
Maker of new era

King Basudev was a great leader n a humble person to there people.he conquer half of india by himself a many great fight fought after some years he died after his son was born name soumil,then soumil became a king he was taking practing of fight skill from his father n great leader when he was of 5 years old now he was 17 years old he was in anger towards the king that his father's wanted to conquer his kingdom n he died before he wanted to b the conquer er of that kingdom n wanted to take his army to new era.Bilauddin nawab was a king of that kingdom n he had more bigger army then him ,so King Soumil thought that I want his army n kingdom both to make his army on new level n conquerer the kingdom to make start of new era just to tribute his father like shradhanjali.Now what to do he was think he didn't wanted to kill Billauddin nawab army n also want to conquer his kingdom because he needed his army to make his army unstopable n most powerful army on earth because he wanted to will the whole world n he wanted the start kick.Bilauddin nawab was the bigger leader who came from Afghanistan n became big king of india.His dream was also to do that just to sail in different different countries on conquer the most kingdom as he can.Bilaiddin nawab was great fighter no one was able to defeat him in open on man show fight challenge many many kings tried they failed n died n lost kingdom n army to Billauddin nawab.One day king Soumil send his commander to give message to king Billauddin nawab that he wants to fight one man show with him.king Billauddin smiled n told that now he is a kid n challenged is he stupied I think he doesn't love his kingdom or his peoples he told i accept n also appreciate his stupidity or madness n guts to challenged me because everyone knows other name of death is king Billauddin nawab i don't think but he wins the fight i would like to give my daughter to him he should marry after winning now give the message to ur king Soumil tommorow will b the fight tell him,then commander came back taking message of King Billauddin.Next day the fight was arranged n fight started n the king Soumil won the battle n he married his daughter as the proposal was made.Then king Soumil started making plans sailing towards Arab countries to conquer the wealthy lands n all precious thing like golg diamonds n every precious thing he wanted .

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