
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 4 Approaching Trouble

The cafeteria was bustling with all kinds of people. Students, teachers and even some faculty staff was all enjoying simple conversations with each other. Many people swarmed the cashiers trying to get their orders in. In the midst of that a couple of male students was getting rowdy with each other. It seems they was fighting for places in line and maybe for some other rare food. To put it simply, the cafeteria was lively for better or for worse...

"That line seems long and crazy....you think this is a good idea to go over there?" Ohgi brushed off his shoulders as if he waved away my comment. "Of course. Leave it to me." While he approached the bustling counters he looked back to me and pointed out towards the seating area.

"Welp, better go find a seat then." I glanced over the tables. Personally I enjoyed eating next to a well lit window, but after seeing what Ohgi did to the dude who got clapped by a vending machine, I wouldn't be surprsied if it was dangerous to be around anything that has glass in this rowdy school....and those window panes looked really thin and fragile.

Through process of elimination I crossed off all the areas to which was crowded and tried to find a location that was off in its own secluded spot. When a couple of people had walked or intentionally ran past my shoulder, probably looking to start a fight, I decided it would be good to just walk around and look, instead of standing there looking like a zoned out military cadet subconciously begging to be shot dead in his head by a sniper.

A harsh metaphor sure, but seriously don't zone out in the middle of nowhere. Who knows what might come your way?

After pointless wandering I found a four seated chair in a dark corner that was just the right distance from the windows. Honestly the corner was so dark it looked like the perfect hangout spot for a small team of emo's or the cliche rock punks. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be clean.....compared to the others. Atleast it was away from the main crowd and I have the perfect line of sight to see Ohgi wiggiling his way into the line.

"I seriously hope he doesn't walk out with a couple of bruises." I sighed, AGAIN, and took a seat at the table.

While the minutes passing and boredom somewhat yet slowly creeping in I decided to tinker around on my phone. It didn't take long looking through the social media before noticing some familiar yet disturbing news.


"More deaths huh...." Looking through some headline information my eyes glanced over several pictures of corspes, and ravaged property. They resembled that similar to the aftermath of a peaceful riot that went south too quickly. No one knows all too much about the details, not even the police themselves 'supposely', but lately there has been a rise of gunshooting and drive by incidents with a hint of vandelism of property owned by several professional companies, tossed into the mix.

Judging by the pattern of the locations, the way how the enemy implimented their tactics and carried them out successfully, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the workings of a gang affliated organization.

Though perhaps organizations, in plural, would be more accurate.

There wasn't just a singular attacking party in these cases. These irregular paced attacks seemed to be at random and hardly have any legitmately connections to the others. In other words it was nothing more but it becoming a tangled incriminal web of crime.

....okay so Gotham....

To make matters worse was the fact, yet to add on to my hypothesis, that all of the murders was well carried out in a near professional manner. Some people and company staff was obviously arrested and taken in for questioning but only for accounts of suspicion....but even still....after that no other details on the matter ever reached the light of day.

Regardless there was an important detail that I happened to noticed. A majority of these information have only made apperances in the minor news reporting companies, and other unpopular social media sites. Even then it mostly came off in a more rumor like dialouge as if its asking for its crediblity to be brought up to question.

"Its as if....the public was being hushed on a media level." I once assumed.

At any case, the time for caution was now upon this city of old. Be careful who you interact with, and watch your back at any given moment.....keep your guard up and you won't lose something too precious.....hopefully.

Seeing this information again somehow had only make me recall the same nightmare feeling from earlier.

Thankfully, this time it only lasted for a minute or two and was slighty interrupted when, for the third or fourth time today, my sixth sense flared up. More hostility shot towards my way. Tracing the direction I felt it, I looked to my left to see some interesting looking fellas starting to slowly approach the table. When my eyes met with the crowd, I immediately noticed they was intensely focused on me.

I looked back towards the crowd by the cafeteria counter. It appears Ohgi was making his way back and caught me in his sights. Since our gazes met I decided to gesture my head in the direction of the approaching men.

"Trouble?" The simple gesture we made from a long time ago told Ohgi many words and thus hurried to go meet up with me. It was around this moment that something deep down, maybe our instincts or just simple 'common sense', spoke to us loudly.

'Some trouble is approaching.'