
American Comic: Creating An Oasis And Rise Of Mutants (Marvel X DC)

(Marvel x DC Comics) In the wondrous world of comics, superheroes are infinitely awesome, but mutants with superpowers often endure great tragedy. Lynn, who transmigrated, became a student at the Academy of Mutants, possessing the ability to wield magic. He could perform spells like Apparatus, Abracadabra, Glacier Spikes, and Emberstorms. Additionally, he had mastered powerful magic such as God Slayer Magic of Fire, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic, True Mirror Image, Dimensional Leap, Elemental Manipulation, and Time Still, after a decade of dedicated practice. However, Lynn knew that Professor X's approach of sending students out as vigilantes to save the world in order to promote peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants was ultimately futile. The real path to improving the living conditions of mutants was to gain more influence and power. But where does that power come from? Strength forms the foundation. Money on the left, and Power on the right. So, Lynn approached Professor X with a comprehensive plan: to establish a mutant consortium and wield power through wealth. The first step was to create "Oasis" and establish a Second World. Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, DC Comics or any other works mentioned in this Fanfic. This is a translated version of the Mtlnovel. Again I am not the original author, only translating. Mtl: https://www.mtlnovel.com/american-comic-create-an-oasis-at-the-beginning-and-the-rise-of-mutants/ You can support me on Patreon with 15+ chapters in advance. patr3on.com/Chizihn

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

70: Monster Maker, Get Out Of The City!

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After hanging up the call, Nick Fury's eyes sparked with excitement.

Hill regarded him with a raised eyebrow. "Director, you really have a knack for seizing opportunities, don't you?"

"I'm not seizing opportunities..."

Nick Fury seemed unfazed by Hill's sarcasm, rubbing his temples. "The Avengers initiative isn't going as planned. We need more superheroes. Right now, the military's Super Soldier Project is an excellent opportunity for supplementation."

"But their Super Soldier Project has gone awry!"

Hill's tone was dry, and it was evident that she didn't share her director's enthusiasm. "Hulk might be an accidental creation, and he still retains a trace of kindness, but Abomination... If it weren't for the X-Men's intervention, he might have laid New York City to waste tonight. The project seems to have spiraled out of control."

"That's precisely why the Super Soldier Project needs our guidance to get back on track!"

Nick Fury defended his perspective firmly, his words carrying weight.

"Director, we're not all-powerful. We can't control everything."

Hill's shrug was accompanied by a nonchalant tone. "Considering Abomination's nature, it's evident that the military's Super Serum has its limitations. What if they create a second Abomination in the future? What happens then?"

"This is why we need to establish a formidable Avengers alliance. In case situations like this arise, we can—"

Nick Fury interrupted Hill's sentence halfway, catching on to his train of thought. "Hill, do you have any other suggestions?"

Hill hesitated briefly, then offered cautiously, "Perhaps...we can try reaching out to the X-Men?"

The suggestion implied that S.H.I.E.L.D. could recruit the X-Men, even mutants in general, into the Avengers initiative, fostering a cooperative alliance to safeguard the world.

Nick Fury's reaction was shocking, but not because of Hill's idea itself. It was because the idea was coming from Hill's mouth.

This fact indicated that the mutants' recent efforts had borne fruit. Even the airship commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. saw the potential for sincere collaboration with mutants.

"That's impossible..."

Nick Fury sighed deeply.

Hill was puzzled. "Why is it impossible?"

"Because mutants' powers are uncontrollable. The World Security Council would never consent to integrating an uncontrolled force into S.H.I.E.L.D.," Nick Fury explained, his gaze shifting toward his subordinate with a complex expression.

"Hill, you're not attuned enough to these matters. While S.H.I.E.L.D. enjoys autonomy, it's a formal institution under the governance of various nations...In other words, these institutions must be governed by ordinary humans."

"Think back to our initial roster of Avengers."

Hill mulled over the insight and quickly grasped the implications.

The Avengers' first roster consisted of individuals whose powers were either engineered or technologically harnessed—Steve Rogers, the man-made super soldier; Black Widow and Hawkeye, controlled agents; Iron Man, empowered by technology; Hulk...

Yes, even Hulk, the accidental creation of the military, found a place on the initial Avengers roster. And he was a byproduct of the Super Soldier Project.

In essence, their abilities were human-made. Mutants, however, were different.

Their superhuman abilities were innate, fundamentally separating them from ordinary humans. The longstanding enmity and exclusion between the two groups was rooted in this distinction.

In essence, mutants formed a distinct category.

Permitting them into S.H.I.E.L.D. and granting them unprecedented authority would trigger alarm among officials from various nations.

What if one day they woke up to find that S.H.I.E.L.D. was effectively controlled by mutants? That scenario was an inevitability.

"This isn't merely about trusting mutants, or their potential to serve as world-saving superheroes. The crux of the matter is that mutants mustn't wield political power,"

Hill mused aloud before letting out a mild curse. "Damn politics."

"It's reality, Hill."

Nick Fury shrugged, his tone resolute. "If S.H.I.E.L.D. aims to protect the world effectively, it must adhere to the rules of the game. If we veer off-course, the moment countries withdraw their funding, S.H.I.E.L.D. will crumble into oblivion."

His words were cut short by the sudden ringing of his phone.

He retrieved it, and a broad grin spread across his face. "It's Steve Rogers. It seems he's finally come around and is willing to join us!"

His confidence in recruiting Captain America was evident.

As he accepted the call, Steve Rogers on the other end jumped straight to the point. "Nick, I've been out of touch with the world for seventy years. I'm willing to join S.H.I.E.L.D. and protect the world alongside you, but I have a condition..."

"A condition? I'm all ears."

Nick Fury was buoyed by the positive development.

"Do you know what's going on with the city breach?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, Nick Fury felt an ominous premonition.

However, the US team on the other end of the phone was oblivious to this, continuing with a tinge of sadness in his voice: "The Hulk and Abomination, who nearly devastated the city and caused countless casualties, are both products of the military's Super Soldier Project. The irony is that the reason the military revived the Super Soldier Project was my own success back then..."

"My success ended up spawning countless failures..."

Captain America's tone carried a weight of responsibility. "So, my first order of business upon joining S.H.I.E.L.D. is to put an end to the military's Super Soldier Project, lest they create more monsters."

"I can't do this alone; I need S.H.I.E.L.D.'s assistance."

"Nick, are you willing to help me?"

At that moment, Nick Fury's expression shifted, a mixture of emotions crossing his face.

Meanwhile, Hill had picked up on her Director's internal conflict, foreseeing a sequence of exclamations likely involving "fuck" and "shit."

Nick Fury's current predicament was that he had just struck a deal with General Ross to oversee the Super Soldier Project...

And now, Captain America was about to intervene and halt the very same project.

Could this be labeled as experiencing extreme happiness followed by immense sorrow?

"Of course! I'm absolutely willing to help you!"

Internally berating himself, Nick Fury responded swiftly, "The current state of the Super Soldier Project is clearly deteriorating. The Super Serum's potency is waning. If it persists, I can't fathom how many lives will be lost, and security will be compromised."

"So, rest assured, Steve. I'll do everything in my power to assist you. Welcome to the Avengers, Captain!"

After hanging up the call, Nick Fury's demeanor underwent a drastic transformation.

Gazing at Hill, he issued a cold order, "From this point forward, all information pertaining to the Super Soldier Project will be classified at the highest level. Only agents ranked above Level Nine will have access. And Steven...100% classified."

Hill didn't seem taken aback by this directive. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. existed to safeguard the world's security. And its Director had always been a no-nonsense individual.


Elsewhere, on a rooftop, Lynn stood observing the battlefield below.

"Professor Charles, still as soft-hearted as ever..."

He smirked, unsurprised by the turn of events.

In the scene before him, Professor X controlled Wolverine, Cyclops, and Phoenix with seamless precision. Alongside Iron Man's aerial disruptions and the occasional cold punch from Hulk...

Though powerful, Abomination's efforts were proving futile. The battle didn't drag on, and he was eventually defeated.

However, the X-Men refrained from delivering a killing blow. Instead, they remained on the scene after the dust had settled, gazing skyward at the fighter jets.

Soon, General Ross disembarked from the fighter.

What met his eyes were the numerous buildings either destroyed or crumbling, lifeless bodies scattered about, and the distant onlookers who had gathered when the ordeal began.

n the ears are the chaotic sounds of the wailing of the injured, the sound of police cars and ambulances, and the noisy voices of people.

Even someone with Ross's resolute demeanor couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation under the scrutiny of so many eyes.

His daughter, Betty Ross, moved to approach Hulk. However, she quickly stopped. Because Hulk's eyes were full of vigilance, and his eyes kept wandering between her and General Ross.


"Professor Charles, Mr. Stark, thank you for your assistance in neutralizing—"

General Ross began, but his words were interrupted by a shout from the crowd, "Monster maker, get out of the city!"

The sound was like a signal, instantly igniting the anger of countless people.

Clearly, many individuals had viewed Shadowcat's live broadcast and were now fervently spreading the information.

As a result, General Ross's reputation shifted dramatically.

"Monster maker, get out of the city!"

"Monster maker, get out of the city!"

"Monster maker, get out of the city!"

At this moment, no one cared about the military's deterrence. Everyone was full of hatred for this monster who created and destroyed his own homeland, and they longed to approach him and unleash their pent-up rage.

The voices joined to form a relentless chant, resonating throughout the skies above New York City.

General Ross's expression changed abruptly.

Yet he didn't waver, continuing his stride toward the heart of the battlefield. Regardless of the situation, he was determined that Abomination's fate would fall into the hands of the military.

"As expected of a man who can attain the rank of general..."

On the rooftop, Shadowcat couldn't help but sneer: "Compared to him, William Stryker is not enough!"

Lynn chuckled, though he wasn't taken aback.

The live broadcast had concluded, and Mr. Blue, Samuel Stern, looked at Lynn with a curious expression. "Mr. Lynn, aren't you going to intervene? If they're captured by the military, they'll inevitably use Hulk's serum for research."

Lynn appeared unfazed. "The serum I provided him has completely ravaged his mind. Every drop of blood in his body is suffused with ferocious traits. Even if the military uses his blood to develop a new Hulk serum, it'll only produce a batch of monsters."

"Isn't this beneficial for us?"

Mr. Blue's eyes glinted, his respect for Lynn growing.

Lynn was the sole individual aware that this entire sequence of events was orchestrated from beginning to end by the young man before him. Poor General Ross likely believed the X-Men's appearance was a mere coincidence.

In reality, Lynn had already approached him when he and Hulk became online acquaintances, secretly assisting in the serum research.


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