"Just a small token, no need to mention it."

Lynn smiled, as if privy to his inner thoughts. "As the first guest professor hired by the new X Academy, it's only natural for the academy to ensure your safety."

Relieved, Mr. Blue inwardly sighed at the response.

Lynn grinned knowingly.

Though the item saved Samuel Stern's life, it inadvertently thwarted his chances of being infused with Hulk's blood, elevating his intelligence thousandfold, and transforming him into a prominent villain's puppeteer.

Had he been aware of this, his reaction would undoubtedly have been priceless. Regardless, from this day forth, he was a guest professor at the X Academy.

Assured that Lynn had no intention of resorting to violence, Mr. Blue broached a more direct inquiry, "Where will my laboratory be situated? And how will I have access to Hulk's blood?"

"It's quite simple."

Lynn responded with composure, "Why not have Mr. Bruce Banner take up a position as a professor at the new X Academy?"


Mr. Blue was taken aback.

Shadowcat's gaze flickered abruptly. "Hulk is gone."

"It's my turn to step in."

With Lynn's voice, he vanished from his position.

In the dark night, Hulk moved swiftly across cities, making impressive jumps between buildings. He soon reached the suburbs and spotted a forest ahead. Without hesitation, he plunged into its depths.

However, as soon as his feet touched the ground, Lynn appeared before him.


Still seething with rage after his intense battle, Hulk's instincts kicked in. He leaped vertically and swung his massive hand towards Lynn's head.

"Calm down, big guy. I'm not here to fight you..."

Lynn's smile was gentle, and then he seemingly dissolved into thin air. Despite Hulk's immense strength, his blow landed on empty space, passing straight through Lynn's form.

The immense inertia caused Hulk to lose his balance and crash to the ground.

[Four Rings Space Magic · Nothingness]

Hulk's strength was in his raw power, speed, and reflexes. He relied heavily on instinct in combat. A powerful presence on the battlefield, he surged forward undeterred.

However, in a one-on-one showdown... Especially against a mage like Lynn...

No joke, Lynn had a myriad of ways to handle the situation.

At this moment, he chose the approach requiring the least effort. As Hulk steadied himself, Lynn raised his hand and cast a spell.

[Super Powerful Stunning Curse]

While its magical tier was low, a second-tier spell, Lynn's mastery elevated it to a fifth-tier potency.

A "buzz" sound, and the subtle magical light merged into the top of Hulk's head.


He was momentarily dazed, not instantly falling asleep. He continued charging towards Lynn, swinging his fists wildly.

With a "Bo" sound, Lynn's body exploded instantly.

Hulk was bewildered, almost surprised by the outcome. He then realized that Lynn's figures spanned his vision, filling the forest densely.

[Three Rings Magic - Mirror Image Technique]

All of these Lynn's actions were identical—raising their hands, casting magic light. Both real and illusory Lynn's unleashed potent stunning spells on Hulk.

This time, Hulk felt his eyelids grow heavy, overcome by an intense urge to sleep.


Hulk shook his head vigorously, banishing the strange drowsiness. He leaped multiple times, using his limbs to strike down Lynn in rapid succession. But these were mere illusions.

"Hey, big guy, don't you know mages have the upper hand against Berserkers?"

Lynn's voice sounded simultaneously as multiple Lynn's wore expressions of odd amusement. The real Lynn, concealed amidst the phantoms, shot out another powerful stunning spell.

After several minutes, Hulk was driven nearly to the brink of insanity.

His rage surged higher, enhancing his strength and speed. But as his fury grew, so did his drowsiness. His dim intellect became cloaked by a fog of darkness, and he inched towards unconsciousness.

After enduring ninety-eight potent stunning spells...

He roared with anger: "Hulk...hates mages!"

He then closed his eyes, collapsing to the ground with a thud, finally succumbing to peaceful slumber.

His skin, previously rigid as steel, slowly reverted to its normal hue. His body shifted back into his human form.

Lynn retracted the mirror image technique, vanishing all the clones. One figure remained, approaching Hulk. "Mr. Bruce Banner, Hulk is asleep. Are you still awake?"

As if in response, Banner's eyelids fluttered slightly.

Moments later, he slowly opened his eyes.

"You are…"

He seemed rather befuddled about recent events, regarding Lynn with uncertainty.

"Lynn, a mutant and the honorary principal of the New X Academy."

Lynn smiled and introduced himself, "I came to see you, Dr. Banner, to extend an offer. Would you consider being a guest professor and vice principal at the new X Academy?"

"Me? A professor? A vice principal?!"

Banner's confusion led him to voice three questions in succession.

"Indeed, Mr. Bruce. With your seven doctorates, you're among the brightest human geniuses. The new X Academy's vice principal position, focusing on knowledge beyond superpowers, seems tailor-made for you. You're the most fitting candidate!"

Lynn's tone was sincere, his eyes earnest. "As vice principal, you'd receive a substantial annual salary, a comfortable working environment, and immunity from pursuit. Additionally, I've appointed Mr. Blue as a guest professor, dedicating himself to researching an antidote for you..."

For Bruce Banner, Lynn offered no special treatment.

Like any other educator in the school, Banner was to be hired as a regular teacher.

Lynn recognized that Banner required nothing more. After years of exile, the world's foremost scientist yearned for a quiet and tranquil life.

This was undoubtedly the greatest show of goodwill.

Though Banner sensed this, he inquired hesitantly, "You want me to be a professor. Aren't you concerned that the angry one Inside me will awaken, causing havoc at your academy?"

"No problem."

Lynn responded calmly, an answer that confused him. "If Hulk stirs, I'll just beat him back."

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