
Am in love with my boss

Am in love with my boss is a story about a young lady named Masami, who's in search for a job in order to fend for herself and roommate, who is also her best friend. But everything seems to be going the wrong way as everything didn't go as she had planned. She got the desired job of her dreams but only to find out it was only a set up between her best friend named Kazumi, and her boss who was her school mate when they were in highschool and had a killing lust for her but can't go any further because he had promised Kazumi he would crush her down to earth. Kazumi who tried to eliminate her was dealing with health struggles as she had two worse enemies; herself, and her ex best friend Masami. She never told her ex best friend about her health struggles. When Masami found out about her best friend's plan to eliminate her, she was literally broken into pieces as she had given Kazumi her all. Then Masami takes a month holiday overseas and was returning back home when she met with the stunning CEO of the company she works in. She tried playing hard to get and proved tough, but fate took another turn and he helped her fight her battles to end. Masami was a trained Japanese fighter, but hadn't fought for a long time. But when the Judas, who was her best friend, came out, she decided to take matters into her own hands and go overseas to train without informing her parents. But when she came back, she was a badass bitch with upgraded fighting skills. Are you ready to go down the memory lane, encounter some thrills and lots more...? Come read and enjoy this story with unlimited fights, romance, work, betrayal and many more!

The_Game1212 · Urban
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63 Chs

But you're empty though...!

Masami entered her room and then looked at her bed sheets. She had already had her day planned, but this (her muddy overall), had ruined any plans that she already had.

Sighing, she went straight to her bed and pulled out the bedsheets and placed them in the laundry basket and then she went to take a shower.

She also dumped her overall in the laundry basket before heading into the shower.

Pulling off her clothes, she got her towel and then entered the shower.

Himming a little tune, she brushed and scrubbed her body and then within minutes, she was done.

Coming out of the shower, her flawless, fair skin radiated.

She had tied her hair in towel and had her pink bathrobe on.

As she walked towards her dressing table, the water from her body dropped gradually. And as it dropped, the remaining on her skin, made it look, like the reflection of water.

Her lips, although small but not too small, was very rosy. Her oval face was glass-like, and her legs, long, slender, fair and beautiful.

Her body shape was what every man was looking for in her man and someone once told her parents, that whoever married her, has married a queen. He has gotten gold that is expensive and rare.

Her parents laughed it off. She had also laughed at the statement when she heard it but when she was told that the person that had said it was pretty serious, she had gulped down her laughter.

Her laughed at it again when she remembered those times when saw herself in the mirror.

Although she was not tall, neither was she short but she was in an available shape.

As she sat down, she began dressing her face; applying all the needed makeup for the day.

When she was done, applying her makeup, she went on to her hair. She made her hair into two high long pontytails and then went on to pick an outfit.

Her wardrobe wasn't filled with much clothes as she wasn't the extravagant type like her roommate but of she wants to dress, those who know her won't believe it's her.

But, shes always thankful to God for what she has.

She opened her wardrobe and picked out a black cropped t-shirt, in which she wore a singlet. She went for blue denim jeans that were slightly above her knees, making it look like shorts.

She also added a little bit of accessories to her fashion...

She wore a choker, pink butterfly earrings to match the choker.

And when she was done, she went downstairs.

She was ready to meet her roommate so she could share her experience of the previous day with. But unfortunately for her, her friend was about leaving the house without telling her.

"Hey, Kazumi!" Masami greeted.

Not looking up from what she was doing on her phone, she muttered a little;

"Yeah, hey, good-morning..."

Not surprised, Masami asked;

"Where you going?"

"None of your business!" Came the arrogant reply.

Getting agitated but caked it, Masami ignored her and went on into the kitchen, looking for food. She was used to replied and characters like this. It's like always part of her day now, since that's how she's usually answered.

Kazumi raised her head up when she saw that Masami had entered the kitchen. She placed her phone in he coat.

Somehow, she felt guilty.

But wait, why should she feel guilty anyway, she deserves it.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she muttered;

"Why should I feel guilty anyway...?" she asked herself.

"She deserves it!" Kazumi muttered almost loudly.

Just then a phone call entered her phone.

She picked it up.

Seeing who it was, she smiled briefly.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Where are you?" Came a deep voice from the other side of the phone.

Frowning, she whined.

"Why don't you ever answer me properly?" She whined.

"I don't have your God-damn time...!" Came the voice from the other side of the phone.

Kazumi whined cutting him off completely.

"Hmmm! Poor me! I'm always left out! Why does this always happen to me...?!"

"Maybe you should check the fact that, 'You're not presentable'?" The male voice cut her off in an angry tone.

Kazumi mimicked the other voice on the phone.

"'Maybe you should check the fact that...' UGHHHH! Why do you have to say that to me right now...? I'm broke!" She blurtedly shrieked.

Something like glass fell to the floor and broke.

"Ooops...sorry!" Masami said.

Kazumi rolled her eyes.

"You're always sorry...!" She muttered under her breath.

After a while, she didn't hear any voice.

"Hello...?" she asked.

No answer.

"Hello...?" she asked again.

No answer.

"Helloooo...!" she called again, but, no answer.

Removing the phone from her ear and looking at the lighted screen, she saw that the call had gone off about a minute ago.

"What!" she screeched.

"UGHHHH!" She grunted.

As she was about calling the person back, she noticed someone was looking at her.

Not giving it that much attention, she looked up at the person briefly and then at her phone but then back to the person with a surprised expression on her face.

Masami was peeping her head from behind the kitchen door.

When Kazumi looked up and saw her, she quickly hid herself from her.

But when Kazumi looked up again,a second time, Masami jumped out to surprise her.

Kazumi on the other hand, wa startled by Masami's surprise jump that she almost had a heart attack.

"SURPRISE!" Masami exclaimed ina playful manner.

Kazumi jumped in fright as she held her chest as she shunned Masami.

"MASAMI!" Kazumi yelled.


"What is wrong with you?" Kazumi yelled.

Masami's smile, turned to a frown.

"What do you mean?" Masami asked.

"Couldn't you see that I was on a call...?" Kazumi irritatedly asked.

"Call?" Masami asked herself while looking down before recollecting and saying;

"Yes, call...!"

"Ohhhh! Call...!" Masami finally recollected.

Kazumi displayed the 'I DON'T CARE' kind of laughter before saying;

"YES call, are you that dumb?" Kazumi asked, as if the was the owner of the house.

Flabbergasted, Masami frowned and asked;

"WHAT is wrong with you today?"

Wide-eyed, Kazumi asked while pointing at herself;

"What is wrong with me, what is wrong with you...?" Before she could finish her question, Masami banged her with her own.

"Pal...lease, hold it!" Masami yelled back at Kazumi with her eyes also wide-eyed.

Kazumi was a bit frightened but she still had to maintain her composure.

"Am I the one you're talking to like that?" She asked while pointing at herself.

Shaking her head vigorously, Masami answered;

"Nuh uh..." She replied.

"I'm talking to the ghost that's behind you!" Masami yelled in reply.

Kazumi chuckled while standing fully to face Masami.

"Masami, you know I'm not that dumb, right?!" Kazumi asked in an hysterical tone.

Widening her eyes as if she had just heard a lie, Masami said;

"You know, you've been really rude lately...!" Masami asked.

Kazumi stared at her.

"You've been really distant...you don't talk to me anymore...you're becoming really... annoying!" Masami said.

Kazumi kept on looking at her.

"When it's your turn to keep the house clean or do any chores...you fuck your lazy ass on the bus!" Masami added.

Kazumi eyes widened.

'How'd she know that?' Kazumi thought.

(F*ck your lazy ass on the bus means that...you sleep around with different kind of people, guys and stuff...you have no limit whatsoever!)

Noticing the wide eyes Kazumi displayed, Masami didn't back down, she knew she was hitting it hard on her and she was going to win.

"Don't act as if you don't know what I'm talking about, you know...!" Before Masami could say anything further, Kazumi broke in.

"I didn't say I didn't know...! But, it was Kazumi's turn to be shut up.

"Then don't shut me up!" Masami cut in.

"Don't!" It was Masami's turn to turn wide eyed.

"Don't!" She repeated.

"EVER! Shut me up... AGAIN!" Masami yelled.

Kazumi got scared.

Pointing at Kazumi, Masami slowly took two steps toward her and added;

"I'm not a person you can use an then dump like your buses...I will teach you, trample on you, deal with you, decide you, kill you and bring you back to life...!"

Masami spoke with so much vigor, Kazumi could swear to anyone that she hadn't seen this side of Masami in all their years of friendship.

If they should even ask her if they were friends, she swore in her heart that she would deny their friendship.

When she said those words, Kazumi's eyes turned wide.

Noticing this, Masami commented.

"You're eyes are turning wide, I'll do just that if you don't take your time...!" Masami said.

Eyeing her up and down, Masami hissed and then went upstairs.

"Idiot! Rubbish...!" Masami uttered audible enough for Kazumi to hear.

Kazumi wanted to say something, but God tied her tongue.

"I'm not..." then her voice trailed off when she heard Masami's footsteps stop mid-way immediately she said that.

Masami indeed stopped to hear what Kazumi would say. But when she made no statement, she kept on going.

Kazumi sighed in relief and placed her left hand on her chest and then looked up again to see Masami glaring at her with an expressionless face that was cold.

If not for the fact that, she was lady that had to maintain her composure and status, she would have peed in her pants without shame.

When Masami had taken two steps up, she paused and slowly turned towards Kazumi which gave Kazumi the creeps.

Kazumi shuddered.

The fear in Kazumi made Masami curve up her lips a little. But it was only for a while.

"You're not what?" Her question was ghostly.

Kazumi was shaking all over. She had not seen this side of Masami and she hoped it'll end here

Shaking uncontrollably, Kazumi waved her hands in front of her face and answered;

"N...N...No...Nothing...I didn't say nothing, anything!"

Eyeing her up and down again, Masami turned and looked like going but turned back again.

Kazumi almost caught a heart attack.

"Besides, I do know you're not dumb..." Masami said.

Kazumi looked at her differently at Masami, ad if surprised at Masami's comment.

"Really...?" Kazumi asked.

Nodding like an innocent child, Masami answer, almost Kazumi faint. Or try to fight.

"Yes...But, you're empty though...!" Masami added before heading upstairs, leaving an over-stunned Kazumi bewildered with her mouth agape.

Feeling ashamed, Kazumi left the room.