
Althea Evangeline Potter

A little sister of the Boy-Who-Lived, that have a vision about her Big Brother journey to defeat Who-Should-Not-Be-Named and have an inborn skill from born. What her journey? Which House she will be sorted? What her skill? Disclaimer : This work not for profit, it just my sudden inspiration. All recognizeable characters, plot, setting, etc. are not my own, there are property of J.K.Rowling and/or Warner Bros. P/s : Do not expect much from this fic, It just a wimp of mine. I can't promise to update regularly, but I will try to update it.

StunningNight · Movies
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3 Chs


In the cupboard under the stairs, in number 4 Privet drive in Surrey, there are two child seems been sleeping in one bed together. There are a messy black hair 6-year-old child that have scar on his forehead and beside him, is a little girl who have a light auburn hair until her shoulder, she seems to have a lack of sleep because her face have a dark circle under her doe like eyes.

Suddenly the little girl's body start twitch and her face turn slightly pale, there is sweat budding from her forehead. The little girl is having a nightmare, her mouth start to call her brother that sleeping beside her but the boy beside her seems did not heard her call.

" Brother…"

In the foggy place, the little girl walk aimlessly walking through the mist while calling her brother, she walk around and all she see are mist. 

" Where am I?" ask the girl.

When she decided to stop walking, she saw a purple-pink light flash come from her left, she walk into the colour emit and see a boy talking into a snake.

" Sorry about him. He doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day, having people press their ugly faces in on you." the boy look at the snake that seems sleeping.


"!?" the boy shock when the snake move its body and looks up to him and blinks.


" Can you...hear me?" ask the boy toward the snake and the snake nod slightly.


" It's just...I've never talked to a snake before. Do you...I mean...do you talk to people often?" ask the boy again to the snake, but the snake shakes its head to tell him that this is the first time to talk to human.


Then the scene suddenly turn blur and the colour turn to another place, she walk to the colour again see another scene about the boy. She watch silently and wait until the scene turn blur and go to another place. She continuously do the same things until she saw that the boy were dead that make her exclaim shock what she see in front of her eyes.


She see a guy that did not have nose and have a bald head walk into a castle like school with his follower and announce to the students of the school that her brother were dead.

"You see? Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!" the guy addresses the defenders of Hogwarts.

The scene change when she saw a guy, whom she believe her brother's friend talk to the bald head and convince the other to fight back and made the battle restart as the fighters ran and she also see the boy beheaded a long snake,  the bald's last Horcrux with a beautiful sword.

The Great Hall became crowded with fighters. the bald stood in the centre of the battle, striking all within reach. At this point, most of the bald followers were defeated.

She also see a middle-age woman with a red hair started a duel with a crazy lady, the last of bald's follower standing, the scene change again where she could see hundreds of people lined the walls, watching her brother and the bald duels in awe.


"There are no more Horcruxes. It's just you and me now, Riddle. Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good." said Harry.

"One of us? You think it will be you, do you, the boy who has survived by accident, and because Dumbledore was pulling the strings?"

said the bald guy.

After that the scene turn blur and she move to another place and see a celebration happened. When she tought that the dream come to end, there are a golden with pink colour emit behind her and a scene were play. 

In the scene, she see two boy using some magic instrument to back in time, where they save a handsome guy that suppose to dead in the original. But, something went wrong they inadvertently created an alternate reality where the saved guy was so humiliated that he joined the bald's follower in spite. He also killed a brave guy she saw earlier during the final stages of the Battle of Hogwarts, thus preventing him from killing the snake. As a result, the bald remain protected from death, and succeeded in killing Harry, her brother.


" No…Bro..Brother…"

The scene turn blur, and she did not know when her cheeks soak with her tears. The pink-purple colour emit again and the scene change into a busy and crowded station.

There are full of people trying to get their train. Amongst the hustle and bustle, there are a family that catch people's eyes where they push a large cages and a full bag of trolleys. The father of the family seems familiar to the little girl, she keep staring at the scene and saw that the family have three child where the second son of the family have a familiar eyes colour to her, when she try to look deeper the scene change.

The boy seems nervous and the father told something to him, she tried to move closer to the duo and heard, " Dad….what if I … what if I am put in Slytherin.." ask the boy nervously to his father. The father look at his son and sit down to his eyes level and make a smile to him.

" Albus Severus, you were named after two headmasters of Hogwarts. One of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew. "

" Bro…Brotherr.." she called out to the man shocked because she see her brother still alive and one of the boy who save the handsome guy were her nephew.

The scene change where the train can be seen depart from the platform where she can see her brother and his friends smile warmly to their child.

" Hughhhh" the sound of the little girl can be hear that take a mouthful of breath.



The sound of force breathing can be heard from a little girl.

Her eyes were puffy red, her cheeks were soaked by the tear and her face seems pale because of the vision she saw. Her mind are in chaos because of what happened.

She look around of her and still knew that she still in her bedroom, she turn her eyesight toward her brother that sleep peacefully beside her and knew that her big brother still a child now. She reassure and sigh in relief after she knew that what she saw did not happened yet.

She knew what the vision mean, she saw the journey of her big brother life in the future but there is difference in the vision she saw, there are no her in the vision. She seems did not exist in the that vision, that make her perplexed.

" What in the world happen? " she ask to herself.