
Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Alex, a young man with ambition but unfortunate life. He grew up as an orphan and from a very young age, learned to stand on his own feet. Barely making a living by searching through the dumpsite for things that could be sold. One day, when he came back home from the dumpsite, Alex decided to rest on the new sofa that he got from the dumpsite just the other day. But unexpectedly something magical happened to him. A stone inlaid on the sofa suddenly brought him to an alternate dimension! And there, Alex rise started, controlling the luck of the world. Everything runs through his favor. Whenever a problem comes up, it gets solve unknowingly. When he lacks money, gold suddenly fell down from the sky. Opening a treasure chest will always give great rewards. Lottery is nonsense, he will win no matter what. When a strong monster is about to kill him, it will trip on a rock and have its head explode, dying by itself. That's how against the sky he is! From then on, Alex became known as 'Fortune', the one who controls luck!

YouthGod · Fantasy
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224 Chs

Status and Deal

Alex looked at Glen and showed a slight smile.

"However, even if I can't tell you about my class yet, I can still talk about some other stuff that's related to it."

Glen's eyes lit up expectantly.

Just to confirm, Glen asked,


To which Alex just nodded.

Alex pondered for a second about what he can talk about with Glen.

After a while, he looked at Glen and said, "To start, my class is actually an Epic-rank."


Glen's eyes widened when he heard the first thing that came out of Alex's mouth.

In the Alter Dimension, each class also has their own respective ranks.

Common jobs such as warrior, archer, magicians, assassin, etc. are all just of Normal-rank.

While Knight, Ranger, Beast Tamer, Sorcerer, etc. are skills that have already stepped into the Rare-rank.

Beside those two ranks, there's still Epic-rank, which is the same as Alex's Dungeon Master class' rank.