
Altier; Afterstory | "Our Fruits of Pandora" |

A tale of how three boys from different places and backstory will bond together through trial and error to become the most powerful and influential gang over Juggernaut City. Through this bloody battle for Pandora's Box these boys will come to be brothers-in-arms who will fight and fend for each other. Zeno Ohgi James ~~~ Its something I'm throwing together with a help of a special friend. Its my first book I'm publishing and it still in the works here and there so take it easy on any harsh critcism. I'm not the best with English, but I do proofread alot so please forgive any grammer mistakes. This book has a first person perspective into the character arcs which are divided by acts. When you see the name of an act the perspective shifts into that character first person view. Please take this note of this as I was unable to find a way to naturally write this into the story. (Cough cough https://discord.gg/8HZmDGzK cough cough)

Redacted_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 3 Orion

I was very well aware that this school wasn't exactly the best of the best environment. When I did the bare minimum of background research into the school the first of the things I heard turn up was the rumors of many people bashing heads with each other and delinquents camping corners and claiming "territory". Yet despite that I wasn't expecting to get into a small tussle with anyone so early in the game.

Lost in thought still thinking about that one guy from earlier, I began rounding the nearest corner and entered an empty hall. Since I was in the presence of none I couldn't  hold off the slight sensation of pain and checked up on my crotch. Damn bastard grabbed a little too hard and it didn't feel all that comfortable.

"Next time I see that guy, I'mma pummle his ass." After a soft rub I contiune down the hallway. It wasn't long till I found an old friend in a lounge area by the cafeteria.

In the corner of my right eye, I saw Ohgi near some vending machines being caught up in some commotion. From the looks of things he was having a small little problem with the people there.

"Back off fool! My boys and I was here first!"---"Goddamn it dude! I'm just trying to get a quick drink for me and my friend!" A couple of other male students was up in his face trying to mess with him. Their back underwear was exposable, and the manner they dressed screamed the word "punk".

I raised my eyebrows considering if I should have stepped in or not. In the meantime I slowly approached them from behind assuming the possible enemies rear guard. Not even Ohgi noticed my presence.

"You just don't get it do you?" One guy stepped closer to him. "These vending machines are Orion's territory whenever we're around! You want something from the vendor, you gotta pay the toll."---"Speak to 'em! You ain't grabbing shit!"

.....was these guys..... seriously asking for students to pay them to buy themselves a mediocre treat? Their logic was so stupid it gave me a headache. Still seeing as how Ohgi was outnumbered they thought they could push him around. I lean back to the wall behind me with a small grin. I crossed my arms and the words "This will be fun to watch." escaped my lips.

The pack of the five boys got rowdy as they surrounded Ohgi. It was obvious he was trying to avoid a fight, but he kept getting pestered.

"Fine. Fine! I'mma walk on out, and we can just pretend this never happened." Ohgi realized he was backed into a corner, his arms in the air in a surrendering motion. The can of coffee really wasn't worth the trouble of throwing jabs. To add on to the spectacle his face showed quite a convincing fearful expression.

Huge emphasis on the 'convincing'. Yes if I looked closer I could see through the finer details and understand that he was no where near intimidated. Instead he seem to be faking that expression to make himself look meager just to avoid this coming to violence.

Unfortunatly to no one's surprise, it backfired. "Your not running of that easy bitch. All this talking made he thirsty. Why don't you fetch me and gang something good?" Oghi took a small breath and sighed. "I gave you one chance...to let me just leave. I really don't want to add to the tension with yall.... but it is what it is."

Tension? He got history with them?

This was where these bastards had fucked up. His orange eyed gaze lit up, figuratively radiating a deep yet fiery bioluminescent glow. A sudden sharp glare pierced right through them to the core. Whether it was out of instinct, reflex or fear they took one step back suffering a huge hit to their egotisical morale.

However one guy decided to act on impulse and clutched up a fist before making a sharp and swift punch. For an untrained amateur it was a pretty solid attack...only in theory though. In reflex Ohgi slapped away the fist and switched into a defensive kickboxing posture. It looked a bit similar to some famous boxer you would see on the wrestling side of the entertainment indrusty.

The moment his guard was raised he defended a couple dozen jabs with success. Growing furious with each attack his assilaint slowed down the flurry of hits, slightly exchanging speed for power to launch in heavier and bolder punches.

A big mistake on his part. While enduring two or three of said punches Ohgi waited for his chance to strike. The punk's posture eventially succumbed to being so sloppy, the punch was practically saying "Hey. I have no idea what I'm doing with myself, but here I am."

The moment he lowered all of his guard to charge in for a heavier punch, Ohgi struck first immediately extending his right blocking arm and switching it into a light yet sharp right jab across his cheek. The attack stumbled him off guard and staggers his movements, similar to an rpg boss who had their powerful attack being charged only to be suddenly have their guard broken leaving them stunned. Though the light punch wasn't the only gift Ohgi left with him.


With his face smacked sideways, and his center of gravity being temporarily confused his neck was absolutely exposed. Leaping at this chance like a lion after its prey his left hand went in for a HEAVY uppercut straight into his neck.

All of the ego he had earlier quickly faded out of existence as pain corroded his Adam's apple. Left speechless the pain left a terrible paralysis effect that made his whole body go numb and collapse to the floor.

The punk's friends was completely startled by Ohgi's one-two combo, but it wasn't long till the rest of them decided to jump him.

"DAMN YOU!!!" Another boy dared to strike in revenge of his friend. Ohgi sidestepped to the left and smashed his fist right into his nose. He caught another punch coming from a different guy, and just straight up bitchslapped his jaw so hard his face collided into glass of the vendor.

Thats going to leave a nasty dent in the glass.

Three of the vicious five had practically gotten one shotted by Ohgi. The last two was a bit concerned whether to act out or make a hasty retreat. One decided to contiune running the fade while the other thought it be nice to snitch to their boss.

The one who tried fleeing turned in the direction of where I was, who just lied in ambush. Perhaps he didn't see or thought of me as some backdrop character, he decided to rush past me elsewhere. It was in that moment I thrusted a hard and heavy knee slam straight into the runaway's solar plexus.

Honestly I should have jumped in on the earlier half of the fight, but then again it was better to have just watched. It would have been better to slip back and mind my own business, but considering the possibilty that this guy would eventually would run and call for reinforcements, I had no choice but to play short stop. After all, even though I know Ohgi is capable of protecting himself, I don't want this ending in war.

After a second or two watching the unsupsecting boy stumble in pain and collapse, eating floor, I returned to Ohgi who claimed another victim.

In his right hand he lifted the collar of his neck, and eventually had him a few inches of the floor. The poor guy in question had his face battered by repeated punches. Any signs of resistance in his slouched posture was null and void.

"Z? The hell you doing here bro?" Looks like I caught his attention from his side view. Before I knew it he casually dropped the guy to his knees before sidekicking his face into the glass pane of an innocent yet upstanding vending machine bystander.

A drop of blood or two may or may not have spilt from the impact.

"Getting something you owe me." I replied, referring to the can of coffee he promised me earlier. He chuckled while clapping his hands from imaginative dirt.

In the corner of my eyes something flashy had caught my attention. Looking towards the guy I took care off a special cloth pin that was orginally part of his jacket had fell aside him. Looks like it was loose enough to fall off when he took the sharp hit to the stomach.

"I guess golden bars are in fashion?" I asked to no one in particular.

I could tell Ohgi threw me a questioned glance but decided to ignore his friend's statement. Instead he sighed and looked back to the slumped idiots and face palmed himself. "They said some shit about Orion didn't they?...."

"I don't know. I just came to see what the fuss was about. Who is that?"--- "Its not a who. Its a what. Actually forget it. Just watch your back from now on bro."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ohgi didn't respond. Instead he nabbed one of their wallets for a couple of cash and approached the vendor machine.

Isn't this technically illegial? Eh....we can just pass it as divine karma.

While he pressed some buttons for awhile, I checked my surrondings. This was my first time being in an area like this. The lounge area wasn't practically big, it had the space of two apartment bedrooms. It had chairs and tables decently placed here and there but plenty of trash and dust littered the area.

Recalling the layout and architectural theme of this school I assumed that all the other lounge areas was copy and pasted like this. Though if that was the case I dared not want to think what the cafeteria looked like during school hours.

I almost got caught off guard by Ohgi when turning back to him. He had tossed me a can of coffee. "You said you don't mind if it was cold right?"---"I did say that..... but this is at room tempature!"

Ohgi walked off towards a different hall which would eventually lead to the cafeteria. "Yeah well we don't always get what we want now do we?" I sighed again.

Damn, I sure been sighing alot today.

Well before I followed off after my friend something else has caught my attention. Responding to my sixth sense again I glance back to the other halls in the direction we came from. Something off had been bugging me ever since I had left the bathroom...

"Noticed the prying eyes yet?" Ohgi asked. That question caught my attention in a heartbeat. Ohgi looked around and paid close attention to the corners of the same halls I had glossed over.

I barely caught it but I think we saw someone's face slip back into the corner. We was being watched.....or most likely followed.