
Alter Return Path

OTHER TAGS: TIME TRAVEL, YANDERE!!!! My mother was traumatized after my father killed her parents. My own family killed the girl I loved the most. I was executed on the guillotine for what I did. Until I finally found out that her death was due to the king's brother's conspiracy. I used a forbidden technique in anger and brought him to death with me. But then something I never imagined happened to me. Character image reference can be seen on my Discord server. ---- Warning: This Novel is only FICTION, don't compare it with the real world. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grammar might be a bad thing in this novel but bear with it. If you are looking for Harem Yandere, sorry not All Harems here Yandere. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [English is not my first language, so please forgive me if there are any wrong words] [The image above is not mine. If the owner doesn't want me to use it, you can tell me and I will change it.]

Zontal_Zev · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 11-Red Thread

[A/N: Author

There is a sadistic depiction here, please be careful when reading it, if you don't like it.]


In a dark stone room, a little girl is locked in a cage. The girl had platinum blonde hair that reached down to her waist and looked disheveled. Her eyes are a combination of turquoise and living coral. She was only wearing dirty clothes that didn't look like clothes, and several places on her body were covered in bandages. Around her was another cage filled with people. Everyone's hands were there shackled with chains.


The little girl laughed strangely, even though she was locked in the cage. Her cheeks also looked flushed, as if she was waiting for something. The people in the other cages looked at the girl with pitying eyes.

"That little girl just arrived here. Even though she's still very young, she's already crazy. " The old man, who was in another cage, shook his head.

"It can't be helped. She was kidnapped and forced into slavery. It's obvious she's mentally damaged. " A shabby woman in a cage next to him said.

Others who heard it nodded in understanding. Suddenly, there was a creaking sound, and the iron door opened. All the eyes of the slaves there turned to that sound, except for the little girl.

Two middle-aged men in luxurious suits entered the room. One of the men looked fat, stroking his own palm. The other was a man with a rough face, looking around the room curiously.

"Master, please choose me,"

"No, better choose me, Master. I will do anything. Choose me."

"I'm better than all of them. Master, please choose me. "


The slave in the cage screamed, begging to be chosen. That room became noisy, they were trying to get the man's attention. They didn't even care what happened next as long as they could get out of this place.

"Hehe, sir. All the slaves here were people from the slums, and some were from other races. Nobody cares about them if you enslave them. You don't have to worry because we'll keep this a good secret. " The fat man said, stroking his own palm.

The man with a rough face nodded and smiled slyly. He saw that all the slaves here wanted him to choose them, but there was one little girl who didn't even look at him. She just looked down and laughed strangely.

"That slave, where did she come from?" The rough-faced man pointed to a cage.

"That little girl, we just got her yesterday from the slums. She has no origin at all if you want to enslave her. It won't be a big problem."

"Hhmn, bring her to me. I want to see, "

"Yes sir,"

The fat man smiled happily. He opened the little girl's cage and pulled her out. The man with the rough face took a closer look at the girl. He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at his face. The girl suddenly became silent, and the gaze she gave him was piercing. The rough-faced man felt uncomfortable with that girl's gaze and let go of her.

"She looks quite beautiful for her age. I will choose her."

"Hahaha, you have good judgment, sir. This girl will definitely be very beautiful when she grows up," The fat man had a perverted smile.

The two of them then left the room with that little girl. But they didn't know that they had just brought a dangerous creature out.



The fat man who previously had a happy face was now filled with fear as he experienced terror in front of him. The rough-faced man who was there had his body dismembered. The corpses of guards were scattered in the room.

There he saw that little girl holding her face with a melting look. The bandage on her arm came off, there was a streaked wound and red threads were hanging around her arm.

"Aaah, that's amazing. These blood, I want to see more of them." The little girl's face blushed.

"You, crazy girl!! Let go of me right now, or else you'll regret it!!" The fat man threatened with fright.

Suddenly, that girl put on a sullen expression. She looked at the fat man condescendingly.

"I've heard those words a thousand times. Can't you say anything other than that? You're making my mood worse." The little girl moved her index finger.



Suddenly, the fat man's leg was forced to twist and was severed. He screamed hysterically, feeling the pain as his leg was severed. His tears and snot came out. His body became limp and motionless.

"That's right!! That's the reaction I wanted, scream with fear. You should be able to endure this. After all, you torture slaves a lot, right? "

The girl's face was so close to the fat man's, and her eyes shone with happiness. Her smile was so wide with blood stains on her face. The fat man was so frightened that he felt the blood on his body disappear and be replaced by an endless chill.


Suddenly, a red thread gathered in that girl's hand and formed a human heart. The heart made of red thread beats like a real heart.

*Thump, Thump, Thump*

"You see this? This red thread is made of the blood in your body and projects the real heart in your body. If I gripped it firmly, your heart's "BAM" would explode too," The little girl smiled sinisterly.

"N-no, don't do that." The fat man's face paled.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you."

The girl grasped the projection of the heart while touching her ear as if she couldn't hear clearly. The man opened his eyes wide, feeling a pain in his heart, like in a grip.

"Ughr!! P-please—"

"Hmmn, your voice is too small. Do you want me to grip it harder? " The little girl smiled and gripped on tighter.

The fat man's mouth was foaming, his eyes were up, and his body was in violent convulsions. Suddenly, the projection of the heart in the girl's hand exploded, and the fat man's chest also exploded, making a hole there.

"Tch, he gave up so quickly. *Sigh* this is so boring, even though I wish I could have played here longer. " The girl said sullenly.

She looked around the room filled with the smell of blood and human corpses. Her face was flushed. Although she was disappointed, this scene in front of her made her mood improve. The red threads that were around her slowly returned to her body through the wounds. Then she covered the wound with a bandage while humming. After she covered her wound, she walked and jumped cheerfully towards somewhere.

"Na~na~na~~ Who will I target next? I'm curious and looking forward to it. "

The little girl was seen to be having fun. She reached the basement and stopped in front of an iron door. But suddenly, she opened her eyes in surprise. She glanced back curiously.

"Someone just crossed my red thread. I'm pretty sure I've killed everyone in this mansion before. " The girl tilted her head in confusion.

"Wait, this might be my chance to find a new target." The girl grinned widely, and her eyes formed a crescent moon.


"What's going on here?" A Knight said in confusion.

Wilfred frowned when he saw the entire room filled with corpses. Some have separate bodies. Blood and organs splattered everywhere. He felt displeased with the current situation.

"Damn it, it's happening again. Why is it that every time I'm going to eradicate the mastermind behind illegal slavery, it all ends up like this? Is someone trying to play hero here? "

Wilfred gritted his teeth in anger, the atmosphere suddenly turned cold. All the knights squad he brought with him were terrified. When Wilfred was angry, that was when he became very scary. They still remember the time when Wilfred went mad and destroyed a village by turning it into a sea of ​​fire.

"All of you, quickly search the entire room and find all the slaves are detained here." Wilfred turned to them with a murderous look.


The knight all ran in fear. They were afraid that if they were anywhere near the duke at this time, they would become the target of his angry venting.


When the morning came, the slaves were gathered. All the slaves looked relieved to have been saved, but when they were asked what was going on here, none of them knew. Wilfred was suddenly attracted to a platinum blonde-haired little girl who didn't speak a word.

'I think I've met that girl before, but when?'

Wilfred took a closer look at the little girl. The little girl just stared back at him. She looks about the same age as his son Teo, whom he just found back. He became interested and thought of an idea.

"Little girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Lilia," The girl replied expressionlessly.

"So that's your name. Alright, from now on, you will come with me and be a slave to my son, "Wilfred snorted and turned around.

Lilia opened her eyes and thought about something in her head. A strange smile appeared before she followed Wilfred from behind.

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