
Alter Dimension: Lucky Dungeon Master

Alex, a young man with ambition but unfortunate life. He grew up as an orphan and from a very young age, learned to stand on his own feet. Barely making a living by searching through the dumpsite for things that could be sold. One day, when he came back home from the dumpsite, Alex decided to rest on the new sofa that he got from the dumpsite just the other day. But unexpectedly something magical happened to him. A stone inlaid on the sofa suddenly brought him to an alternate dimension! And there, Alex rise started, controlling the luck of the world. Everything runs through his favor. Whenever a problem comes up, it gets solve unknowingly. When he lacks money, gold suddenly fell down from the sky. Opening a treasure chest will always give great rewards. Lottery is nonsense, he will win no matter what. When a strong monster is about to kill him, it will trip on a rock and have its head explode, dying by itself. That's how against the sky he is! From then on, Alex became known as 'Fortune', the one who controls luck!

YouthGod · Fantasy
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216 Chs

Employees Acquired!

Looking at the man smoking in front of him, Alex frowned and said, "Get rid of that. I don't allow smoking here."

Then he turned around and walked back inside, leaving the door open.

The group of thugs outside looked at each other before turning their eyes at the man leading them.


Don stared at Alex's back for a while with a thoughtful look before pinching the tip of his tobacco, stopping the fire.

Then he entered the building followed by a bunch of thugs.

Once they are all inside, Alex faced Don with his arms crossed in front of him and said, "So, what's the reason you people are barging here in my place again?"

Don stepped forward and said, "Just like I said, I am here to ask whether it's you who killed my men."

With an indifferent face, Alex said, "So what if I did?"

"Wasn't it you who sent them here to their death?"

Hearing that, Don paused for a moment and said, "That means you admitted to your crimes, right?"

"Then there's nothing more for me to say."