
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Not a kid?!

August frowned it was possible if not, why would Ron bring him to such an desolate and lonely place by going through so much trouble of impersonating someone else.

Though he could make a run for his life himself but he wasn't very sure of that that, he doesn't know the true strength of the other party, so he doesn't want to be embarrassed, by making a joke of himself.

"How interesting." August mumbled to himself and grinned.

An desolate area and an suspicious human that was here to claim his life, August found the current situation very interesting.

He could feel an adrenaline rush inside of him, his blood was boiling .

He wasn't scared of death why would he, when he can built an new vessel after his current one became useless.

Moreover its not like he have grown too powerful in past two days and going to regret that he might lose all his powers and have to start a new again.

Though he was thinking of various ways to counters and run for his life, in all he was also confused by the actions of Ron , whom he has been suspecting as an assassin.

From the moment they arrive here, Ron has been constantly moving around here and there, but its not like he was moving aimlessly as his step were too steady and confidentiality preside to be deemed as random.

But the most surprising things is that, he can't feel any I'll intent nor to even even mention killing intention, from the other party.

It was like Ron doesn't even wanted to harm him, but August who was still confused didn't let his guard down at all.

August who was confused , asked system " hey can you gauge his true strength."

August wasn't sure about other party action but his suspicion is still there so he tried to get any information about his opponent ability.

[No, I am sorry host but I can't not for now] system replied , August kept looking at Ron and didn't said anything.

He wasn't really expecting anything for system, he is sure that the guy in front of him is off limit, but even if odd were against him he won't be going down without a fight.

The session continued for 5 minutes in this period of time August hasn't take his eyes off Ron for even a single moments, but despite all that Ron never appocjed him with killing intent and nor he was able to discern anything from Ron irregular moment.

But it was then, suddenly august heard Ron voice.

"It's done". Said Ron.

The ground beneath August feet started to tremble all of a sudden August who was still confused by all this heard an opening sound from front.


In the next moment, August became aghast as something unexpected happened before his eyes.

The wall before him whom he have considered as an dead end, started to spilt into two part, the top remained still while the bottom started to sink underground.

An array mechanism.

August mumbled to himself in surprise.

He wasn't really expecting an hidden path ahead of him and obviously not one that worked on an array mechanism.

"So that guy is actually sorting the array mechanism all this time." August thought to himself.

He then nodded his head all the things were clear now. Ron irregular movement wasn't really irregularly random, one could see a pattern if they looked closely.

But August wasn't actually paying attention to his moments , if he does he might have already figure out the reason behind Ron movement.

'And here, I was preparing for battle' August sighed, though he have already lived twice , he wasn't really able to fight one on one


He couldn't be blame for that.

"Young Master, from here on, you have to go alone, As I don't have the permission to enter.". Ron said and bid his farewell.

August kept looking at Ron's back until he couldn't see it any anymore, as Ron left August also walked toward the gate in front of him.

While moving he tried to look for the array mechanism, but failed.

August sighed, and then entered the gates.

Array, are ancient inscription language, just like algebra, but though they are ancient they can't be formed without qi, or natural energy of the world.

Without natural energy , an array is nothing more than some algebraic language.

Because of his incompetence , August wasn't able to peer into array mechanism cause array could only be seen, used by an cultivator.

After August entered the gates a pair of stairs that were going down the ground welcomed him, August walked toward the stairs to observe them.

But he failed, as he can't look too far away cause of the darkness , he gave it some thought and then started to go down the stairs.

Moments later, as August finally walked off some distance away from the last staircase he saw some light and followed the trail after passing through an tunnel an open hall became clear to him.

At first August was shocked after seeing the size of the hall that, but he soon understood the reason of behind it and even impressed by that.

It was an underground shelter, and an large one at that, just as much big as city 23, but definitely not as extravagant and bustling as the martial academy or the city.

"You are here." August heard an familiar voice behind him.

He turned around to see an old man in white clothes looking at him while smiling.

"I am, where are we going now?" August asked nonchalantly.

He cut the chase, He have already wasted most of his time and didn't wanted to waste more.

oldold man xi stopped smiling, and answered calmly.

"What the hurry, we will be there soon."

He paused and then Question August.

"Aren't you Interested in your current location?" he was looking at August with an questioning Gaze.

August may not know, but he is the second person expect for Ron and himself to visit the underground shelter.

He remembered how much shock and confused Ron was at his first visit and he was also expecting something like this from August, but Alas.

You have my condolences in advance . ( Author view).

"No, what there too be interested about it." August said normally.

The reply came as an slap to old man xi face.

The words 'what there too be interested about it' keep resounding in his head and head again.

For quite a long time.

He himself was seizing August as of now.

From outer view August want any different from any normal kid, but his rude character and tone was way too blunt for an kid.

Old man xi looked at August but wasn't able to say anything, in truth he was also expecting the same type of reaction, but definitely as blunt.

Old man xi might have shredded someone else into pieces if they have replied him in such an manner, but he was helpless against August.

"Let it be, he is only a kid."

"Don't be angry."

Old man xi took two long breathe to calm himself down before speaking again.

"Follow me." He said an turned around.

August knew that old xi was angry from his cold tone, but he didn't really care about it.

He just followed behind old xi.

They walked for some time, until they came before an large gate, August seized up the time till old xi was opening the entrance to look around.

But he was only able to know the name of the room, the research hall before he heard an opening sound.


The gate opened with metallic sound that resounded throughout the empty area.

"Let's go. " said old xi as he entered the room.

August followed him behind.

we are back, so your love vote with power stone for mass realease , and dont hesitate to mention my mistake.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts