
Amen: The Awakening

Several millennia ago, humankind made a decision that caused them to fall from grace with the Creator. However, they were not the only creatures to fall to that fate; a race of supernatural creatures called amen were also punished. Their fall came with a silver lining; they now possessed abilities they never had. This led to greed and destruction among them. In an effort to correct and lead their people, two influential amen rose to become leaders, but they disagreed on the direction their race should take. This led to an all-out war between their followers: the Sennites and Hebites. Fast forward to modern day Zion, a country in the Pacific; a human boy, is given power that could shift the war in favor of one side. This boy, Heat Fury, must struggle to take care of his little siblings, fight a hidden war in the modern world and deal with strangers who takes a peculiar interests in him.

Yinx_a · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Emerging Cracks

After a while, Heat went to Ur-tir'ak, gave his report and completed his healing. He was eager to get back home and lay in his bed.

As he headed for the exit, he heard someone approach.

"Heat lad, are we not gonna spar today?"

He turned and saw a man about three times his age with a broad smile on his face.

"I'm not feeling it today, some other time," He replied undertone.

Heat walked away angrily but was startled by a loud lion's roar.

He looked angrily at the amen. "Fine!" Heat suddenly appeared behind him.

"Transportation?" he asked. "Just yesterday you couldn't do that."

"If you dodge this, we would spar."

Heat formed a Great Snake's Hiss and aimed it at him. The amen tried to move aside but he was too slow; the attack connected, but not with him, with Supido. He was unharmed, not even his clothes took damage.

"Heat! Have you lost your mind?!"

Heat walked past Supido. "Oops, my bad."

"Apologize," Supido said, with his back turned to Heat.

Supido was not the kind of person to be interested in other peoples' business, except when it involved an elderly person.

"Or else?" Heat asked.

Supido turned to Heat. The rage was visibly growing in his eyes.

"Or else I'll make you."

"It's okay Supido, you don't have to tarnish your image." The older amen tried to calm him down.

"Why do you keep acting like you're the boss of me?"

Supido took a step forward. "For the last time, apologize."

All the amen in the training room scurried for the door like their lives depended on it. Heat's legs began to shake, like they were terrified and trying to just fall to his knees. He recognized this feeling, it was the same as when Deucalion transformed, but much worse. Most of the amen who were not able to escape the room fell to their knees, unable to move. Supido took another step. A force ran through Heat's body like a bolt of lightning, forcing him to one knee.

"I'm sorry."

Supido relaxed; the tension in the room disappeared, and the amen rose back to their feet. "Heat! Supido! Shishio wants to see you two!"

That was the voice of Stephanie, the captain of the First Division. The blonde, tall lady walked to Supido, while Heat took the lead.

"You know, you could've called me without shouting that loud, Stephanie," Supido said.

"Yeah, I could've but I didn't. So stop whining and get going."

"I guess I should expect that from you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

They headed to Shishio's office.

"No, no, nothing at all," Supido answered abruptly. "Jeez. It's been years and I still can't get over the fact that you don't look as mean as you are."

"Deal with it, kid. Anyway, I hope you did not have any plans of fighting the new kid."

"Not at all. He's a good friend; I just wanted him to apologize. Something is bugging him and he's taking it out on others."

"You do know that it could be his brain's way of adjusting to this new world. It's not every day a human finds out there's a supernatural world and war going on around them."

"Even if it's that-"

"Enough talking, enter." Stephanie shoved Supido into Shishio's office.

"Do you always have to be rough?"

"That's the only way to get through to kids of this millennium, and sadly, kids of the previous one too."

"Thank you, Stephanie, have a seat."

"Why thank you, Kyuu dear."

"Supido, keep standing."


"I'm sure Supido didn't intend to drag the captain title into the mud, Shishio."

Supido turned to look at Stephanie slowly. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

"That's not why I sent for you." Shishio paused. "Supido, are you already aware that you are a sage?"

"A sage? How's that possible?" he asked.

"Oh I see, so it was because of Heat," Stephanie said.

"What are you two old folks talking about?"

"Stephanie, can you please check?"

"Of course, Kyuu dear."

Stephanie stood behind Supido and tilted his head slightly to the left. She studied the nape of his neck closely.

"Well may She'ol freeze over! Our Supido here is a wolf-cheetah sage."

"How can you tell?" Supido asked.

"Identifying one who has attained sage hood is something a captain of the First squad should know, don't you think? I noticed a change in the nature of spa on the nape of your neck. That is a point where the evidence of sage hood originates."

"Sage hood?"


"Like you guys?"

"Not like us, but definitely sage hood."

"As I suspected, during your standoff with Mr. Fury-"

"You watched that?"

Stephanie smirked. "Everyone did."

"Like I was saying, during your standoff, I noticed, but wasn't sure, that's why I had her verify."

"Didn't you call Heat here?" Supido asked.

"Yes. I have already had a chat with Mr. Fury on a private issue. I think I'm done with you as well."


Supido placed his right arm across his chest, used his left fist to cover his right fist and bowed before Shishio and Madi. That was the Hebite salute. The right hand across the chest represents their pledge to support Hebi's cause and the left hand supporting the right represents the devotion to uphold its beliefs and values.

"Kyuu, you seem very elated by this discovery," Stephanie said.

"I am. Supido's growth rate is impressive. The only other person I can think of who has a faster growth is Heat, and his is because of Hebi's spa."

"You're forgetting the former Black-ops captain."

"Perhaps. But to be fair, Supido will probably never escape that shadow."

On the way back home, Supido couldn't hold his excitement. He was finally a sage.

For a whole week, Supido and Heat never met each other or spoke to each other. They walked past each other like neither existed. Anytime Heat showed up for training, he left the moment he was done.