
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · Fantasy
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61 Chs

11: Snowflakes

Stephen saw a familiar figure leaning against a black motorcycle and was gathering a lot of attention from both the students and faculty alike as they saw him fiddling with his phone.

Stephen's phone suddenly rang in his pocket and he chuckled knowing who just texted him.

Pulling out his phone, he saw the all so familiar name, at which he grinned. He glanced back at the man in the black leather jacket who was looking ravishingly handsome with his black sunglasses complementing his slick and messy red hair as he grins while fiddling with his phone.

Stephen's lips curls into a smirk at the text.

I'm sorry I didn't picked you anything for Valentine's Day but if you want something sweet, you got the second best thing.


Stephen chuckled on how cheesy Lance' message was. Not to mention when it was coupled up with a hearts emojis and an adorable puppy dog-eyed gif.

He paused and texted back.

Oh, I was expecting something but I don't mind having another take on that sweet ass of yours again to make it up to me.

Stephen clicked send and looked over at the sexy man still oblivious with his stares.

Lance immediately flipped his phone as it rang and almost choked as the message was read. Stephen grins as Lance swallowed hard as a clear tint of red graced his cheeks.

The Alpha quickly took hold of his composure and started texting with a smirk.

Stephen looked at his phone and like clockwork his phone displayed a message from his mate.

Well you have to make up for it wouldn't you?

Lance's sexy grin made the blonde man smirk as he walked casually towards the unwary young Alpha. He reaches out his right hand and cups Lance's shoulder making the young man casually looing up at him and a confident grin.

Lance' eyes soften upon seeing Stephen leaning back over his bike in all his slick vest over his rolled up sleeve shirt. He smiled genuinely when the young man before him removed his thick glasses revealing his forest green eyes that h e find very attractive on his mate.

"What?" Stephen asked, feeling conscious as he instinctively reach out with his right hand to touch his face. "Do I have something on my face?"

Lance chuckled at the flustered state of the young Alpha before him. He reaches out and cupped Stephen's hand, stopping him from touching his face, intertwining their fingers together with a smirk.

"No... You're perfect." Lance winked making Stephen blush. "How's school?" He brought the young man's hand over to him and planted a chase kiss over the the back of Stephen's hand.

Stephen was taken aback as he pulled his hand back and started adjusting himself making Lance smile.

"I-it's fine." Stephen stuttered for a bit until he finally composes himself. "Dumbass! What if somebody sees us." Stephen scolds in a low voice as he glares daggers at the triumphant young Alpha.

"Well, I'll beat them to a pulp if they try to insult you." Lance confidently replied as he flexed his arms making Stephen roll his eyes.

"And what if your Dad learns that..." Stephen pulls away shortly as two girls glanced at their direction throwing flirtatious smiles. Lance smirked sexily at the two which earned a giggle as they walked pass. "... we're mates." Stephen emphasized the last words with intent.

Lance leaned closer as Stephen felt his mate's seductive intent.

"He won't." He states a matter of factly. "You study off state and we meet outside pack grounds that it's highly unlikely he will find about us." Lance confidently state. "We have this in the bag."

"I wish I could share your confidence in that." Stephen grimaced.

Lace rolls his eyes and hooked Stephen with his right arm, dragging him closer.

"Hey, Steph." Lance spoke sternly as the young Alpha looked at Lance intently at his serious tone. "Do you believe in us?"

"I don't know what that -"

"Do you believe in us?" Lance cuts him off.

Stephen paused as he stared into the young Alpha's red eyes. It was filled with undying conviction and a blazing fire of his love.

Stephen sighed, defeated.

"Fine." He groans.

Lance smirked triumphantly. Eyeing Stephen expectantly.

"Alright. I believe in us." Stephen replied making Lance jump over him and planting a wet kiss over his lips.

Stephen panicked and planted a swift knee over Lance' abdomen.

"Shit! Sorry Lance. I didn't mean.." Stephen crouched down at Lance who was clutching his stomach with a groan. "Are you alright?"

"Fuck, I forgot how strong you are." Lance chuckled through his pained expression. "Damn! That was a punch!"

Stephen looked at Lance apologetically as he helped him up.

"You better make up for this." Lance states as he leans on the bike while clutching his abdomen trying to tease Stephen on feeling sorry for him.

Stephen sighed knowingly what the young Alpha would demand as compensation.

"Very well... What is your demand?" Stephen groans playfully.

Lance just grins and stood up and picked up a spare helmet from the front of the bike and tossed it towards Stephen. Causing the young man to fumble when catching before clasping the helmet with his two hands.

"Come on." Lance beckoned as he straddles over the bike, turning to look at Stephen with his helmet in his hands, beaming with his signature cocky smile. "We got somewhere to go."

Stephen raised a brow.

"We're not going to our place?" He asked as Lance placed his helmet on and started the engine with a roar.

Lance turned to look at Stephen and pats the seat at the back. Stephen scowls and crosses his arms as he glares at Lance.

"I've planned something special for you, mate." Lance smiles as his eyes twinkle with mischief. "Come on." He jerks his head sideways with a smirk.

Stephen just rolls his eyes as he clasps the helmet between his hands. A myriad of thoughts flooded his mind but mostly was on Isaac, Lance' father.

Lance was already a fierce wolf but his father was a different story. Vicious was something tame to use to describe him that Stephen wasn't even brave enough to meet him in person and be introduced as Lance' mate.

Lance turns and noticed Stephen in deep thought that he reaches out and held Stephen's hand.

Feeling the warmth of his mate's touch and the familiar tingles of electricity through his skin manage to snap Stephen out of his thoughts. He looked at Lance and sighed before placing his helmet over his head.

"You ok, mate?" Lance asked worriedly.

Stephen smiled and clasped Lance' shoulder as he mounts the bike from behind. Placing his hands over Lance' hips and rests his head over his shoulder.

"I'm fine, mate. Just overthinking things." Stephen chuckles. "Just forget it, please."

Lance pursed his lips and turns to look forward over the street. With a roar of the engine they drove off making Stephen wrap his arms around Lance' chest at the sudden acceleration. Lance quietly smiled at the reaction of his mate's as Stephen quickly pulled out as he noticed on what he had done.

"Jerk." Stephen growled.

Lance just grins as he swiftly navigate through the traffic of vehicles with the clear destination in his mind.

It wasn't long enough that Lance stopped at a gas station and Stephen raised a brow.

"Don't tell me that special place you're taking me is the gas station?" Stephen asked as he unmounts the vehicle.

Lance grins as he removes his helmet and approaches the self service gas pump as he starts to fill up his bike.

"Calm down, babe. We're just stopping by for gas and we're off." Lance smiles with a wink. Stephen shakes his head as Lance returns the pump after refilling. "And any ways, I deserve the short break from you."

Stephen gave him the stink eye as he crosses his arms.


Lance laughed upon seeing Stephen's reaction and approached the man pouting that he found cute. He leans over making Stephen glare at him.

"Your scent. Your touch. It wants me to devour you." Lance smirks making Stephen blush. "You don't want me to crash the bike while we're in it because of that."

"Jerk." Stephen growls as he shoves Lance away.

"Love you, mate."

The tanned man grins as he moves towards the counter and swiped his card over the machine. Stephen turns around still blushing hard.

"Oh, isn't that you Fang?!" Someone yells catching Lance' attention.

The man approaches both of them with a couple of men behind him.

Lance grins and approaches the man.

"Fröyl! Dude, its been awhile." Lance greeted as they hugged and gave each other a fist bump. "What are you doing here man?"

"Just getting gas." Fröyl replied. "I should ask you the same... Cruising for some human pussy? Already done with your town?"

Lance chuckled and waved his hand.

"Nah, dude. Just cruising to a new place with Stephen here." He points at his mate nonchalantly.

Fröyl raised a brow as he looks at Stephen.

"I see an Alpha." Fröyl grins as he offers a handshake at Stephen which the blond man took and gave a quick grip. "Never seen you around. Are you from off town?"

Stephen chuckled nervously.

"You can say that..." Stephen replied. "Nice to meet you."

"Same." Fröyl replied as he looks over at Lance. "Since we just bumped into you, why don't you come with us to this new human club we just found out and grab some drinks?"

Lance shook his head.

"Thanks man but we have plans already. Maybe next time."

Fröyl leans over and hooks his arm around Lance.

"Oh, come on. We haven't seen each other for awhile. You can invite your friend over there if you want." Fröyl suggested pointing at Stephen.

Lance chuckled lightly as he removes Fröyl's arm around him and pats his shoulder as he casually approaches Stephen looked at him mischievously with a glint of love in his eyes.

Stephen looked down and clasped his helmet. Feeling his heart beat faster that he took a deep breath to calm himself from his mate's excessive flirting.

"Thanks for the offer dude but Stephen and I are going somewhere special." Lance explains as he stole a wink at Stephen. "Maybe next time but no promises."

"Come on..." Fröyl dawled as he looked over his companions. "That's not cool man. Tell him that guys."

"Yeah, Fang. What is this place you're so giddy about that you want to ditch a good time with us?" The man on Fröyl's left said. "Like we haven't been together doing this like old times behind our fathers back."

"And you could bring your friend here with us..." The other one spoke as he gesture at Stephen. "... We can get to know him as long he can keep up with us."

Lance chuckled as Stephen looked at them with concern knowing how rambunctious most young Alphas are. Well, Lance is handful enough on his own.

"Well, I don't know guys." Lance wave his hand dismissing the idea. "Stephen here does not hold his liquor quite well."

"Oh, a lightweight." Fröyl mused. "Come one man. Help me convince this guy. We can have a good time and we might get to know you more."

"Thanks but I have to decline." Stephen replied waving his hands over his chest. "Like Lance said maybe next time."

"Why are afraid of?" Fröyl said as he clasped Stephen shoulder. "We don't bite."

Lance grabbed his wrist and forcefully yanked it off Stephen's shoulder with a sinister smile.

"He said no, Fröyl." Lance calmly spoke but his tone sent chills behind Fröyl's spine.

"Ye-eah..." Fröyl stumbled on his words as Lance released his hold.

The tanned man approached Stephen closely and and handed the blonde man his helmet.

"We should be going." Lance spoke to Stephen as he placed his own helmet over his head.

"That was unnecessary, Lance." Stephen spoke telepathically with disdain in his tone. "I can handle it myelf."

"Well, I don't doubt it but I don't like anyone touching what's mine like that." Lance replied back with scorn. "And I know how these people treat new Alphas they meet."

Stephen just placed his helmet and mounts the bike behind Stephen. The bike roared and Lance drove off at a break neck pace leaving the three people flabbergasted.

"What was that?!" One of the man with Fröyl asked.

Fröyl looked at the two disappear from the distance and down at his wrist which was bruised from Lance' grip.

His canines barring at the sight and clenched his fist before turning into a sinister grin as a thought flooded his mind.

"Motherfucker." He exclaimed as he looked up at the direction Lance drove off.