
Hungry of success

King name Basudev he was a great fighter n he teaches his fighter every day to improve n make them powerful to fight against enemies.He wanted to conquer a new Kingdom so he decided war against the king of that other kingdom so that he can win that kingdom his child was kidnap by other king name Khalil he was winning the battle in between battle khalil said I have ur boy i will kill him or just surrender in front of him n he new that khalil is a hipocrate he can do such thing so he had a meeting with khalil commander before fight.A commander of khalil was agreed toward king by his offer that if he helps king to will he will be owner of half fields of afim n oil that was in khalil kingdom this offer was good to fullfil the dream of khalil commander Abdullah.So when Khali in between had told that Basudev just surrender or i will kill ur so at that time that commander just killed khalil n been loyal to king Basudev.So therefor king Basudev give him what he said in his offer to him as been loyal n saving his son's life he gave the kingdom to him n told him that now ur a king of this kingdom because u save a son of King it means u saved a future king life it's a gift for ur future son's life.That time Abdullah promise king Basudev that anytime anything of my kingdom or my parts of body or soul u need i will b pleased to serve u my king