
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

You aren't qualified to be a tamer?!

But he was only able to know the name of the room, the research hall before he heard an opening sound.


The gate opened with metallic sound that resounded throughout the empty area. 

"Let's go. " said old xi as he entered the room.

August followed him behind.

Inside the research hall.

The moment August entered the Research hall, several things came to his view.

It was empty in the centre, but both the  sidewalls had been occupied by bookshelves.

Followed by the four corners that were occupied by sword and weapons with potion and other , but it wasn't that surprising to him, after all, if the room is named as a research hall, it ought to have some research material Inside it.

He followed old xi, till the table at the end of the hall.

As the research hall was quite big in size , all the things inside were scattered here and there making it quite messy and required immediate cleaning.

But the sight before him can't even be compared to the word cleaning.

The Round table which is almost 3 meter wide in diameter was fully covered with books, potion and other equipment in an irregular manner, but the area around the table was much dirtier than a slum itself.

Ceaseos waste were all around the table making the air around quite hard to breathe in, there was also an layer of red liquid all over the ceaseos waste, August immediately recognised the liquid but couldn't help himself to talk about it, the ceaseos white turd with a red layer over it , were looking as same as  an ice-cream form the earth.

August almost vomited, the moment this thought crossed his mind.

"Now, let's talk about our deal, right?"

August heard old Xi's voice , he moved his gaze away from the eerily sight before him and said.

"Yes, we could but first I want two things from you." August said normally and he stayed his demand.

"First, let me join the martial academy without a test, or formalities and second, I am running out of cultivation resources, and haven't cultivated from the moment I arrived here, so I also needed some low tier magic ores."

 August stated.

He wasn't being too greedy and he can't demand for more than he could chew, it was true that old xi needed his help to tame the ceaseos, but what after he learned to them, August was sure if he demanded for  more than he stated, he is sure going to face old man xi warith in the near future.

And August didn't want unnecessary trouble.

Meanwhile , old Xi was quietly pondering over August's condition with his hand on his beard , he kept fiddling with them.

The first demand wasn't out of his expectation after he was also thinking of doing that, but the second one caught him off guard.

Magic ore are precious cultivation resources that are quite rare to acquire, they are filled with dense natural energy and could help the cultivator to cultivate easily and rapidly.

But that makes them rare and precious material as they are filled with natural energy they can only be obtained from the land filled with excellent amounts of natural energy.

 The city isn't very enriched with natural energy as compared to the outside area. Same goes for the magic ores.

Even old man xi, himself couldn't use magic ore as he pleased despite being the strongest cultivator in city 23, not to mention others.

But more than this he was surprised by August's calm temperament  ,   magic ores aren't something a small 15 years child could be aware of, they are precious cultivation resources that can only be acquired after risking one's life. 

But August mentioned such a precious as if it was nothing, that made Old man xi surprised as well he became interested in August's background even more.

"Where did you really come from?!"

"What is your true identity.?!"

These thoughts kept hovering inside the old man xi mind.

_Okay, I accept both of your condition, I  will order for you student tag for now, as for magic ores  you might have to wait until tomorrow, as I don't have any of them on me as of now."Old man xi lied, about the latter there was an possibility for that, if August might have request for huge tier ores, as they are quite hard to obtained.

But for low tier ones, long man xi have plenty of them in his space ring as well in other reserves.

But he decided to get some information about beast taming before doing that.

August also knew that old Xi was lying, but he didn't feel offended by that; he just nodded, as he himself doesn't want to freeload.

"Ok, then now let's talk about the other half of the deal." old man xi said, he then moved toward the table and waved his hand in the air, all the books and potions as well as the other equipment started to disappear one by one, he was using his space ring to stuff all of them.

He then once again waved his hand but unlike this time his hand contains some natural energy, almost instantly as he did that all the waste around the table started to vanish and turn to dust particles.

He needed a clean environment for the discussion, and didn't want any kind of disturbance while chatting, so he made sure to erase it.

Feeling satisfied with himself , old man xi set down on the chair and also offered one to August.

"Make yourself at home."

The chair stopped right in front of August, August moved in front and sat down on the chair.

"Now shall we start , tell me more  about tamer?" old man xi asked, though his tone was pretty normal he could hardly contain his excitement.

August on the other hand, started his reasoning nonchalantly.

"Ok, then listen carefully." He said and contained talking.

"As you might already know , that tamer are professional when it comes to taming a ceaseos, right?" August asked while looking at old man xi.

Old man xi, nodded his head in response.

"But what you don't know is the way to how they really tamed one, but I could say that your half way through it." August said , he wasn't lying about that, he confirmed it after watching baby ceaseos in the cage to his left.

"I can roughly assume that you failed to tame any ceaseos despite trying again and again." August asked.

Old man xi, nodded it was true he can't seems to find a solution to this.

August continued.

"Let me tell you this, the problem isn't with the ceaseos but the problem is within you."

"You can't become  a tamer , even if you keep trying  for a decade." August said nonchalantly , he was stating the obvious.

But the next he said so, an immeasurable pressure crushed his bones along with the round table , he fell on the ground while groaning from pain.

"What did you say , come again?!" August heard an enraged voice that made him shudder with fear.

August though " i stated the obivious , so why he being angry for!".

don't forget to vote with power stone for more.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts