
Amara - Reunion

A college senior goes on a vacation to Italy with her classmates and her world flips upside down when she dies and wakes up as an immortal. Seraphina can't go back to London where everyone thinks she is dead, yet her existence is not common among immortals either. She is the first of her kind and many would kill to find out how her adopted father managed to grant her eternal life. Join Seraphina in her journey of finding out who she became as she drifts between accepting her new fantastic reality and dealing with her past. --- This is Book 1 in the series "Amara" where you get to join Seraphina in her journey of accepting her immortality. FL is strong, smart and she does not depend on ML. Expect drama, mystery, and romance in a modern-fantasy setting. If you are under age 18 or sensitive to adult content, I suggest you skip this novel. --- Excerpt from the novel... I stepped on the threshold and the clamor quieted down in one quick wave that swept through the classroom as people stared at me and spoke in whispers. Those were my classmates, the ones that degraded me due to my poor background, but now things are different. I met their eyes with confidence and there I saw him, behind the last desk on the right, that is made for two. He was looking at his phone and ignoring two women who talked to him. The time replaced his boyish features with mature ones, and he became the handsome man who must be the cause of many wet dreams. The lack of noise got his attention. It took him a second to spot me, and the world faded at the moment our eyes met. The magic between us was the same as I remember, but stronger. Probably because we are not kids anymore. Now we are grownups and trying to label this feeling that engulfed me as anything other than attraction laced with lust, would be denying the obvious. Damn! I thought that by coming to this reunion I will be able to get over my infatuation that stems from my dreams. I was confident that I will realize he was never mine, to begin with. It was just a teenage crush that should have died with my mortal self. But as his endlessly blue eyes bore into mine, I was unable to resist the aching need to get closer. Oh, boy... I am in trouble. Aren't I? --- Connect with me. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- I own the cover. --- Give my other novels a try! - Is this Destiny? - Accident Prone - The Alpha's Bride - The Supreme Alpha (Book 2 in Amara series)

RedSonia · Fantasy
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424 Chs

A different definition of normal (2)

Author's note: this chapter is from Seraphina's point of view


I know that Aldus is trying to tell me unbelievable things, and I always thought that he is not alone in that head of his, but I need to hear what he has to say.

"Is that why you are doing all those tests? Because I am different than a regular human?", I asked reluctantly while finding that the word 'different' fits better than 'special' or 'unique' that Aldus is usually using.


I was glad to hear a simple answer instead of his usual essay-like one that does not make sense.

"What did your tests tell you so far?"

I was not sure if he smiled because my question showed interest in his work or because I omitted my usual sarcasm.

He was almost giddy while he talked.

"Your body is special. I used every virus and bacteria I have in my storage, and trust me, I have a lot of them. I found that your leukocytes destroyed them without previous immunity present, which makes me believe that you can't get sick. Cells that should deteriorate within hours or days are not showing even the slightest signs of degradation, and that is a solid sign of how you are not aging. And also, when mixed with foreign cells, yours… take over. I need to do more tests in order to make sense of it."

Aldus paused for two breaths, and I could see the crazed sparkle in his eyes. He opened his mouth and then closed it, and I realized that he is holding something back.

"What is it?"

He hesitated for a moment, but then he spoke: "I would like to do further tests of your healing ability, but I am not sure if you will be willing to part from a piece of your skin, or maybe a digit so that we see if you will regrow it."

I inhaled sharply and balled my hands into fists as if to hide my fingers. My toes inside my fuzzy slippers curled involuntarily like he has a knife, ready to chop them away.

Aldus noticed my panic and added quickly: "Don't worry, Serina. I will not do anything so drastic without your consent. Keep in mind that in case we cut off your finger and it does not regrow, I am perfectly capable to reattach it, and with your healing ability, you won't feel a difference."

I blinked while observing Aldus. How can he talk so casually about cutting off pieces of my body? But he said that he will not do it without my consent.

"Should I thank you for respecting my wishes?", I asked and realized that my sarcasm is back, in its full strength.

Aldus smiled. "No. As your father, it is my duty to allow you the freedom of choice, unless it jeopardizes your safety. To be honest, I should thank you, Serina, for coming into my life. I don't remember the last time I was this excited. You are like a newborn who is hiding many mysteries and they are for me to discover them."

I was taken aback by his response. So far, Aldus said that I can't get sick, I don't age, and I heal super-fast. His last comment made me think how that is not all. "Are you saying that I have some other… abilities?"

"There is a possibility. Just how children bloom and discover themselves through the process, you might have hidden potential that will reveal itself under the right conditions."

Aldus drifted off to the area of guessing and wishful thinking, and I decided to switch the topic.

Considering that Aldus didn't flinch when I mentioned that Lazarus was fast and strong beyond expectations, I knew that Aldus was aware of this.

"What is Lazarus?"

Aldus was silent for some time as if he is contemplating how to answer my question. Eventually, he told me… "A shapeshifter."

"Like Mystique, from X-Men?" It was the first thing that came to my mind.

"Something like that, but with animals. More… dog-like."

I felt my insides tightening. "A werewolf?"

Aldus tilted his head slightly and his expression was the same as many times before when I refused to believe him.

Do I believe such a crazy thing? In the last ten days, I saw too many unbelievable things to ignore them all. Starting from waking up without previous memories in Aldus's crazy-looking lab in Venice to watching my bone-deep cut heal within seconds without a scar, with lingering pain as the only reminder of what happened… and then many other things followed that I couldn't explain. I would be foolish to keep ignoring these things or justify them with lame excuses.

My only choice is to open my eyes and start believing, and if that is part of the madness, I guess I will descend into it willingly. Well, at least I will not be alone because Aldus will be by my side as my guide and as my father, and as such, I wanted to know more about him.

"What are you?"

Aldus's expression warmed as if he felt that the fence around me is collapsing. "Are you ready to accept the truth?"

I knew that Aldus is hiding a lot of secrets and him giving me an option to step back is his way of protecting me. Whatever he is, is probably too much for me. For now.

"I want to hear whatever you have to say, and I wish to believe it, but I am not sure if I will be able to.", I shared my thoughts. "I don't remember my past, but I know that all this is new to me. It will take time for my brain to be reprogramed and to accept these things which I so far believed exist only in fiction novels and movies."

Aldus nodded in approval. "That is an honest answer I appreciate. I don't expect you to take it all in right away, but I hope that you will open your mind to the idea that there are many different creatures moving among humans, and sometimes it's difficult to distinguish them. Also, every person has different abilities, regardless if human or something else."

I pressed my lips into a line and stared blankly at the carpet.

Aldus was considerate enough to give me company in silence.

I wanted to think about everything we talked now, and to revisit the strange details from the last ten days of my life… or should I call them: the FIRST ten days of my life. But my mind was pleasantly blank, and I enjoyed watching the dark red patterns on the brown carpet without anything else weighing on me. It was pleasant, and even Aldus's presence was soothing.

After an unknown measure of time, I took a deep breath, indicating that my spacing out is over. Since Aldus is here, I will start asking questions. There will be plenty of time for me to think about stuff when I'm by myself.

As much as Aldus and I live in the same house, he is mostly in his lab, while I am spending time roaming the villa and the garden, reading books, or relaxing in my room. Other than at mealtime and when I go to the lab for tests, we don't see each other.

This, Aldus being in my room... I don't dislike it, regardless if we are sharing silence or chatting.


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