
Part 2

Sam introduced riya to all and riya wished them hello and sat beside sam...All except the chiefs thinking how such a beautiful girl can become a cop that too she looks a tigress and the way she dealt with criminal is awesome let's see what happens in future...

Sam told all to complete the pending paper work as there is no case...riya we didn't have your cabin ready yet as its a last minute notice we have received if that's fine you can share the cabin with me....

Riya: No need to ask I am totally fine with that and it's a pleasure for me and she gives a smile...but I only have a condition don't even try to boss me regarding food ok ..

Sam: smiles at her and assures her and riya asks him to help her in a info regarding her previous case and he agreed so both left for their cabin...

Here all were shocked like anything that sam offered to share his cabin and riya kept a condition that to sam for which he agreed ...well they know each other before?...how are they related and they seem like very close by the way they are talking and seems to know each other well

It's Lunch time all went to cafeteria then sam and riya also came there and both sat with the rest and riya started the discussion with the rest

Riya: Sorry guys that info is important so I didn't get a chance to talk to you guys much ...and soon all gelled up well and especially the two male members jay and kush they thought she was tigress and would show attitude to juniors but they came to know she is bubbly and chirpy as well..

Abhi also noticed her from the time she entered the office he is also thinking how sam and riya are related and he also noticed she was talking to all except him...he brushed that thought aside as y he is interested in her...

The lunch time all had fun even sam was very much happy and enjoying with all...

Sam: Ri you are new to this place where are you staying...

Ri: Thinking to look for a flat but seems it's gonna be difficult.. you know right Mannu and bro are also here, from past week we are staying in a Guest house..tomorrow they will leave so thinking what to do...

sam: Why don't you do one thing come and stay at my place anyways it's huge and me and 2 helpers only there.. mom comes time to time... you can live comfortably...

Ri: Wow y is Sam sir so nice to me today..

Sam: What to do.. you don't take care of yourself anyways.. so obviously I have to. if mom was here right now there would be no discussion she simply would have all your stuff arranged in house now..

Ri:Hahaha...I know her she doesn't like discussions she would definitely do that... but I don't want to live with you as I know you will keep on bugging me to eat and telling not to do that do this... oh no I can't...

sam: OK drama queen enough with your reasoning we will be shifting your stuff as soon as viren and mansi left...if again you are not finished yet with your reasonings I will have to call my mom..

Ri: Oh no please don't do that I will come happy?

Sam smiled and said good, tomorrow I will come to guest how and when they left we can shift your stuff....

Ri: I have a better idea come with me to guest house after work so you can spend some quality time with bro..what u say...

Sam: Not a bad idea we will do that ..okay rest of the guys when you are done with paperwork submit that and leave for the day..

Sam and Ri goes to Sam's cabin..Abhi to his and rest to conference room... Abhi thinking what relation they have...how riya knows Sam's mother to such extent as he is Sam's friend from long time they never spoke about this girl...

The fact is riya ignoring abhi as if he is not present there...he felt it weird what problem she has with him...

Later after sometime riya said she is going to make tea as she need it badly and asks if anyone else need it...and says she is also gonna make some coffee because sam likes coffee a lot. She asks who need coffee and who need tea...all except arjun(who came to conference room to discuss something with team)said coffee without listening to arjun she went off to the pantry...

After few minutes she returned with coffee and gave to all except arjun and went back brought a cup placed it in front of arjun and took 2 cups with her to the cabin...

Meanwhile Neha came with an envelope and gave it riya stating it is from comm office...Riya opened it and she had a small smile crept on her lips when sam asked she gave him the letter and she went out stating she need to make an important call.

She called viren and mansi and informed something listening which they were very happy and congratulated her. She thought of calling mahir and updating him but remembered that he had a meeting at this time and if she call him he will come out in middle of meeting ...

So she left a message to his P.A. stating to inform him to call her after he finishes his meeting and not to disturb him in middle and let her know if she gets scolded by mahir for not informing him earlier...P.A. laughed and said sure..

Meanwhile sam was happy reading, it's appreciation from her higher officials regarding her work on previous cases...

All were happy with news which Sam updated them and told he is proud to have her in the team when riya came back all except abhi congratulated her and asked her treat which she agreed happily and said next afternoon viren and mansi will leave if tomorrow's dinner treat is fine for them.. all agreed and as paper work also done all submitted papers to sam and left...

Sam and Ri went to comm office and submitted the papers and both went to guest house...

Viren and mansi are happy to see sam after a long time, all spent the time discussing things and riya and mansi made food. they had dinner and decided to have night out so they can spent the time effectively...

After some time riya slept in mansi lap being very much tired all smiled seeing her ...Sam said who can tell this girl suffered so much in her life but I am glad she stood for you guys...

All decided to call it a night as Sam might also be tired and as riya already slept sam lifted her in his arms not disturbing her took her to the room and placed her on bed covered her with duvet caressed her hair and went into his room and slept...

A/N: what is the relation between Sam and ri? y is she avoiding Abhi??