
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Dark past and Blomming future?!

[ T|N: Hello readers, Author here just here to clear confusion some people might have, in the chapter mc is backed when he started explaining his past two lives and from now the real journey will begin.]


August could only sigh as he thought about his past two life failures in first because of his foolishness he wasn't able to comprehend everything and in the second Life when he did  comprehended everything but failed due to understaming his enemy strength.

"Ahh!! Fuck how could humans posses such an powerful treasure on them and  if they did then why didn't they use it in the first place?!" 

August thought to himself and shivered  as he remembered the heavenly spear that easily cut down the whole planet like it was cutting butter.

"Tch! Whatever isn't not like I can do anything about that now." August said annoyed by the result.

This time he was thoroughly prepared and fully confident  to save the world destruction. He even prepared 5 element formation as a backup to subdue demons if  needed , but he forgot about humans and didn't even think that they   would be the reason for his demise this time.

August didn't waste his two lifelines, Instead he learned many things about the world that he supposed were true first and the world proved it wrong later on.

But the most important thing that he learned is that none of the creatures in the world is on the losing end, which he was supposed to be for humans before.

And get slapped hard for his foolishness,  by dying.

"That automated voice manual should be nearing the  end of the speech soon. " said August.

August wasn't in the  least interested to hear the pre-recorded voice of zezen. The only thing he cared about is the question he got to ask at the end of the speech.

August doesn't on what basis, the pre-recorded manual answered his question, it may be that the previous senior zezen, created it by stuffing it by all of  his knowledge and then when someone asked for a question it just had to answer it according to the data Given to it.

Like Google assistant back on earth.

He wasn't shocked by such a thing, instead he thought that creating an A.I. is but just an easy task for the powerhouses of this world.

"So, now that you have already listen to every instruction there shouldn't be any kind of future problems anymore." Said Zezen.

Hearing this August ward off all his thoughts and focus , cause after this he would be able to ask for a way to survive in this world for the last time as after he died this time it would be game over for him.

August was sure that there was surely a way to save himself, or to stop world destruction , if not how could the previous senior  Zezen could even ascend to upper world, right?

And now he just needs to find that path and follow it to live an easy and free life.

August didn't hate the idea of not having a body like a human instead he is quite happy with his current state, because in this state he can't feel pain nor pity nor sorrow nor love. It was like he is an emotionless being.

He could pretend if he wanted to express himself in front of someone that could communicate with him, but admits that he liked his new life very much, except for holy war, Which ultimately targets the world,  why?

August didn't know the answer to that.

As he was waiting to ask the question from the zezen pre-recorded voice something unprecedented happened.

All of a sudden a small golden light appeared inside his dark world of consciousness, the golden light then started expanding until it fully eradicated the darkness.

August was startled by sudden change in his consciousness, and was about to attack the golden light with several  mind techniques that he learned in his previous two lives.

But before he could,  he heard an elderly  voice that most likely belong to the Golden light.

"Child, don't be wary of me , I am here to help you."

"How are you?" Asked August normally, he wasn't really afraid of the Golden but he also didn't have the proper  techniques to erase its existence.

So like a gentleman  he decided to solve the matter with discussion.

"I am Zezen the previous owner of the world, though currently I am using a very advanced technique to communicate with you which can't be maintained remained for too long, so listen carefully."

Hearing it August shut his mouth not doubting the other party word in the slightest.

Zezen continued.

"As you might have figured out already, you aren't here by coincidence, and yes it is true we required your help so we used an Ancient technique with a huge price for your soul."

"But in your current state,   you are way too weak to help us, so the council has decided to provide you a little help by which you can progress  much rapidly without damaging your foundation."

"Listen carefully now this is the most important part, after our communication would be cut off an very powerful and mysterious entity  would try to bound it with you, you have to Give it the permission to do so."

"Don't worry the entity doesn't possess any harm toward you, I gave you my word for that , so you don't have to be wary of that in the slightest."

"Now the second most important thing you have to become powerful to hel--------"

The connection cut off itself suddenly with that the Golden light also started to disappear and the darkness was back again.  

"Hmm, so the connection really did cut off just like Senior said." August, who has been quietly listening finally said.

Just after that an unknown voice resounded inside his mind requesting for permission.

[Requesting user permission to integrate]


Alongside the voice an virtual window also appeared with the word yes and no, written on  it.


[Permission Granted]

[System installation has started 0%]








[System installed successfully].

[Hello, Host] said the unknown voice who address itself as system

"Hello." replied August In response.

And then asked the unknown system.

"Who are you?" An obvious and simple question.

[System isn't aware of its own identity]

"Hmm, then what Is  your  purpose?"

[System main task is to provide assistance to the host and help him Grow stronger fast.]

August remained silent after that , the question he asked was to acquire   any information or anything that he didn't know till now.

But the system just answered the things that he already knew.

After that he didn't ask anything from the system and was about to leave to explore the world once again like always.

When the system voice resounded once again in his mind.

[Can system access host memories] requested system.

August frowned on the system request then he asked in surprise.

"You can't read my memories and thoughts?"

[I can] system.

August was speechless.

"Then why are you asking about it?"

[I just wanted to let the host know about my action as per my basic instructions.]

 [which state to not perform any task without host permission.]

August was surprised to hear that but then he nodded agreeing with the system words.

August holds too much information inside his mind including that of this world and also the previous world where he used to live before his reincarnation.

So he doesn't really want anyone to see those memories which contain so much of his dark past failures and hidden secrets.

But it's  not like  he can stop the system  from  reading his memories in the first so he reluctantly agreed.

[Permission Granted]

[Accessing host memories]

[In progress 20%]




[Memory read complete]

[Searching for skills and  techniques to help host in cultivation.]

[Search complete]

[Listing down the techniques and skill retrieved from host memories.]

1.    Watcher.

2.    Owner of the world.

3.    Elemental mastery.

4.    Cold blooded nature.

5.    All-knowing

6.    locked 

7.    locked 

8.    locked 

9.    locked



[A total of 1000 techniques, 500 skills have been retrieved from host memories, but due to host weakened state most of  the techniques and skills are  unavailable and can only be unlocked later on.]





The Mc Real adventure begin now , so add it your collection to not miss any updates.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts