
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Angry August?!

The heavenly voice roared in an uncontrollable rage, the sky roared with the voice and the ground tremble  like a leaf from the words alone.

Suddenly a huge pressure equivalent to several mountains descended from heaven. The subjects below groaned in pain and agony kneeling on the ground.

The situation was much much worse for the demon army; they collapsed on the Ground the moment the pressure reached their hair.

They weren't even able to resist the pressure.

The demon's powerhouse on the other side were much better than the soldier, but that doesn't mean that they can endure the pressure easily which could be easily estimated by their pained expression.

The humans side,  faced the most casualties this time too, they have already lost all of their soldiers and the remaining one's were severely injured in the battle from before.

So when the pressure  descended on them they began to squeeze like butter between the ground and heaven. blood  started to flow more rapidly from their wounds now , if not stopped this might really be the end for humanity.

Both the sides became shell shocked by the display of  prowess of the voice alone. They sucked a mouthful of saliva while shuddering with fear.

But while the others were shocked by the display of prowess the two leaders were shocked by heaven's words and his actions.

The demon lord who was still hoping for backup was dumbfounded to see the situation before him.

Dozens of the remaining Human powerhouse lay on the ground while trying their hardest to resist the pressure.

But in demon lord eyes they look like some fishes that have been robbed of water and now they are struggling to survive.

The demon lord grinned after seeing it, pleased by the outcome.

So, this is how it is the heaven haven't responded  to human's call but it's an another type of existence that intervened in our fight.

"But who is he, or what is he, how is he so  powerful while still in the lower world how could he exert so much pressure just by his voice alone?"

The demon lord was at a loss of words, the more he thought about the origin of the voice the more confused he became.

"Ah whatever,  I can also find out about its origin later on the things that this unknown existence isn't on the human side is enough for me for now."

The demon lord grinned inside his mind, all of his worries about intervention of heaven had faded like air now, so he decided to remain silent and enjoy the show till the end.

Meanwhile , When the demon lord was busy imagining his victory over the human race, long xi, the human leader was anxiously looking at the remaining humans behind him.

He wanted to help them but his body wasn't even moving an inch from his position, the pressure was bearable but his movement seemed to be locked down by a mysterious power.

He hopelessly looked at the human's who are now looking like a red pulp on an plate ( ground) , he kept weeping  and cried while  he struggled to broke free from the shackle of mysterious power on his body but nothing happens no matter how hard he tried he doesn't seems to free himself from his current state.

In his current state he seems like an begger who is robbed his last wealth nor the Godly figure form before.

"Why, why !! are you doing this to us, aren't you here to help us survive!" Long xi roared toward the void hopeless, his voice full of sadness and hopefulness.

"To help you! tch I am here to teach you a lesson to not disregard the life of other living  beings in your path of survival."

"You didn't even shed a tear while destroying mountains, highly fertile planes and the innocent lifeforms that lived inside them, did you?"

"And now just because I  exerted a low pressure as a punishment your are blaming me for not being merciful and asking me why?"

"Good, very Good, now I am even more confident of my decision to let the demon rule over the world  instead of humanity."

Declared the heavenly voice as a final verdict .

The words Were like thunderbolts to long xi that slowly extinguished every last hope of humanity's survival.

Long xi lost all of his will to fight back now his strength also seems to be decreasing slowly but the only thing that concerns him now is to find a way out for humanity's last hope.

But even before that he must confirm the identity of the unknown existence that he regarded as the heaven's before.

His strength seems to have decreased a lot; it was only because of the spell that restricted all of his movement that he was standing till now, if not he might have already fallen on the ground.

Interesting isn't it , the thing that was first making him hopeless to even move, is now supporting him like two pairs of sticks that is to stand straight.

Long xi gathered all his strength to asked one last question before his last breath.

"Who are you--??"

A mouthful of blood came out from long xi mouth in the middle of his speech, his body that has been too restrained to move in the slightest collapsed on the ground.

Just as his eyes were about to close he saw a magnificent heavenly light in the sky which is shaped like a huge spear, he shocked and then  smiled as If he understood all of the things the loss of humanity  after looking at heavenly light in satisfaction.

Before passing out, dead.

Demon ward has been brimming with ecstasy this whole time, the moment he heard that the unknown existence would let them rule the world his eyes became two pairs of shining crystal, while all of his body muscles relaxed themselves.

But even before he could enjoy his victory he sensed an dangerous aura approaching toward him, he looked at the direction of the aura and became shell shocked to see the later.

An humongous spear with immeasurable energy  around   it kept hovering in the sky, the heavenly energy was so pure and white that when the huge spear rotated in the air it gave a feeling of a star(sun).

Suddenly, the spear halted its rotation.

It tilt diagonally  toward the ground and then it moved and descend with an lighting speed.

The demon leader who has seen all this , Became pale suddenly all of his menace aura  disappeared into thin void , he trembled like a scared cat at his position.

"How!!!, why is this still in process shouldn't it be cancelled when the practitioner who executed it gets hit by an paralysed attack!!!"

"What is happening here!!"

Demon lord cried in bewilderment and frustration, he could sense his death approaching toward  him, but that also means  that all of his effort, all of his planning till now have turned into nothingness, whatsoever.

Though the demon lord was crying in frustration, he wasn't that  much depressed than this whole unpredicted situation than the other entity, who seems to be on verge of nervous breakdown, the unknown existence of the heavenly voice.

"No!! please. How didn't that shit got cancelled even in the first place."

"Fuxh, no I have to stop that spear at any cost!"

The heavenly voice who has acted as Almighty and magnums from the moment it made his appearance  , cried in horror and frustration.

It was like the owner of the voice would most likely receive a nervous breakdown if the spear really reached the ground.

"Five element formation!!!"

The heavenly voice roared in anxiousness but a thundering sound,  immediately after the voice , everyone noticed a phenomenal change around them. The demons begin to approach the sky slowly but surely, like a metal toward a magnet.

But everything around seems normal to them,  broken trees were there as well as the bloody sea in the north not to mention the heaps and mountains of human corpses.

They looked at the ground lastly and became horrified and shell shocked.

The layer made the demons more closer to their death aka the spear, When the demon leader noticed  this change a frown appeared on his face almost instantly like everyone  he looked beneath his feet.


He rubbed his eyes to confirm if there is something  wrong with his sight, but no matter how hard he tried the scene in front of him didn't change.

He saw five thick layers beneath his feet, but the thing that most surprised him isn't the sudden emergence of the layer but the material by which the layers are made of.

Fire, water, earth wind and space respectively all the five main elements of the world are covering the ground below,  like a shield. 

If first one was thinking that the owner of the heavenly voice is on the demon side then the current situations and  actions now totally contradicted their theory.

It was when the demon leader seemed to remember something from before.

" You mongrels meagre insects the only that you care about is the survival of your race  and winning a war".


"Did you even think about what kind of catastrophe the environment around you has to go  through when a war is initiated!"


"Do you even care about the land before destroying it!"


"Do you Care about the water before polluting it with your filthy blood!"


"Do you even care about the flora  and fauna that you Incest's destroyed in the war!!"

These words were so clear to the demon lord this time, that he couldn't help but smile hopelessly .

'"So the unknown existence didn't arrive here to help anyone, instead he arrived to protect the world itself.'"

These were the last words that came out of the demon lord's mouth.

The humongous spear touched the ground  almost instantly, every life present on the surface vanished in a brilliant holy light.


Ah!, except for this one.