
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

I will kill the Demon lord even if i have to sacrifice 1/3 of humanity!?

The lighting represents the heaven will, just like it did in lighting tribulation, when one tried to advance to a  higher realm only to be punished by the heavens.

But heaven has always been neutral.

It was the only thing that humans despised the most,  because heaven remained silent all the time the demon freely massacred every being without any fear.

But it was for the first in million and  million of years that heaven had intervened in a fight against demons.

While long xi was pleased by the outcome in his mind , the demon leader was being ablaze by sudden Interruption.

But no one was in a situation to express their feelings in their current paralysed condition.

The altitude became lower by the seconds until both the leaders finally landed on the ground with a boom sound.


Two huge craters formed next to each other,   in the depth of the hole lay both of the leaders of respective sides.

The onlooker became silent and the soldier halted their charge( fighting) the powerhouses of both sides became dumbfounded  to witness what just happened before their eyes.

Two of the leaders, the peak existence in the world has fallen after being struck by lighting.

All of their expressions blank while their mind is in disarray because of not being able to process anything anymore.

At this very moment for the first time in all of living beings history there wasn't an  sudden truce in an holy war.

The wind itself stopped blowing, the forever moving water became still as ice the clouds halted their motion.

All of the people abruptly came back to reality, they all shouted in unison and in horrifying tone.

"Great lord!!!!"

With the words, they approached their respective leader to help them out.

Now  none of them  was interested in fighting anymore,  the only thing they care about is just the well being of their  leader.

After an intermediate amount of time both of the race separated themselves from each other while  treating their leader anxiously.

Both of the leaders aren't that vulnerable too. that they can be stopped just by some lighting bolts, but the current situation they were facing was truly mystical and mysterious.

Abruptly both of their bodies have already recovered , but strangely they cannot command their body,  it is as if  their connection to the body has been cut off, by an mysterious power.


Both of their minds were in chaos  while their expressions were grim.

It was when a menacing and filthy sound resounded in long xi mind.

"Human, are you also in the same state as mine?"

It was the voice of the demon lord.

Long xi was surprised but he soon replied in a cold tone.

"It's the same for me, it seems like the seniors who have attacked us didn't want us to die right away."

"Hmm" the demon's menacing voice ended with that.

Long xi activated his spirit vision to check out the battlefield condition. His body was still in a paralysed state but not his spirit so it was easy for him, but he became thunderstruck to see the later.

Almost every human has fallen in the battle except for  the ones  who were standing  with and behind him but they also seem to be injured severely. Long xi can't even imagine this kind of situation but now he was really seeing it with his own eyes.

He looked at the demons  and received another shock, the demon's numbers didn't seem to decrease instead he was afraid to and also dumbfounded, that  they  have suppressed their initial quantity in numbers in the middle of fighting.

" Is that possible? Even if the demons are strong, how could we lose so miserably in such a small period!", long xi became aghast and horrified.

He looked at the remaining humans that can be counted on fingers and then he Gazed at the demon army of hundred of thousands.

His scalp became numb and his mouth  went  dry.

It was then a thought resurfaced his mind that made his body liquefied with fear.

But he didn't get the time to even think about it for the second time, As an extreme Angry heavenly voice made him and every present on the battlefield shudder with fear.

"Fucking mongrel, I  dare you to fight again, and I swear I will wipe out both of you and your subordinates from the face of the world."

The extreme angry voice roared and the thunder accompanied it, the air made it so it could reach every corner of the world.

It was like that heaven itself was addressing the people , but one thing was confusing everyone.

Which was, the heaven sound is quite rude and hoarse.

Heaven has always been an Untouchable holy place that every being dream of , but now the same heaven was cursing them in an angry voice.

What kind of situation is that?

The moment the heavenly voice resounded throughout the world, the mysterious spell on both leaders' bodies also disappeared.

The heavenly voice resounded again " Look around you what did you see!!, Is this what you are fighting for!" Asked the voice In fury.

The both leaders stood straight stepping ahead; they observed their surroundings carefully just like the voice questioned.

Heaps  of dead bodies  were piled together in the form of mountains, scattered limbs were but just the part of the crowd, the whole ground has turned red in colour.

The two leaders look at each other after  observing everything the demon lord smirk at long xi while long xi gritted his teeth, but the same question roamed in their minds as if it was an obvious answer.

What there is to say isn't normal in a war bloody ground , Mountains of dead bodies, sea of blood  aren't these the things that described the nature of the war that has been fought.

Though, They both think the same, they didn't dare to speak it out loud, how could they. The one who questions them is heaven itself so how could they answer the obvious.

Though Florius was happy with the battle outcome inside he was worried and tense , heaven or God are the eternal predator of demons and vice versa and the protection of humanity but if the voice does really belong to heaven then isn't he in severe danger now.

He had already vanquished almost all of humanity with his army prowess and now he was afraid that he might be vanquished next too.

But more than worried he was also  seamlessly confused.

Heaven and hell, two sides of the same coins while heaven is ruled by God's hell is within Demon's control.

But, never have they ever tried to intervene in an ongoing fight even if humanity is bound to lose or the demons are defeated, but today they have done it.

The demon leader panicked and his expression turned grim.

He could be said  to be a Godly figure in the world, but to fight the heaven itself he isn't capable of doing that.

Shuddering demon lord pondered about the situation.

"Why aren't  the demons from the upper world here yet, shouldn't they also provide Aid for their kind just like heaven did?"

In truth this wasn't the first  time something like this happened.but the last time it happened was way too long to even be remembered or  passed down in books and scriptures.

"Aren't those old fogies always wanting to trample over the Gods from heaven , so why why! haven't they arrived yet even when the God themselves has broken their vow." Florius complained while looking down on the Ground.

Numerous thoughts surfaced  in his mind , but no matter what he thought nothing makes sense to him.

While the demon lord was busy to find out the reason for the delay of their backup,  long xi was lost in thoughts he stood still on the ground as he watched the land ahead him with red eyes.

"Yes, what did I see around myself beside the dead bodies of my juniors and peers."

"Beside the sea of blood."

"Beside the Mountain of dead bodies."

"Beside the world ends."

Tears flowed down from long xi eyes continuously he kneeled on the ground hopelessly and lamented on the losses.

"So that is why heaven has intervened in the battle to let us realise our mistake of underestimating  our enemy that may have caused  the whole humanity extinction."

"Maybe, heaven have pitted us and finally decided to help the remaining human until they grow strong enough to free the land from the demon lord without anymore casualties."

Long xi wiped his tears from his face assuming his thoughts , he stood up and  looked at the void before him he was ready to answer.

"Senior, we have done wrong. We shouldn't have attacked the demon in the first place."

The heavenly voice resounded once again but without any sign of fury as before.

"Oh! How so, why do you think you shouldn't have attacked them." The voice was cold but not filled with rage anymore.

Long xi, became more confident now that heaven really is here to protect us so he blurted out without hesitation.

"Our enemy , the demon, is far too strong for us. The information provided to us by the envoys of humanity about the demon leader weakening the state is an act of betrayal as well as a well designed  trap set up by the demon race that now cost us the life of  almost every human present here.

Said long xi hopelessly there wasn't a bit of confidence in his voice the only emotion it consists  is sorrow and hatred toward the traitors.

There was a long pause after long xi speech  and then the heavenly voice resounded again but not as pleased as long xi Expected it to be.

" You mongrels meagre insects the only that you care about is the survival of your race  and winning a war".

"Did you even think about what kind of catastrophe the environment around you goes through when a war is initiated!"

"Do you even care about the land before destroying it!"

"Do you Care about the water before polluting it with your filthy blood!"

"Do you even care about the flora  and fauna that you Insects destroyed in the war!!"

Have any thought about the future story, comment below for any idea.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts