
Altered Mind (MHA)

If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the power of our words, we would prefer silence. In a world where that statement rings truer than ever. What would you do, if you had the power to control people? Would you try to be a hero? A villain? Perhaps you would choose neither and live your life like normal... but the temptation will be always there. Shinso Hitoshi SI in the world of My hero academia. # Mind-control # Dark MC # Brainwashing #Quirks # Powers # One for All # All for One #Multiple Quirks (On Hiatus) Disclaimer:- P.S (I do not own this cover art, it was drawn by mishroom. To the artist, please inform me if you would like me to take it down.)

Anubis_Creationz · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Class (1-A)

As I began to come back to the waking world I felt a strange sort of exhaustion; at once, I could tell I was in bed and almost certainly at the nurse's office.

This was confirmed by the wrinkled old face of Recovery Girl smiling over me.

"Ah, it seems you didn't have long to wait at all!"

Before I could ask her what she meant by that, I heard a shout from nearby—just a few feet to my right, on the other side of Recovery Girl.

Oh, it's Kirishima.

" Hey man thanks for the assist back then. I thought I was toast. " Kirishima said.

I slowly sat up, and asked, " What happened? "

" You pulled me out from under the rubble, just before the zero-pointer froze. You managed to get me out, but a piece of rubble hit you in the head. It was so manly! " He said.

" Now, now let him rest for a bit. You boys are too reckless these days, just running in headfirst into everything. " Recovery Girl chided.

" Anyway, man. Thank you! You're a real hero. " He said.

I waved him off. " It's no trouble. "

" I'll leave you to rest, and come back in a bit. Don't get up until, I'm back. " She said.

I closed my eyes to rest for a bit, but suddenly heard a small meow.

I opened my eyes, only to see a small white cat standing over my chest staring intensely into my eyes.

" Hey, Toga-chan. " I said, as I scratched behind her ear.

She closed her eyes, and started purring in satisfaction.

" Ow!!!"

The little cat suddenly bit me, and gave me a pointed look.

I sighed, " It's all part of my plan, I knew U. A wouldn't just let him die. I purposefully ran in there, and deactivated my sludge form."

She tilted her head in confusion, not understanding my reasoning.

" Simply put, I wanted them to see me in a better light. My quirk is considered Villainous, and I could end up rubbing a bunch of people the wrong way. This incident will be in my favor." I explained.

She meowed, and nodded her head in understanding, and snuggled into my arms.

Half an hour later, I was gently woken up by Recovery girl, and discharged. I went back home, and decided to relax.

I wasn't in the mood for training, so I decided to snuggle with Toga-chan in her neko form for the rest of the day.


One week later, I was heading to U.A for my first day of class. As expected I passed the exam with flying colours.

I managed to score in the top 10, with 45 rescue points, plus 30 villain points. It added up to about 75 points.

"Come on Hitoshi , you don't wanna be late for your first day!" My mom yelled.

"I'm coming mom, just give me a second! " I yelled back

After a few more moments I came downstairs dressed with my backpack.

"Alright, I'm ready to go now." I said

Unfortunately, my mother was adamant on driving me to school on my first day at U.A.

She's been pretty excited, ever since I got accepted, you should've seen her reaction when I told her, I scored in the top 10.

She has seen how hard I've been working for the past few years. And, knew how much time I spent training everyday.

We went out of the house and went to the car and drove to school.

When we arrived I saw many kids with their parents saying bye before heading into the building.

"Bye mom, see you later." I said

"Bye, Hitoshi have fun." She said as she drove off.


It seems I arrived a bit earlier than my classmates, since I only saw Momo Yaoyorozu sitting at her desk quietly, but soon I also noticed a half white-haired half red-haired colored guy with a scar on his face sitting in the back.

'That must be Todoroki.' I thought to myself.

I chose a desk in the back of the room that happened to be right next to Todoroki.

He didn't look to be in the mood for a chat. So, I decided to take a nap instead.

A warm, late-summer breeze wafted through the class, and woke me up.

Most of my new classmates had arrived by now, and I could see Lida having an argument with Bakougo.

A few famaliar faces grinned and waved my way, mainly Kirishima and Izuku, which I returned as unawkwardly as possible.

It wasn't long before Aizawa came crawling in the classroom, in that bright yellow sleeping bag of his.

He was staring balefully at Midoriya, and company from inside his sleeping bag on the floor, while everyone else was just staring at him.

The yellow sleeping bag finally stopped moving, revealing a man with black hair and dark circles under his eyes.

All was still until he brought out a juice box and took a sip. I already knew who the man was.

The Underground Hero, Eraser Head.

He suddenly spoke up and said, "If you're just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now."

Midoriya gasped in horror, staring at Mr. Aizawa over Uraraka's shoulder.

Lida, Midoriya, Uraraka, all simultaneously screamed, "What is that thing?!"

Aizawa ignoring their antics, stood up as he unzipped his sleeping bag, and started speaking, "It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not going to work."

"I'm Shota Aizawa, and I'll be your home room teacher. Pleasure to meet you." He introduced himself in a flat tone.

He reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out blue and white track suits. "Right, let's get to it. Put these on and head outside."


"What do you think that he's gonna make us do?" Kaminari wondered.

"Who knows? The guy's kinda creepy." Sato said.

As I was quietly changing. I had finished putting my pants on and was about to take off my shirt.

"Hey, Shinso..." Kirishima trailed off as he stared at my back as did the other boys who noticed how quiet it gotten.

I of course wasn't paying any attention to them as I finished taking off my uniform, revealing the many scars that I got from sparring against Toga.

I didn't want to rely too much on my sludge form, so I occasionally sparred with it turned off.

That of course got her excited to the point, it would turn from being a normal spar to an all out battle, where I try not to get killed.

The scars on my back weren't that bad but it was enough to get everyone in the changing room's attention.

Without a word I put on my blue and white track suit shirt and headed for the door.

"Ah, Shinso-kun!" Izuku called out.

"Stop chatting and change." I said as I left the room.

The boys looked at each other with nervous glances, except for Bakugo, who didn't give a damn and left the locker room.

All of the students were lined up and listened as Aizawa explained the reason as to why they were outside in the first place.

"A Quirk Assessment Test?" Ochako questioned, "But what about the Initiation Ceremony? She asked.

"If you plan on being heroes then you don't need to bother with such frivolities," Aizawa stated harshly despite his laid back demeanor, "U.A. has a reputation for the amount freedom that's given on campus...that also goes for us teacher, too."

"50-meter dash, Grip Strength, Standing Long Jump, Repeated Side Steps, Ball Throw, Upper Body exercise, and Seated toe-touch. You should know all of these from middle school. Physical tests in which you are forbidden from using your Quirks, as you already know this," he said, pulling a tablet out of nowhere, "Bakougo, since you placed first you'll do the Ball Throw first. How far could you throw it middle school?"

"67 meters." Bakougo answered.

Aizawa gave a hum of acknowledgement as he pulled out a ball and tossed it at the boy who caught it with one hand, "Try using your Quirk this time. Anything you do is fine, so long as you stay within the circle."

Without wasting anymore time he went within the circle. He used his quirk to throw the ball, all whilst screaming, "Die…!"

Katsuki launched the ball into the air with a huge explosion from his hand boosting its acceleration.

"Die?" The whole class simultaneously thought.

"Know your own limits first," Aizawa commented in his usual tone as the ball landed on the dirt field.

"That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." Aizawa said, as he showed them Katsuki's result.

"750 meters? Seriously?" Kaminari said.

"What is this? It looks fun!" Ashido said.

"We can use our Quirks as much as we want! As expected from the hero course!" Sero said.

"It looks fun, huh?" Aizawa questioned.

The class became silent at the comments. "You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time?"

A rather eerie smile spreads across Aizawa's face. "All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

"Huh?!" The whole class said.

"Last place will be expelled?" Uraraka argued, "But it's the first day of school! NO, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!"

"Natural disaster, big accidents, and selfish villains." Aizawa begins, "Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. For the next three years, U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra.

Aizawa motioned the students to come forth with a beckoning index finger. "Overcome it with all you've got."

"All right, demonstration 's over." Aizawa declared. "The real thing starts now."

The first test of the Quirk Assessments is the 50-meter dash.


We went through all the test, each of us displaying our quirks.

Brainwashing wasn't exactly useful in this kind of setting, so I had to rely on using my own physical prowess cultivated through years of training.

Things like the 50 meter dash, and tests that relied on agility weren't exactly my strong suit, since turning my insides to sludge would only slow me down.

Eventually my turn came up again, so I turned to Ochako, who was nearest to me and reached into my hair pulling out Toga, who followed me to school again.

She showed up halfway through the test, and made her self comfortable on my head.

The class was dumbfounded by the simple fact that I managed to hide a freaking cat in my hair, "Hold her, make sure you got a good grip on her. She's slippery, and she bites. " I told her as she held the adorable cat in her arms.

I walked up to the circle, and took hold of the ball.

" Any day now, Shinso. " Aizawa impatiently said.

' How should I do this?' I thought to myself.

Since, my body was amphorous in nature I had the ability to shift my weight to and from any of my limbs.

The added elasticity also helped, since it made my joints flexible, and added springnees to my


"Let's show off a bit…" I muttered as I stretched my right shoulder. Taking aim, I raised my right arm and bended my body forward as I pivoted off my left foot. I cranked my hand back, and threw the ball with as much strength as I could.

" 437 meters," Aizawa's voice said.

I was about to go back, when Aizawa's voice stopped me, "Stop. I want you to do it again."

I turned to him, and asked, " Why? I didn't hold back."

" Something strange is going on here. I read your file, and while it said you were abnormally strong, it shouldn't be to this extent. Your quirk shouldn't have an effect on your physical strength, nonetheless you displayed superhuman strength. Your grip strength test was also abnormal" He said.

I shrugged, and said, " I'm just naturally strong."

" Then, you wouldn't mind if I asked you to do it again, right?" He said.

I didn't see the point in stalling, so without saying anything more. I went and grabbed another ball.

Aizawa activated his quirk, and watched me like a hawk.

I could feel my Brainwashing quirk deactivating, as well as my AFO variant.

I repeated what I did earlier and threw the ball with all my strength, after I was done I just stared back at Aizawa.

" 431 metres," He said.

" Do you want me to do it, again?" I asked.

" No, that'll be it." He said, clearly annoyed.

As I walked away, I heard him mutter something about adding this to my file, and about a possible mutation type quirk.

( Chapter End )