
Altered Mind (MHA)

If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence. In a world where that statement rings truer than ever. What would you do, if you had the power to control people? Would you try to be a hero? A villain? Perhaps you would choose neither and live your life like normal... but the temptation will be always there. Shinso Hitoshi SI in the world of My hero academia. # Mind-control # Dark MC # Brainwashing #Quirks # Powers # One for All # All for One #Multiple Quirks (On Hiatus) Disclaimer:- P.S (I do not own this cover art, it was drawn by mishroom. To the artist, please inform me if you would like me to take it down.)

Anubis_Creationz · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Entrance Exam

( 10 Months Later )

I woke up at 6:00 AM today, which was about an hour before the exam.

After getting ready I ran outside of the house, and just to my luck I bumped into a little girl.

"I am so sorry!" She said then bowed.

I patted her head, "It's ok, it isn't your fault." I said then turned away.

Unbeknownst to me there was a white cat, following me.


As I waited for orientation to begin, I couldn't help but look over my shoulder at Midoriya, who was sitting a few rows behind me.

His constant muttering was irritating me, and I could hardly focus on my nap.

After a while a Present Mic walked to the classroom. " Hello boys and girls, Are You Ready!!! " Present Mic yelled with a cheerful tone.

I just gave up by that point, and decided to listen to what he had to say.

*Cough* * Cough*

After an awkward silence, Present Mic plowed through.

A whole explanation later...

" That's all, you have 30 minutes before the exam, so use them wisely. " Present Mic said when he ended explaining.


Before I knew it, we were all sorted into separate testing areas.

I hurried myself over to my own designated battle center; as I looked around, I couldn't pick out any other 1-A members in the crowd milling about around the front gate.

 I wonder if that's a good sign; I don't even see people from 1-B here.

Suddenly, the crowd parted a bit and I saw a familiar face; his hair was black instead of red, but I could tell right away who he was. Kirishima.

Before I could think on it further, the signal to start sounded; as soon as the gates opened, I ran as fast as I could.


Over the last few months, I was able to come up with a few clever applications to my new quirk.

My entire body fluids, became sludge. 60% of the human body was essentially blood and water.

My insides mostly being sludge at this point.

I also gained an immunity to poisons, and could basically go without breathing.

Taking some inspiration from my favorite hero spiderman, I was able to mimic a few of his moves.

Like shooting out sludge tendrils from my hands, and, since I gained the ability to turn any part of my body into sludge. Sticking to walls, or at least establishing a grip was simple enough.

I also discovered my blows, and kicks had a lot more heft to them, with my insides turned into sludge.

For example, turning my blood into sludge was the easiest, followed by my organs, muscles, joints, skin and bones. Respectively.

My bones being the hardest.

Turning into a full sludge was difficult, and I could only sustain it for a few short minutes.

Even so, for those few minutes, I was immune to most physical damage.

Still, if enough of the sludge was destroyed. I wouldn't be able to fully reform.

There was also a few other limitations, revealed to me.

Like the fact, I can be blown apart by someone strong enough, but even that was pretty hard considering even Death Arms had trouble doing it.

Then there was the issue of temperature extremes.

Amorphous physiology didn't really work when you're frozen.

Turning into a side street to get out of the way of other applicants, I ran into my first target, a 2-pointer.

As it turned toward me, I briefly stopped in my tracks.

I rushed it and turned the inside of my foot and legs into sludge. I struck it square in the jaw, and nearly took its head right with my kick.

Before I could react, a 3-pointer appeared from behind, swinging a huge arm at me; it struck me in the side.

I managed to turn my ribs, and internal organs to sludge at the last second, and was able to absorb the force of the blow.

I decided to risk a little more power to test it out, and this time I actually sent it back a few feet with a kick, which also sent some of the machinery inside out its back.

I couldn't help but smile a bit. I had trained my quirk a lot, but for the first time I was seeing just how much power I had.

The rush and thrill of combat felt incredible, and before I knew it I was charging at robots left and right with zero fear.

Before, I knew it, I had already racked up roughly 30 villain points.

My martial training over the last few years, proved to be useful as I was able to quickly and efficiently take out a few dozen robots.

I decided to stop by this point, and started trying to rescue whoever I could.

It would be suspicious, if most of my points came from villain points, instead of rescue points. My quirk wasn't combat based, and far less questions would be directed my way.

After, I rescued a few participants, racking up quite a few rescue points. The ground suddenly started shaking.

Turning my gaze upward, I caught sight of the zero-pointer towering over the buildings around us.

Even with my sludge quirk, there wasn't much I could do, against this monstrosity. I decided to ignore it, and started heading back towards the gate.

But, before, I could get very far a giant chunk of building fell right in from one of the collapsing buildings, and I could immediately hear a voice calling for help.

I stopped in my tracks, and hesitated for a moment, before I I looked behind me.

Looking over at the voice, I saw Kirishima trapped under a big chunk of rubble, normally that would be enough to kill a normal person, but with his hardening quirk. He would only have a few broken bones.

As I contemplated, what to do. The zero pointer, was fast approaching, and I wondered if they'd really let him get crushed to death?

( Chapter End)


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