
Alter Return Path

OTHER TAGS: TIME TRAVEL, YANDERE!!!! My mother was traumatized after my father killed her parents. My own family killed the girl I loved the most. I was executed on the guillotine for what I did. Until I finally found out that her death was due to the king's brother's conspiracy. I used a forbidden technique in anger and brought him to death with me. But then something I never imagined happened to me. Character image reference can be seen on my Discord server. ---- Warning: This Novel is only FICTION, don't compare it with the real world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grammar might be a bad thing in this novel but bear with it. If you are looking for Harem Yandere, sorry not All Harems here Yandere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [English is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are any wrong words] [The image above is not mine. If the owner doesn't want me to use it, you can tell me and I will change it.]

Zontal_Zev · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 12-I Want To See You

"Spread all those documents all over the mansion," Wilfred said to his troops.

"Understood, Your Grace,"

The troops spread out, carrying piles of documents and throwing them all over the room. Those were the documents that showed the wrongs that had been committed in this mansion. When Wilfred finished his task, he would spread the document with the mistakes they had made.

Because he had a habit of going straight to the scene and doing his job without telling anyone, even the king. This is so that the information he has remains in a secret state. It was only after he finished his task that he gave the document to the royal law officer. Or spread it all over the mansion and let them handle it.

For the Alfons family, there was no one they could trust. The other noble families were also afraid of the Alfons family. They were always beware of the movements the Alfons family made, even if they were children.

After the troops completed their duties and ensured that all items such as valuable treasures in the mansion had been confiscated, Wilfred and his troops boarded the carriage back home.

--PoV Rachel--

"Teo, is he gone?"

I waited in the forest, feeling lonely. Here it was very quiet, apart from the sound of animals and the wind blowing against the trees. I thought this would be the last day we met, but I didn't expect yesterday to be the last day I saw Teo.

My lips trembled. Somehow, I felt left out. Without realizing it, tears fell from my eyes. I tried to erase it, but it continued, and I burst into sobs.

"*Sob* Why am I crying? I should have known he could have left without even saying goodbye. "

But even though I said that, I felt I couldn't accept it. Leaving without saying goodbye, I felt like being betrayed. I bit my lower lip. I didn't know I would feel this pain if someone left me. It hurts so much in my heart. My throat was hard to breathe in. My tears couldn't stop even though I tried to stop them.

"Why? Just because Teo didn't say goodbye, why does it hurt so badly? "

I curled up under a tree and wept there. This tree has given me many memories with Teo. Laughing, joking, having fun, getting angry, all the memories of three years flashed back to me.

"No, this pain is not because he didn't say goodbye. I just don't want Teo to leave. I know we won't have the chance to see each other again."

My vision darkened. I took out a handkerchief that had a blood spot on it. This is the only item I have with memories of Teo. Even when I smell this delicious smell of blood, it doesn't make me happy, it makes me miss Teo even more.

"Teo, I really want to see you,"

I cried and squeezed the handkerchief. Cuddled under a tree, I realized I really needed Teo. The pain in my heart right now makes me understand my own feelings and how important Teo is in my life.


"Miss, are you all right? Your eyes are red," Nia said, worried about seeing the condition of her young lady.

When the young lady returned, she didn't say a word other than to tell them to return to the mansion because she wasn't feeling well. But when she saw her young lady's red eyes and the tear marks there, she knew that her young lady had just cried.


I didn't answer and just stared out the window. Nia is getting worried because there is no answer. She also sees her young lady in a daze. Nia bit her lower lip and opened her mouth.

"Is it because of that shabby brat?"

"Nia!! Don't call him a shabby brat!!" My eyes are sharp and angry.

Nia is surprised when her young lady gets angry with her, usually when she is not happy. She would only scold her a little. But right now the eyes her lady showed were filled with hostility. Her body shaking, she lowered her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry, young lady, I won't say it again,"

"It's good that you understand,"

I looked back out the window. I don't know now. I want to go back soon and meet Mother. Mother is the only one who understands me. I can't help this pain in my chest.


Upon arriving at the mansion, I immediately went to my mother's room.

"Mother, can I come in?" I knocked on my mother's door.

"Rachel? What do you need here? "

When Mom opened the door to her room, a beautiful woman wearing an indoor dress smiled at me. Mother has pink hair in a bun and golden eyes. When mother appeared in front of me, I immediately hugged her tightly.

Sofia was surprised when her daughter suddenly hugged her. Usually, her daughter always behaved like an adult. Seeing her daughter's attitude was different than usual, she took her inside and closed the door to her room.

Mom took me to sit on the bed. I didn't say anything to her but wrapped her head in her chest.

"Rachel, tell me what happened. Did your father scold you again? "

Mother caresses my head gently. I felt the dam in my eyes could not be held back in front of my mother.

"Mother, I want to stay like this. *Sob* Let me hug you, "I hugged her tighter.

Sofia noticed her daughter didn't lift her head to look at her face. She smiled bitterly, hugging her daughter and stroking her head.

"If you want to cry, cry all you want, Rachel. I won't ask why you're crying," Mom said softly.

"Mother, Ughh… Mother, I love you, Huuu…"

I cried softly in my mother's arms. Mother stroked my back gently and soothed me with her affection. The more I felt her embrace, the more I wanted to expel the pain in my heart with tears.


--PoV Teo--

I swung the practice sword up and down at the training ground under the scorching sun. There are a lot of my father's knights doing their daily training here. They seem to feel awkward seeing me, training here. Ever since I woke up in the morning, I have felt an uncomfortable feeling and vented it with practice. I have heard the situation in this mansion in its entirety from the maids.

Only the duke now lives in this mansion, while my first brother is in the academy and my second brother is carrying out the task assigned to him by the duke. It was to oversee the kingdom's border areas.

I don't really remember what happened after my mother and I were brought to this mansion earlier. Because my mother hated me so much, my world became very dark and the memories I had were limited to the extermination task the duke gave me.

The younger generation of the Alfons family itself will not go to the academy when they turn 11 years old like other nobles. They will be trained directly by the head of the family by being given various difficult missions. When they turn 16, then they will enter the academy together with other nobles, this is similar to commoners.

For the Alfons family, there was no point in having their family members study at the academy at such a young age. They had better forge the abilities of their family's younger generation by doing difficult tasks. Like my second brother, who was assigned to the border region of the kingdom, this area is an area where wars can often occur at any time.

While I was focusing on practice, I saw Mom sneaking in here. When she saw me, she smiled and walked over to me. I stopped swinging my sword and headed toward her.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I don't know what to do here. When I heard you went to practice this morning, I wanted to go see you. So I went to the kitchen and prepared lunch for you. "

Mom said while showing me the food basket. Inside the basket were sandwiches and fruit. She took me by the hand and led me to sit on the long chair there.

"Mom, are you okay while you're here?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. The maids here are friendly to me. They didn't even let me into the kitchen to prepare food for you, they wanted me to rest and let them prepare everything. But as you know, mom feels uncomfortable if mom doesn't do something. Even though I used to be a noblewoman, since I became independent and took care of you, I don't feel comfortable just relaxing, "Mom smiled wryly.

'Of course, they don't dare let mom work if the Duke finds out. He might be angry, 'I said in my heart.

"Mom, I also want you to rest. You've taken care of me for a long time. If possible, I don't want to see you working so hard again, "I suggested.

"I understand my son. You don't need to worry. Mom will have enough rest. But let mom take care of you once in a while, okay? "

"OK, if that's what mom wants," I said with a smile.


[A/N: Author

I want to ask, is this too dramatic? Actually, the reason Rachel became sad was that she was already feeling very comfortable with Teo.

And she knew she was a noble. It was almost impossible for her to meet Teo again because all she knew Teo was a commoner.

That's what made her think yesterday was the last day she saw Teo, and she realized how important Teo was to her. Plus, Teo didn't say goodbye one last time, which made her sad.

Well, I just wonder if this is too dramatic so that it makes the story weird >.<

By the way, thank you for the 100 collections. Your support really helped me a lot. ]

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